RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Er, I um, ah.... now WD presents her excuses!!
....still haven't found my camera?
Haven't had the time to take pics!
The weather's been awful, can't use miniskirts like this.
I lost my favorite lipstick.
I gained 1.5 kilos during the weekend! That's a no-no.
I spent all of the sunday playing D&D.
I'm suppossed to write an essay on the unification of Germany and haven't started.
I hate my college, and therefore am unable to take pics of me.
I have little free time, and is spent reading manga and convincing my family to watch MONSTER.
So there. Damnit. I want free time to make my own modeling session and pots lotta pics and be a legend like Terra =(
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Heh, you already ARE a legend, WD. If only for giving the boys tantalizing promises of pics, then making them wait so long. They're all dying of curiosity. Hehe, I see nothing wrong with making them wait a bit longer. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
And speaking of girls who haven't posted their pics, I think Shinobi Neko and Miaka are in this category too. Don't think I've forgotten about you girls! If Eurasian, Mae and I can find the courage to post our pics, you can too. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
replying to kitkat.. i think my pic is in bored section in my comic as ANGEL OF FURY [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
there kitkat
and i don't think guys here deserve to get our pictures.. seeing how girls are treated here [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
we don't want your pic. you're probably ugly anyway.
edit: bottom:
ok, but i don't care.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
haha.. muts.. who said i was talking to you.. i said specifically.. replying to kitkat
Edit: i said girls... not just me... terra
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
If you believe you're treated in a bad way, it's probably due to your own personality. Don't blame the gender.
Look at the amount of males on this forum who get treated badly from time to time.
"Heh, you already ARE a legend, WD. If only for giving the boys tantalizing promises of pics, then making them wait so long. They're all dying of curiosity."
Not me! Then again I already saw her. Oh and did I see a lot ~~*whistling innocently*
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
If you believe you're treated in a bad way, it's probably due to your own personality. Don't blame the gender.
Look at the amount of males on this forum who get treated badly from time to time.
haha. miaka got owned by a swede.
you go terra.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
"Heh, you already ARE a legend, WD. If only for giving the boys tantalizing promises of pics, then making them wait so long. They're all dying of curiosity."
Not me! Then again I already saw her. Oh and did I see a lot ~~*whistling innocently*
Now Terra, I did say boys. Haven't we come to the conclusion that you're actually a girl? Or, at the very least, you get to be in a category of your own. You're certainly not in the same category of the rest of the boys at the forum [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] And I DO mean that as a compliment.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
If you believe you're treated in a bad way, it's probably due to your own personality. Don't blame the gender.
Look at the amount of males on this forum who get treated badly from time to time.
haha. miaka got owned by a swede.
you go terra.
muts.. read my post.. it said GIRLS... not just me.. i have never complained about how i was treated...
and guys making fun of guys.. oh has more to do with just making fun of a individual... but with us.. it's guys making fun of "girls" in general..
btw.. i guess we should stop going off topic.. sorry
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
well, if you actually spelled my name correctly (i'm sure you're adding the 's' in the end on purpose) misucka, you wouldn't be asking to get made fun of... (ooo, yes, i'm a hypocrite).
and you must be another fob. you said 'our pictures' and 'girls,' and you're a girl. that means -you- are included in the reference to 'girls.' which means that they are pretty much the same. and yes, you've complained about how you were treated. also, "women are never right" (american dad <--- best new show).
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
miaka, you are making no sense. Are you still alluding to that nonsensical list of stupid things girls do or something like that?
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Isn't it a shame they don't take you seriously when you whistle innoccently, Terra? Well, their loss, ain't it?
And I'll stay clear off the "how girls are treated in gotwoot" thing. I for one have been treated pretty well, of course some people can be jerks but
1) Who cares,
2) They are jerks to both genders.
So yeah, I don't complain. And I'm still at school, so no pics now! Been here for 12 hours now.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Haven't had the time to take pics!
I have little free time, and is spent reading manga and convincing my family to watch MONSTER.
If you have time to come online on gotwoot forums, then you must have time to take pics [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: miaka
replying to kitkat.. i think my pic is in bored section in my comic as ANGEL OF FURY [img][/img][img][/img]
there kitkat
and i don't think guys here deserve to get our pictures.. seeing how girls are treated here [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]
but but but. I MADE YOU YOUR SIG.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: intense
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Haven't had the time to take pics!
I have little free time, and is spent reading manga and convincing my family to watch MONSTER.
If you have time to come online on gotwoot forums, then you must have time to take pics [img][/img]
Actually, I come by during class and when working in-between essays, so there!
Ok, so I do have free time, but when I do I don't like it how I look, and vanity is needed to take pics.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Actually, I come by during class and when working in-between essays, so there!
Ok, so I do have free time, but when I do I don't like it how I look, and vanity is needed to take pics.
Why not just post what you've shown to Terra? Better yet... PM it to me. I'm a nice man.
Show me yours I'll show you mine. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
I know it screams deer in headlights.. Im Yale by the way >>
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Hikyuu
I know it screams deer in headlights.. Im Yale by the way >>
Haha...nice...Thats pic so fitting for your name. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]