Thank you. I broke up with her today. I'm calm now but I feel a crash coming on later. That's how it goes I guess.
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Good riddance! Now go get you a bird who can appreciate you nah sein?
Probably intuitive/obvious, but stay busy the next few days and it will help the pain. Works with all kinds of emotional trauma.
My work has again decided to switch one of my clients to another trainer WITHOUT NOTIFYING ME, making this a total of 14 hours they have SUDDENLY docked from my work week. I cannot comprehend why they didn't even bother to shoot me a warning/alert email either time, and am totally pissed off now that I realize that this work isn't a steady source of income at all.
Not to mention they totally flipped out when I asked for vacation time to go to London in advance, though I frequently worked extra hours (like 8 hours a week worth) for them at a moments notice.
I am 3 seconds away from quitting.
If you don't like your job, you don't quit. You just go in everyday and do it really half-assed. That's the American way - Homer J. [edited]
My bitch: school has started and I'm still in summer vacation mode. Hope I don't fall too far behind before I can snap out of it. I've already dropped 5th semester Japanese Advanced Conversation because I didn't want to devote the time to it.
Maybe your clients demanded to see another trainer and were simply too impatient to await your return.
But if you feel you were victimized, I'd bring it up to your managers and talk to them about it. If you think it won't have an effect, though, I'd just quit altogether and find a new job.
I'd say do a half-assed job while looking for another job, then quit once you've secured the new job. In this economy and job market, it's the only sane thing to do.
My bitch: reading Marx... what a bloated windbag. What's really dumb is that his principles have been debunked, so why bother reading and studying it? Might as well study an Earth-centric solar system.
Flash lights check
Water check
Food reserve check
battery power backup check
Liquor check
Come on Irene.
Thats the reason he is being teached in almost every university in the whole planet. And since 2007 is the most referenced economist that surfaced all those debunked myths to be "not so true". You can always read smith, friedman, locke and their beloved astral entity "invisible hand".
Thank you. I'm trying my best. It's just odd now that it's actually over, all I can do is obsess over how much I want her back, despite the fact that I wasn't happy. I suppose that's perfectly normal. My friends have been amazingly helpful.
I'm consoled by the fact that in a year or so this will seem so trivial.
Reason I am on vacation several states away: Haven't had electricity in 5 days. Trapped by trees for two days. Electricity not expected to be restored in an additional 2-5 days. Have to drive 20 miles to get gasoline...if they're not sold out. Can't get ice...period. Still expected to come into work. Can't run the generator while at work. Have to keep an eye on it or lock it up, otherwise it will be stolen. About $100 of food thrown out. The only bright side was that I had access to a water source (via my small generator).
Decided the best idea was to go on vacation early, 600 miles away from my region that is quickly becoming a hellhole.
All other bitching in this thread written in the last two weeks has been rendered moot. :D
That sucks Ryllharu, enjoy the vacation. I was without power a total of 48 hours give or take an hour or two. Generators were sold out tri-state wide but it wasn't that bad, was out of the house most of the time anyways. Had to throw out food of course because the refrigerator passed on. A few other things broke about $1,000.00 expense not really that bad considering what other people have incurred.
Hope you rest up and enjoy because the clean up after wards isn't going to be pretty.
It's Labor Day weekend, I broke my car key and the only place in town that can cut a new one won't be open until Tuesday.
Seriously, life can go fuck itself.
Learn to hot wire it. Good time to practice.
Hmmmm something to bitch about. Left my wallet at home; no work pass, no cash, no credit, no ID, no nothing, meaning no after work celebration today. It's the first time I did that in a few years.
How do you break a car key? They're pretty solid.
My bitch: watching Iron Chef on Food Network, and knowing I will never get to eat some of the amazing looking/tasting dishes that they make on that show.
Why wouldn't you? Just go to a major city.
You don't have a spare key? How's the keysmith supposed to make you a new one with a spare anyway?