I already said it culd be Dearka And Yzak, i just didnt say the "Then the three of them hook up with the Eternal etc etc that you theorised...
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I already said it culd be Dearka And Yzak, i just didnt say the "Then the three of them hook up with the Eternal etc etc that you theorised...
lacus and bartfeld is monitoring plant's action and since there's a clyne faction, which i guess they have a lot of resources, since they were able to hide eternal it could be possible that they are the one creating the infinite justice and strike freedom. and when athrun finally realized what he's really fighting for, he'll seek some help from his close friends and escapes to eternal's hide-out and lacus will give him his new MS.
Regarding kira and shinn's fight that would be possible with shinn being defeated by kira and his impulse gundam in total wreck. he'll be thrown out from the cockpit and the AA team will take him and then he and kira can have a heart to heart talk (let's not take out that arrogant and childish attitude of shinn, but i doubt that kira would tolerate any of shinn's abnormal response. i noticed it now that kira's attitude is more mature than what he was in GS he can actually say his views and opinion directly without hesitation.) Then, AA crew will turn over shinn to minerva and then Dullindal will give him his new MS Destiny. and while he's alone, words that kira told him will keep on lingering and constantly repeating in his mind. then he'll realize that he's been an ass**** the whole time and that he now knows what he is fightinh for and why he is fighting.
although i find it very interesting for that to happenQuote:
Originally posted by: laxklein
lacus and bartfeld is monitoring plant's action and since there's a clyne faction, which i guess they have a lot of resources, since they were able to hide eternal it could be possible that they are the one creating the infinite justice and strike freedom. and when athrun finally realized what he's really fighting for, he'll seek some help from his close friends and escapes to eternal's hide-out and lacus will give him his new MS.
Regarding kira and shinn's fight that would be possible with shinn being defeated by kira and his impulse gundam in total wreck. he'll be thrown out from the cockpit and the AA team will take him and then he and kira can have a heart to heart talk (let's not take out that arrogant and childish attitude of shinn, but i doubt that kira would tolerate any of shinn's abnormal response. i noticed it now that kira's attitude is more mature than what he was in GS he can actually say his views and opinion directly without hesitation.) Then, AA crew will turn over shinn to minerva and then Dullindal will give him his new MS Destiny. and while he's alone, words that kira told him will keep on lingering and constantly repeating in his mind. then he'll realize that he's been an ass**** the whole time and that he now knows what he is fightinh for and why he is fighting.
i doubt the minerva would just allow their top-ace (the only one with a mobile suit left)
to just be taken in by the "enemy" without trying to stop it
thats a great idea but these writers are determine to make shinn more arrogant and cocky till the end thats for sure
I just feel like posting a random theory. Regard this as such.
I can't find it now, but I seem to recall reading somewhere that the beam saber mounts on the Strike Freedom are Orb designed. Also at MAHQ it shows a picture of the beam rifle's mounted on the hips. Now the theory: Strike Freedom was built without the beam sabers and the railguns. I think the railguns were salvaged and repaired from Freedom, and the beam sabers were added at that same time. (Either that or they were mounted somewhere else and Kira's preferance is the hip mounted position).
that an interesting theory if this would hapen it would probeply mean that the Strike Freedom is the best of plant and orb engeneringQuote:
Originally posted by: Curium
I just feel like posting a random theory. Regard this as such.
I can't find it now, but I seem to recall reading somewhere that the beam saber mounts on the Strike Freedom are Orb designed. Also at MAHQ it shows a picture of the beam rifle's mounted on the hips. Now the theory: Strike Freedom was built without the beam sabers and the railguns. I think the railguns were salvaged and repaired from Freedom, and the beam sabers were added at that same time. (Either that or they were mounted somewhere else and Kira's preferance is the hip mounted position).
strike freedom is able to move the railguns and beams sabers to its back so it can mount its beam rifles of its hips as for the beam saber what they meant by orb engineered is thats its basically the same mounting mechanism as orb's murasames but i think what happens is that the clyne faction is who builds the new ms and thats why it has the same mounting mechanism we should find out in the next few episodesQuote:
Originally posted by: Curium
I just feel like posting a random theory. Regard this as such.
I can't find it now, but I seem to recall reading somewhere that the beam saber mounts on the Strike Freedom are Orb designed. Also at MAHQ it shows a picture of the beam rifle's mounted on the hips. Now the theory: Strike Freedom was built without the beam sabers and the railguns. I think the railguns were salvaged and repaired from Freedom, and the beam sabers were added at that same time. (Either that or they were mounted somewhere else and Kira's preferance is the hip mounted position).
it can't move its railguns or beam sabers into the back. they're both mounted on the hips.
Um yea it can. The mounting for which the railguns and beam sabers are mounted to can fold backwards onto the back so that the rifles can be mounted on the hips. I've got an image somewhere I'll see if I can find it.
Bottom left of this image. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Where are his wing guns [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img](
stryke freedom doesnt have the twin "Balaena" plasma beam cannons that its predacessor has those were replace with the multphase beam cannon and two high energy beam rifles that can combine
and as for Roko maybe you should know more information before you post something im just saying
"it can't move its railguns or beam sabers into the back. they're both mounted on the hips." - roko
right...and why does it say "ideas, thoughts on events" in the topic summary?!?! Just cuz I don't know one lil detail doesn't mean you need to start bitching about it.Quote:
Originally posted by: Dannynonsense
and as for Roko maybe you should know more information before you post something im just saying
"it can't move its railguns or beam sabers into the back. they're both mounted on the hips." - roko
He was just stating that before making a claim like that and what not. Its generally a good idea to be certain. Otherwise you get technical freaks like me who keep those lineart images on their computers and go over every little detail. But thats what this thread is for. To talk about stuff get other peoples views. I try my best to not say stuff without some backing so I don't look ridiculous. I look like an arrogant idiot who thinks he knows everything. But I just try to be thorough. Lets not see any pointless argueing.
nah roko im not bitchin im just let you know so its nothing serious i once thought new freedom would have like 12 cannons just wanted to let you know that the information about strike freedom was out
sorry if I sounded like an ass, but your statement just seemed to be insulting, in a way. eh..w/e, whats pass is pass
Yeah, I saw that somewhere before, but that doesn't mean they were like that to begin with. That is why I called it a theory.Quote:
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Um yea it can. The mounting for which the railguns and beam sabers are mounted to can fold backwards onto the back so that the rifles can be mounted on the hips. I've got an image somewhere I'll see if I can find it.
Bottom left of this image. [IMG
New spoilers up until episode 38 from Newtype...
Thanks to Claudine Leow at AnimeSuki for the translation:
34 Nightmare
ZAFT now identifies the ArchAngel unquestionly as "enemy".
Minerva is ordered to join the operation to take it down, and Shinn becomes excited because of the chance to pursuit Freedom.
35 Before the Chaos
The people were inspired by Dullindal's speech, and Logos members around the Global are being attacked. On the other hand, a severly damaged ArchAngel heads for Orb.
36 Flight of Athrun
Shinn was given the newest Mobile Suit, "Destiny", by Dullindall.
Athrun also was given the newest "Legend", but Athrun felt strongly uncomfortable with Dullindal's ideology.
37 Darkness of Thunder
After escaping from Minerva, Athrun was pursued by Shinn and Rey.
However, Shinn hesitates on the idea of raising his guns on Athrun.
At the same moment, Dullindall begain a new huge campaign against the EAF.
38 A New Flag
ZAFT, along with those volunteer from the EAF, is closing in on the headquarter of Logos, "Heaven's Base".
What are you refering to now? What wasn't like what to begin with? And what theory are you talking about. Its not a theory that the railgun/saber mount can move to the back so that the Strike Freedom can place its rifles there. Its shown in those pictures thats where they go.
who cares about that the image is final lets move on to stuff like how infinite justice doesnt have a subflight rider but instead a subflight lifter since alot of people only talk about stryke freedom i think justice is gonna be a real problem now that athrun is begining to straighten up
I wonder who will create the Infinite Justice I dont think it will be Z.A.F.T. because acording to the spioler
they want to give him Legend which wouldn'd make any sense if the had a better version of his old M.S.Quote:
Originally posted by: danholo
34 Nightmare
36 Flight of Athrun
Shinn was given the newest Mobile Suit, "Destiny", by Dullindall.
Athrun also was given the newest "Legend", but Athrun felt strongly uncomfortable with Dullindal's ideology.
I think that afer the batle in ep 34 the freedom will be scrap metal and back at orb the will build a new version and because Athrun is back without a mobel suit they will build a new Justice as well
From mahq:
ZGMF-X10A Freedom
ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom
ZGMF-X09A Justice
ZGMF-X19A Infinite Justice
they probeply added 10 to the serial number becouse the are upgreded versions of older suits