Anyone get the joke of my IRC name?
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Anyone get the joke of my IRC name?
This is kinda not funny unless you were there...
[22:56:59] ::: Join: (maz1) (Mack@69A34679.6B99E9B7.8A3FEA46.IP) [33 users]
[22:57:09] 9 @Joker-kun : I heard
[22:57:13] 9 @Joker-kun : that maz1 is homosexual
[22:57:22] 9 _kAi_ : yeah
[22:57:30] 9 maz1 : wtf is your problem
[22:57:32] 9 %ChariLaX : haha
[22:57:34] 9 _kAi_ : lol
[22:57:35] 9 %AssertnFailure : lol
It was just funny how he flipped out. Anyhow we want more people on irc, we even offer candy and cookies to some.
the word "some" needs to be emphasized.
has any1 else been having trouble connecting to gotwoot's irc server?
EDIT: nevermind, it decided to work suddenly.
If you said this yesterday I'd understand. But nothing is wrong with the servers today...
[00:55] <+Y> Earthbound is seriously the best game ever.
[00:56] <%Mut[at]chi> not really
[00:56] <+Y> yes
[00:56] <+Y> name a better one - you can't
[00:56] <%Mut[at]chi> Zelda easily beats Earthbound
[00:56] <+Y> nope
[00:57] <+Y> Zelda has better gameplay, but EB is a better total package.
[00:57] <%Mut[at]chi> That's wrong but I'll pretend I agree
[00:57] <+Y> no it's right you butthead
[00:58] <%Mut[at]chi> T_T
thats not funny
Oh, okay then.
wtf...that was fast mut....and btw, im so fucking sexy,
heres somehting funny from yesterday:
[04:17] <Mut[at]chi> Krb, come on. let people post whatever they want
[04:17] <Y> just a warning from krb
[04:18] <Jaredster> post how you feel about Krbadass in that thread, as an unpopular opinion
[04:18] <Y> lollllllllllllll
[04:18] <Y> that would be brilliant
[04:18] <Assassin> <Assassin> the sooner he makes it, the sooner it'll be full of contraversial ideas, and teh sooner krb's grumpy ass can lock it
[04:18] <Jaredster> yea
[04:18] <Krbadass> It's in the rules, Y
[04:18] <Assassin> i was soo rite
[04:18] <Mut[at]chi>
[04:18] <Mut[at]chi> Edited: 07/15/2005 at 01:18 AM by Krbadass
[04:19] <Mut[at]chi> lol Krb
[04:19] <Y> fukken lol
[04:19] <Krbadass> Doesn't matter, its in the rules
[04:19] <Jaredster> but
[04:19] <Jaredster> thats a retroactive rule
[04:19] <Y> Krbadass please, please tell me you didn't just edit something into the rules
well what was it he edited in there?? i could not find any changes in the rules..
supposedly that....Quote:
10. No racism and or offending religious remarks: This rule isn't difficult to follow.
although krb says that was in there to begin with (riiiiiite)
...i thought i've seen it before...maybe not.
It wasn't edited in. He left out the part of the convo where krb says that.
Also, new material from irc:
<+Y> I hope SK gets permabanned before I do
<DragonOutlaw> He would if someone says something about his second account
SK is the worst poster ever.
Also Mut is a racist:
<%Mut[at]chi> Wait
<%Mut[at]chi> You're
<%Mut[at]chi> Mexican?
<%Mut[at]chi> Oh, get the fuck outta here
I can confirm Mut indeed said that.
Dude, everyone who posts in this thread was there.Quote:
Originally posted by: DragonOutlaw
I can confirm Mut indeed said that.
<+Y> Mut[at]chi even though you're my teammate in fucking with SK
<+DragonOutlaw> Yeah I think its sk
<+Y> I hate you because you are not blonde, blue eyed and white
this quote is sarcasm and not actually racist. I am putting it back up because Jaredster called me a pussy for removing it ;_;
Hey, did someboy ask for my IRC log index?
back story: Stewie is an op in another channel on rizon....he kick banned mut cuz he was talking to much, but a50 managed to get him unbanned
[02:04] <Mut[at]chi> STEWIE SUCKS MANATEE COCK
[02:04] <Jaredster> lol
[02:04] <Jaredster> im posting that in the channel
[02:04] <Jaredster> telling him you said that
[02:04] <Mut[at]chi> I dare you to do it
[02:04] <Mut[at]chi> motherfucker
mean while in that channel....
[02:05] <_kAi_> [16:03] <%Mut[at]chi> STEWIE SUCKS MANATEE COCK
[02:05] <`a50> LoL...
[02:05] <Budweineken> lol
[02:05] <Jaredster> lol
[02:05] <`a50> Dont do it Stewie.
[02:05] <`a50> [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]
[02:05] <Stewie^> Is this true Mutatchi?
In #bakakozou...
<Mut[at]chi> Now I'm gonna have to download SD's version before yours now
* Stewie^ sets mode: +b Mut[at]chi!*@*
* You were kicked by Stewie^ (GO ahead then 9181:)
I am unbanned shortly after and I rejoin.
<Mut[at]chi> Stewie^ are you fucking insane?
<Mut[at]chi> What was that for
* Stewie^ sets mode: +m
<%Stewie^> stfu plz
<%Stewie^> no be a good boy and respect ur hops/op
Minutes later.
* Stewie^ sets mode: -m
<Mut[at]chi> You're still fucking insane
<Mut[at]chi> hops or no hops
<Mut[at]chi> I have no idea why you kb'd me earlier
<chaos4ever> mut. hush. a h/op's word is law
<Mut[at]chi> chaos4ever
<Mut[at]chi> alright
<Mut[at]chi> fine
<Mut[at]chi> sorry, ok?
<Mut[at]chi> but can I ask you something, Stewie^?
<%Stewie^> Yeah, shoot
<Mut[at]chi> how far is your cock down chaos4ever's throat
<@`a50> lololol
<%xfob> lol
<Mut[at]chi> He seems to love sucking on the hops' dicks
<@Luminare> rofl
<@`a50> Win
* Stewie^ sets mode: +b Mut[at]chi!*@*
* You were kicked by Stewie^ (grow up 9182:)
What a pussy.
What can I say about this fagger?
1) He's a raciest motherfucker.
2) Has IQ of 20.
3) Now has a perm ban in any channel I'm hopped or opped.
4) I was trying to be polite, but ur just an asshole.
5) Get a fucking life and don't respect me.
6) I'm 1/2 Jap and 1/2 Latino don't appreciate you racism.
7) Did I mention your a fagget?
mode {Stewie^} sets {+b Mut!*@*}
That will make sure that your immature ass doesn't disrespect my race and my channel
<%Mut[at]chi> WHITE POWER
I can tell by looking at this comment ur are very closed minded thus you will die a loner.