Yeah, hence the word I used: "apparent". It looked like a trap. Here you are, just innocently sweeping the street of a local meat shop and bam, a note comes falling down from the sky saying
Would you not find it odd and suspicious that this or these unknown people, who delivered a crumpled up note claiming to have "known your secret", inviting you to a meeting place which you are unfamiliar with?Quote:
Originally Posted by Eclipse Fansubs (9:00)
I do not know about your customs and your regional faux pas, but if I had received a letter from strangers who "know my secret", my impulse would instantly tell me that these strangers are dangerous people. Stalkers can uncover one's secrets and last time I checked, that kind of act is no sign of gratitude or hospitality at all.
Then you have a man who appears to be greeting you warmly. By the way, he also has a sword with him. Back in the day, I knew lots of men who tried to greet me warmly and offered free candy and ice cream in their vans. Oops! That was not the ice cream man, dear sir. That was a predatory pedophile, an acronym commonly known as PP (I'll stop now).
I agree with you that Al seemingly was the aggressor here and going alone was very irresponsible, though. There were like three people at the entrance of Devil's Nest and more numbers resided inside the building.
Yes, and I if I got there during a rescue operation my wife was not tied up, calm, and said that it was a misunderstanding and that they had vital information for us, I wouldn't just attack. Of course, Greed would have had to let go of Al for it to have been "just a misunderstanding". Which is what I was getting at.
- Al was tied up.
- Al might have been brainwashed by these henchmen.
- Martel (snake chimera) was still inside Al's body constricting his movements.
- Should these kidnappers not be punished?
When you are involved in a situation with strangers, it would be irresponsible to let your guard down. Cynicism is kicking in on both sides. If you let your guard down during an intense moment like this, then it's over. You do not screw around recklessly in a hostage-kidnapping incident. You do not know if Greed just wanted to have a talk that also benefited you as well.
If Greed had acted in any other different way than what we have now, it would be against his philosophy he has lived with his entire life.Quote:
That's a risk you take when you make any kind of deal. Greed was still trying to make a deal, and Ed rejected it, because Greed was trying to use strong arm negotiation tactics. This is my point. Greed was willing to take that risk. But he should have done it in good faith.
It would make total sense for Greed to just take the information he wants without having to give up anything at all.Quote:
Originally Posted by Eclipse Fansubs (13:33)