Things like that are hilarious. I love 16-year old females who log on with names like "I want to die", "Nobody likes me", "Don't talk to me because I'm cutting myself" etc
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Things like that are hilarious. I love 16-year old females who log on with names like "I want to die", "Nobody likes me", "Don't talk to me because I'm cutting myself" etc
And yet, they never seem to die. I guess that's another thing they've failed at.Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
I had a friend like that who posted shit on his aim profile about how upset he was, etc. over a girl. Man, I wanted to beat him up for that shit, but me and the rest of my friends just told him to grow a pair. Of course, we're not friends anymore, though I still see him put up some new shit on his aim profile. Its so pathetic.
I hate my last week at my co-op job. I can't do anything because no one wants to give me work to do since I won't be around to finish it. Its so boring that I went to wikipedia to read up on anime series, then I went to some one piece site to read the differences between the anime and the dubbed crap put out by 4kidstv, or whatever that group is. God, I am so bored, and I can't even sleep this time.
when i really want to let people know how i'm doing I do it with a song quote. of course, this is just letting them know what mood i'm in. i'll go and talk to my friends if there's really something on my mind.
this technique can be subtle, but it really depends on the quote or whatever you're using. this semester I've been in a totally different time zone from most people I talk to, so I have really fallen out of the AIM Away Message drama crap. I had to put up all new aways, and i've done a better job of not seeming so emo-angsty about it. I'll admit, for awhile I was among those ranks...
my rant:
you send out a text message to a group of friends to meet up. none of them respond, so you don't go to the meeting spot. then you get an angry phone call/message being like 'Where are you? We're all waiting!'
that's what the fucking reply option is all about you dumb bitches!
@ero-fan. Love the new quote in your sig! Murphy all the way baby!
"It's like a koala crapped a rainbow in my brain!"
Hey Zid read this hehe just came across it and thought it might interesting.Quote:
Originally Posted by Zidarri the Exile
I hate how it's practically impossible to drive to somewhere you haven't been to before in LA and have it go smoothly. I got to the street of the company I was going to interview at on time, but it took me 30 min to find the actual building >_<
My bulldyke, mullet rocking professor with tourette's was a total bitch ot me the other day. It was the first day since spring break ended, and after I went to my first class I found that hardly anyone had come to school. My next class was bare and the teacher was already late. I had a paper to turn in that day so I took it to my professors office. bitch was listening to her ipod and ignoring me when I knocked. Finally she turned around and had the nerve to ask me who I was.
And asked who the fuck I was.
If you don't understand this, she asked who I fucking was. I'm in the only class she gets any enjoyment out of teaching, and that's because she wastes a fucking hour of time talking, not about the papers due in the actual class, but reading her freshman English papers and pointing out how funny it is that freshmen, even in college, typically can't even put together a proper sentence. Well no fucking shit Sherlock, just because they go to college doesn't mean they're smart. I know so many exceptions to that rule that I don't consider it a rule at all.
So I got mad and just tossed the paper on her desk and said "If you want to know who I am, it's on the paper. I have an appointment to go to."
She says, "Oh, how unusual"
I'm steaming. I haven't attended the class very regularly for the reasons stated above, and she tries to take a cheap shot at me?
"I don't think it's very unusual. It's a sex appointment, and guess what, your class got outweighed, smartass" and then I left.
I was walking with my friends along the basketball court, when this stupid bitch was walking her bitch. The lady took her dog near us and the bitch barked. It made me jump and put an expression on my face that my friends made fun of and havent stopped since. And that was 4 days ago :( I have been the center of attention the bad way. :(
I hate it when I run out of stuff to drink. I don't mind drinking water, but not out of the faucet/ I only drink it from the filter pitcher we have, and it was empty. :<
My soda was gone, and so was my juice. WTF, I said, hoping for the Soft-Drink Fairy to appear, and she did.
I remembered that my brother went to the beach with his gf, and he still had some soda in the cooler. I went there, but it was all nasty sodas that make me puke.
Now, my throat dry as hell, nothing to drink, I decided to walk to the store. MY SHOWS WERE LOST!
WTF, yo?
Seriously, I think god really is 'A boy with a magnifying glass, sitting on an ant hill, watching me squirm'.
No, I just think I have the worst luck in the world.
My school librarian is a fucking real bitch.
I went to tell her if it would be possible if she could buy I bit more new english books since we have only olds one (They were published like in 1991. <-- Thats old.) and that it would be interresting to have new ones.
She just looks at me, and tells me to mind my one business and that my question was rude.And the next thing she tells me is that Im ban from the fucking lirbary.
So, now, i cant enter the lirbary to make a print, or borrow books for my projects or borrow any story books. If I need to do any of these stuff, I need to ask a friend. :(
Go and apologize to her. It doesn't matter if you were right or wrong. If that fixes it, then everything's alright. It's not worth any extra hassle, if you think about it.
gr3atfull you need to get back into that library and start burning those crappy french authors' shelves down until they give you Catch-fucking-22!
a taser, gloves, a mask and some flashbangs will be useful. A army knife (or two) can't hurt either...
seriously though, Kraco's right: You need to apologize to the dumb bitch, even if she was an absolute asshole in trying to ban you from the library. If its a public library I even question the legality of such a ban. If its a private library that you pay for... then it depends on the ToS rules, but that's some crap she pulled.
AND JOSEPH HELLER IS OLD LITERATURE! It's from 1961 for gods sake! What the fuck is wrong with the French? :mad:
my little rant: How the fuck does a thread on Cinnabons get to two pages but nobody even bothers to post a comment on most news related threads that I post?
Nobody cares about how they're going to pay for their medicine when they retire? Nobody cares about who the biggest military nation on the globe will hit next? Nobody cares about how the most delicate nuclear armnament issues of the modern day are being played out today?
But they care about fucking Chick-Fil-A s and Cinnabons? (which are delicious, i shall admit)
When I am king you will be first against the wall...
Freaking gay Ipods. Usually I'd bitch about everyone in the world having an Ipod except for me (like I usually do) but today my hate shifts focus.
So I pass up this super-cute girl from one of my classes last semester...again. But as usual, she's listening to her Ipod -GOD DAMMIT- I get a smile and then she walks on. Forget talking to her, she's basically shut off from the world at this point. If those little white demons weren't so damn convenient, I would have been chatting her up. Seriously, Ipods and cell phones are making people so antisocial (*suddenly realizes he's being hypocritical for someone with a cellphone in his avatar*).
on my defense i'd like to say i was either drunk or just hungry.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
i have an equation to all this..Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
girl = time x money
girl + x = evil
money = root of all evil
girl + x(money or in your case ipod and cellphone) = evil bitch
this is not completely right, but it comes close i think..
so, basically yeah, things like that fucked everyone up.(for the record, i didn't say i created it, i was just bringing it up, guess i didn't make it clear enough for that person.)
It's not so much about "caring" as it is about how fun it is to discuss, I suppose.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Personally I'm so fed up with the endless real life discussions about politics and etc that when I log on here I just want to talk about stupid stuff like, for example, cinnabons - even though I haven't posted in that thread nor even know what the hell it is. :D
I get home today to find that my power is off, after messing with the dog for about 5 minutes I get bored and decide to sit on a bunch of pillows in my house staring at the ceiling until the power comes.
Bottom line: Power rules, not having power sucks..
i think it goes like this...
It's not that i don't care. It's beacuse i am tired of dealing with that same shit everyday. I come here to get away from the politics of the world.
its like this "poli" in latin means MANY "tics" are BLOOD SUCKING ANIMALS. Put them together and what do you get... "MANY BLOOD SUCKING ANIMALS"
wow, someone's going to die tomorrow.. didn't think it existed over the web by someone else.Quote:
Originally Posted by dragonrage
well, guess i learned something today.
@ Kraco:
I tried to apologize, I really did, but every time I come close to the library she gives me the evil look. I tried coming in and apoligizing telling her that I didnt want to offend her in any ways, that i was trying to give out an advice or something but she threated to go tell the new principal that I am a pain in the ass and that I should get a detention.
Its my school library. They all new books in French but crapy ones for English class (they dont even have the Da Vinci code in english, only in french!!!). Even the spanish books are way better than the English one. But lol, not a bad idea to put the library on fire. Im sure every in the school would join me :cool: .
I am so sick and tired of being sick! I hate coughing, and sneezing. Gaw! Makes me want to scream. I hate having a weak immune system.
Being sick sucks balls. Big, juicy, chocolate salty ones.
I prefer not to concern myself over matters that are beyond my control. What's the point?Quote:
Originally Posted by Terracosmo