Frostii ep 03
"Guitah is cheating on me!"
I quite literally loled, people around me thought i was an insane weirdo. Damn Yui and her adorable ways
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Frostii ep 03
"Guitah is cheating on me!"
I quite literally loled, people around me thought i was an insane weirdo. Damn Yui and her adorable ways
Coalguys - S2 Episode 04
Mugi!!! (was awesome).
More or less, everybody got their bit in the spotlight this time round. Mugi starred in the first half, Mio in the second, while Yui/Ritsu combo was present throughout. I liked how Mio's "gags" were more tame this time, and much of the enjoyment was derived from seeing her finally loosen up and enjoyed the trip compared to how bogged down she was to begin with.
The beginning visuals of the OP really make a difference huh?Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta
I second this statement. Mugi carefully planning how she'd start a pillow fight was very delightful. Mio too, finally moved out of the background and settled into her role as chaperon to the others (mostly Yui and Ritsu).
But overall I felt that Ritsu and Yui were slightly above the other two. Ritsu trying to speak Kansai-ben and so excited when she declares that woman "understood her!" as if it was a completely foreign language. Her struggling and forcing it most of the time was a huge highlight. Yui was off the wall as usual, passing out from sugar rushes and pretending to act all refined while drinking tea (so as not to lose to Mugi's refinement).
Even though it was just a little thing, I really liked Sawa getting all frustrated that her gentle and beautiful teacher image got shattered by the Keionbu girls constantly calling her Sawa-chan. Now all the girls in the class call her that too.
Yui and Ritsu's rampage through Kyoto while Mio and Sawa-chan fruitlessly tried to hold them in check was the overall highlight for me.
Ritsu = Yui >= Mio = Mugi > Sawa
(Azusa exempt)
the Ui/Yui confusion at the very start of the ep was mean. At least to a non hardcore otaku that would have remarked instantly that it would not be possible for Yui to prepare her things for the school trip.
I had some good laughs, loved how Mugi started the pillow fight, Sawa-chan was a bonus, loved how Mio finally is more and more into it.
I missed Azunyan, but I admitt that the alchemy of the group was a lot better without her for some reason.
It's a lot easier for the group to go wild without Azunyan.
Yui and Ritsu always want to do something crazy, Mio vainly tries to stop them, while Mugi often just tips the favour towards Yui/Ritsu, to Mio's surprise.
When you mix Azunyan into it, the whole "junior telling off seniors" thing gives the impression that our group is being rather irresponsible, and takes out the fun.
Seeing Bill's post made me realize Frostii's ep. 04 hadn't been posted, in case anyone is archiving them.
Frostii - Episode 04
I found the problem with Ui is that she's so perfect and good natured that everything she does ends up being completely predictable. It really detracts from her character, because you're never surprised with her. This stems entirely from last season when she was able to impersonate Yui and play the guitar better than her with considerably less practical experience. She is like a certain other sister from a certain other series that shall remain unnamed. From the amount of food she cooks to the home run, nothing is surprising. In fact, the most surprising thing was that she played the organ in their "jam session" rather than a second guitar. I guess that means should could replace Mugi with little difficultly too!
Azusa definitely stole the moe fest this time, though their friend Jun was pretty good too, like a calmer, lazier Ritsu.
Azusa >> Jun >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ui
Azusa moe was the best part of this episode. Like Ryll said, Ui is deadly boring and the other girl had little character so this episode wasn't really that good.
At least we got a bit of Azusa with her hair completely down.
Well despite Ui's perfectness making her plain, I do like having her around to balance out the others. Azusa without her "you should act more like seniors and practice" attitude won her back some cuteness points.
The I enjoyed the 2nd year group interactions too. Asuza fits a lot better in this one since she's not fighting over the moe and "get serious" roles with Mio, while Jun, like Ryll said, more or less fits the Ritsu role. Ui providing the logistics for everything makes her a good Mugi counterpart, minus the occasional fun/closet aspects.
The parallels with the previous eps were a nice fun feature. We got to see the randomness in full effect when Yui rang after getting lost.
edit: oh, the photo of Mugi sconning Ritsu was another good one
Looking forward to seeing these three back for the next ep (something I haven't been able to say for a while now).
This episode had a few of good parts, mainly Yui attempting to attend the class in a maid uniform and Mio secretly missing her bass as much as Yui publicly did, even to the point of accepting the name Yui gave it.
All in all I'm starting to heavily feel like this show could use entirely new material. I guess the previous ep with Azu-nyan, Ui, and what-was-her-name was a step to that direction but not a step big enough. Or alternatively they could actually show the band play some fricking music. That would make me equally if not even more happy.
That OVA before which showed them mixing with other bands was also one of the "good directions" that they never took off with.
That was pretty boring, even more moe blobby than usual
Coalguys - S2 Episode 07
Yui and Ritsu make for a pretty awesome MC duo. They're upbeat, on the same wavelength, wacky and are even professional enough to save a scene and get pissed when they're upstaged.
I rather like the new song too. The beginning in particular was nice and catchy, though the climax could do with a bit more work. Overall though, quite enjoyable.
A song? In K-ON!? Who would have thought? And they actually played it for more than 5 seconds.
I really like the new song. It isn't as cutesy as the other songs, and sounds quite normal. The poem Mio wrote was absolutely disgusting. I hate caramel.
I think my favorite gag this episode was the turtle on the back one. It was just plain unexpected.
The second half really saved this episode. Yui and Ritsu did good work MCing and the song was swell as well - as far as K-ON songs go. Finally a genuinely enjoyable episode.