Something being "boss" has been around a while, but something being "bauss" is relatively new.
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Something being "boss" has been around a while, but something being "bauss" is relatively new.
Now you're reminding me of those names like Destinee and shit. :(
New? Shit's like 2 years old
Didn't know that. I've personally never even heard of something being "boss" until last year. And since the first time I've heard it, I've seen it everywhere, just like other internet memes. If the usage of the word is that old, then its current ubiquity must've been sparked by something more recent.
So our webproxy, IPRISM, suddenly decided to link GOTWOOT to 'Copyright Infringement' and 'Peer to peer' and has blocked it definitely. I can't browse the forums at the office anymore. Fuckers.
As much as I advocate more Gotwoot forum activity, should reading fora really be a priority while you are working?
I'm sure hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars are lost due to an increasing decline in worker productivity with the advent of social networking and entertainment websites like Facebook and Youtube.
Alternatively, since mobile networking is becoming more common these days, isn't it better for you to browse Gotwoot via 3G network on your mobile device?
I used to browse the forum while a long query was running, while running some test cases and the system was processing or before the actual day started. I do hate facebook so I don't use it. However the whole fucking building does spent 3 daily hours there and it isn't blocked.
Regarding mobile devices... I refuse to pay a 100 dollar monthly fee.
that's sucks RZ. How did that happen?
If we didn't have the internet to squander our work hours with, we'd find other ways. It's the (North) American way.
Speaking from experience there Ani. I don't know about you but the two weeks vacation and couple days sick leave doesn't really help much, that is assuming you get it. Most people end up bring home work to meet deadlines and if browsing the net while you work to keep oneself from shooting someone that's annoying or just to keep sane, I'm all for it. But people do take it to extremes with the slack.
p.s. I dislike Facebook, just so you know.
Checking the few new posts a silent forum such as Gotwoot might have takes less time than a smoker requires to wander to the smoking place three times during the working hours (assuming you don't attempt to write novel length posts). So, Gotwoot is quite a different case compared to the fricking Facebook addicts.
Websense has blocked Gotwoot from where I work for at least two years. No idea why. I can sympathize RZ.
I don't know if it's due to switching from dedicated phone equipment to some computer software and cheap headsets, but I dislike companies whose phone services have poor voice quality. Today I needed to call one company about to an unclear bill/deal and I lost like every fourth sentence the lady was saying. Fortunately I could get around it by guessing and verifying what she said, but it's still annoying. I don't particularly care about those telemarketers whose words I can't decipher since I'm not going to buy anything from them anyway, but it's a different thing when you are the one making the call.
LIMBO - why is this game so hard???
Don't know the game but from the looks of it, there's.... a LOT going on in it. Think you need 3 Monster drinks just to keep up.
Oh, and BLAST those Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up troll vids on youtube!
I bought an Intel SSD a week ago and diagnostic tests keep coming up with data integrity errors. (it writes random data to the disc and reads it back). Sent it back to warranty, got approved, but the new unit is the same. There's a review on newegg that says someone's been able to change a setting to get rid of these "fake" fail results, but he doesn't give details. So far my brother's PC has ran the test 3 times successfully.I'm not sure if I want to return the drive for a refund, or spend money buying parts to troubleshoot if my board is having issues with it.. I have a weird idea that I'll try tonight, but this sucks. :(.I even got to use the SSD for a day so I know how awesome it is now :S
Things have finally come to a head with that awful girlfriend I have posted about several times in the past.
Without sharing too much, it's become clear to me that she has been sending emails to her ex boyfriend, telling him how much she loves and misses him. He never replies, but she just keeps sending him romantic emails. She is quite clearly hung up on him, and spends her emotional energy on him while ignoring and patronizing me.
This is it. This is what's finally put it over the edge for me. I was weak before but now I can finally do what I need to in order to be happy and rid myself of this terrible relationship.
I have been up since 5 am yesterday, and it is almost 5am again now. I'm about to go to work with no sleep whatsoever. I feel dead and used.
Sorry if that's tmi, Gotwoot. I just feel hurt.