New work by me.
Opinions people?
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New work by me.
Opinions people?
Looks great. How does it look without the grid?
made a new sig, what do you guys think ?
It looks nice. The only thing is that Vincent looks kinda dull against that vibrent bg.
I redid my previous gaara attempt, but was a dumbass and forgot to save the psd file of it so this a final *smashes hammer over head for stupidity*
I like it a little better, the text is supposed to look the way it does.Edit: Except I just realized I left the outline stroke on the second line of the gaara phrase. I swear to god I am in a funk today :mad: You guys think it looks any better?
@ IFHTT: I absolutely love the Ah! My Goddess sig you did. But then, I really like simple sigs. I thought the render placement and text work really well on that one. Is there any way you can save it in a higher quality format? It seems like there are a lot of details getting lost from your render, making it blurry and detracting from the sig. Likewise the text looks kinda rough at that size, not really crisp enough. If you can't sharpen things up, maybe try increasing the size of the sig a bit. Also, the Gaara one is pretty good, but Gaara is positioned too close to the edge. I would move him and the text a bit more towards the centre of the sig, and that would also keep it from looking like there's a hole in the middle of the sig.
@ PSJ: I like it a lot, but the grid is a bit too much of a muchness. Maybe make it more transparent over top of your render, or even just parts of your render, and I think that would add a lot.
@ itachi: I agree with Phoenix that the brighness of your bg and the darkness of Vincent's face don't really seem to be working. You could experiment with some lighting effects on Vincent's face, or tone down the bg, or move the bright spot so it's not directly behind Vincent.
PSJ- It's fucking beautiful, too bad I hate the chibi-Gundam on it... Seriously though, excellent work
Itachi- I wish oh how I wish I could make backgrounds that good. Incredible. Second Kitkat's idea about Vincent's face.
IFHTT- It's pretty kickass, but I mostly think the right side is too empty and that maybe playing around with the spacing of Gaara and the text could make it look even better.
I'm starting to grasp Photoshop, but I'm buried in an avalanche of reading for classes, so no new sigs from me for awhile :( Stupid reading... I think I'll go watch an episode of Eureka 7 instead :)
Thanks for the comments Lucifus, Kitkat, Masa. I've fixed the AMG sig a little, I made the text a little sharper as well as the render. I can't get the render too big without cutting either all but the tip of belldandy's head or holy bell's head completely off :(. here's the comparison....
As for the gaara sig, since I no longer have the orginal document it'll be tough, but I will see what I can do. I would pull the gaara render to the left more, but right at the back on the gourd where it cuts off is the actual end of the render. Maybe I can't blur the back of the gourd to make it look more complete so I can move it. I'll see what I can do. I need to redo the text anyway since I f'd up the second line. I'll repost with the updated version in a bit.
Wow, seeing all these new guys makes me want to do some photoshopping. Guess I'm gonna have to make some time when I'm done with my 2 papers.
It looks much better, imho. The render could use a small outer glow, but it's great otherwise.
I've got two new sigs:
They're pretty much of the same design, but I still sort of like them.
Awesome sigs master_me and you definatley getting better IFHTT.
So, I decided to go w/ the Shika sig. Thanks for your opinions.
I need some serious help with this sig. It just doesn't look right and I think it has to do with the hand.
Shit, it looks good to me!? Maybe rotate the hand a little to the left to make it look like he's got an arm, it kinda looks like a floating glove.
Doesn't look right? o.0 uh..That sig looks pretty sweet, rotate the hand to see if you like that better, but I see nothing wrong with that sig.
Amano Ginji 2nd edition:
I tried to reconstruct the arm but that did not go well at all. In the end I just cropped the whole thing smaller and squished everything together so there's no need for the arm.
PS. Here are some old classics from the pre-anime sig era for the more recent members. They are the primary reason for my terrible user rating back on Fusetalk.
@IFHTT: Yeah! That extra sharpness is exactly what that sig needed. If you want you could re-introduce the slight blur around some of the edges of your render if you want to soften the edges a bit, but having the extra definition on their faces makes it a whole lot better.
@BoC: I like the first version better. In the second one it's almost as if his hand is right on his face, and the position seems kinda awkward. I'd say go back you your original placement and move your whole render up a bit, maybe to show a bit more of his arm if you can. I think that would give back the perspective and make it look more natural.
I'm in agreement with KitKat,I don't know what you felt was wrong with the first version, I like it. You could attempt moving the arm up, but that might take some work, if ya don't feel up to it, go with the first one, It looks pretty sweet man.
Thanks KitKat, you were right about the hand. Here's sorta like a combined version of the two versions:
Or, take the arm/hand off of the render and move that up a bit, rotating as needed so it still looks like his hand. Still looks kickass, anyway.
Ok that's the problem. The hand and the face are two separate renders. I can only rotate the hand so much before it looks like a floating glove as shown in the very first version.