Fruit salads are bad for you anyway, too many sugars. Try a nice veggie salad or a big juicy cut of steak.
Eurasian, are you Indian or Pakistani or Turkish or what?
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Fruit salads are bad for you anyway, too many sugars. Try a nice veggie salad or a big juicy cut of steak.
Eurasian, are you Indian or Pakistani or Turkish or what?
I'm anything you want me to be............Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
.......just kidding
No, no, and no
My friends are starting to piss me off about this girl I plan on "seeing", just because she's a bit light. I know you GWers will have a field day with this, but they assume that she looks like and adolescent just because she's like 43 kilograms or something (she doesn't, and was born in 1985 to boot). I'm actually a very light person myself (only about 70 kg).
You're only 70kg? I've seen your pictures man, you look bigger than that. At 70kg, I outweigh you (I'm 75kg). How tall are you?
At 43kg, she is very petite, but being a young Asian female that's not that big a deal, especially if she's short. I think the Twins Charlene and Gillian each weigh about 43kg (95lbs) at around 5'3".
My bitch: people who overstay their welcome. We have a lot of transient workers pass through the office for special projects, and as soon as their work is done, they should move on. Unfortunately they get comfortable and stay as long as they can, and in the meantime, start helping themselves to whatever materials or conveniences you have available to make themselves at home. I appreciate the help, but they're getting paid to do the job, not as a favor to me. But since they're "helping", they feel it's ok to impose on me and my resources. It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't mental midgets and didn't smell so bad.
thanks :) i'm getting there slowly!Quote:
Originally Posted by Eurasian
lol this kind doesn't have any added sugars or anything in it. it's just pieces of cut up fruit, so it only has the regular kind of sugar that's in fruit. not really bad for you unless you have diabetes or IBS, or are a dentistQuote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
and yes, smelly people are not fun. maybe, since they're helping themselves to your stuff already, you can leave a bottle of cologne on a table and hope they help themselves to that too?
Cologne wouldn't help, since the smell comes from passing gas. Yes, these grown men have contests at annoy each other by farting. So you can imagine conversations with these guys are really stimulating. They don't fart in front of me, but the smell lingers.
I'm very light, as I'm 189cm. I had a bad flu and lost about 4-5 kg in a week.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
So you're 6' 2" 154lbs? Wow, damn skinny man.
My other bitch for the week: weak, soft teams are doing well in the NHL playoffs. After the rough and tumble Ducks won the cup last year, a lot of teams changed philosophy to include more toughness and grit. If a soft team wins this year, a lot of teams will give up their toughness and go with weaker lineups next year. It will suck.
Can you please give me that flu?! I wouldn't mind losing that much weight! =PQuote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
Ughhh, I've been trying to record videos and upload them to youtube but things keep going wrong with recording (bad lighting, making too many mistakes, camera running out of memory). If it's not one thing it's another. The whole process is so frustrating.
Take 7...
Maybe that's karma telling you it's a bad idea to post this particular video on youtube, like it might come back to bite you or something. It's weird, but sometimes when I'm doing something and it just won't go right after a few tries, I stop and think about it for a second, and realize I was doing it wrong in the first place, and it was like my subconscious was telling me I was doing it wrong, so I was subconsciously messing up on purpose.
My bitch: it's sandfly season again. Already got bit three times, probably by the same bastard. So I set up two fans around my bed to create a wind shield against the bugs. They blow over me all night, so it'll probably give me a runny nose one of these mornings.
Low rant bitching post:
Haha...they just DID add two more bands that I adore in the Metaltown band playlist. Sooo fucking sad that I have NOONE to go with : <!
Bitch today:
I have an exam in 2 days, i don't know shit and i can't study to save my life. I don't know what the fuck I'm gonna do...
just cheat...
I didn't do it on my important exams (Abitur), but most of my friends did, even though they could be excluded from the exams for ~3 years if they get caught.
Yet it seemed like noone of the teachers cares about what you do... i could have gone to the toilet 3 times and hide a sheet of paper in my socks and read it there.
Man there were people who threw papers at each other when the teacher wasn't looking and those papers had the answers written on it, of course.
lol! Or, or, make your presence on these forums scarce for the next two days except during the breaks the torture I'm about to recommend is going to merit, put your drawing projects on hold, skip every class you have with the exception of the one you have the exam in, give 2 trusted and responsible friends the right to contact you at specific time intervals to confirm that you're in fact, alive, and STUDY!
Easier said than done my friend. I have now only one day left to study for a whole exam since i'll be going to sleep anytime soon and, still, i don't know shit.
Looks like i'm gonna fail for the first time. I guess ill scan it and post it on my art thread so the shame will stop me from doing this shit again.
Yeah, I had thought of that. It's done now though, mistakes and all. I'm thinking I'll just post another one someday later and chalk this trial up to not-enough-experience.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Sucks about the bugs. Especially if they're flying ones.
My bitch is one I'm sure everyone hears on a daily basis: the price of gasoline is re-goddamn-diculous. I've paid $70+ to fill up my car before but this is insanity. I was telling my cousin the so-called experts' predictions of $1.50 per litre by the summer is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Wich reminds me I have to do essays and such this week. You know what acutally help? Writing hints in your iPod, if your actually allowed in your school to wear one during class.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
It has saved my life more than you know...
I had this English National Test and the day before I wrote many hints, search the net for tips, grammar and such and put it in my iPod as "lyrics". The teachers in my school is VERY sloppy and all they told you was to "Turn off your cellpohones!".
I did though get to cocky and showed my iPod at the end but all she thought was that I just listened to music becuse you could hear what I was listening to thiugh my earplugs.
How about a link so we can watch? Doesn't matter for me, youtube is banned here, but others might enjoy it.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
And yes they fly. But there are creepy crawlers too.
You guys do realize that if you spend all that time you use figuring out new ways to cheat and actually study during that time instead your grades would probably be alright with no chance of getting in shit right?
Not to sound like your mother or anything....
There's also a program that allows you to take text files and convert them into PSP-screen-sized JPEGs. Although, I've never actually used it to cheat.Quote:
Originally Posted by Chiodos
As for Archangel, you'll be fine. I never study for anything, and somehow I end up well-and-good with everything. Just relax. As long as you don't get what those so-called "experts" call "Test Anxiety" (Which is really a load of bull in my opinion), I'm sure you can figure it all out. The best thing to do is remember what the question is asking you as you're answering it. Think back to the first or second time you heard the information, and if there's any important facts, they'll stick out like a black spot on white carpet.
Now, for my bitch: Classmates.
So I was sitting in my US History class today, minding my own business while somewhat half-heartedly listening to the teacher. She goes over what we'll need for the quiz tomorrow, and when she finishes that, she says something-or-other about homework. This springs up a discussion. Okay, fine. But then people begin suggesting that the homework be worth more. They explore the idea, and I hear numbers floating. 25, 30, 35, 40, 80%. Now, see, I'm not the guy you'd look to to do his homework. I pass all my classes by classwork and tests/quizzes. So, and in no small way, this would screw me over. Well, the discussion starts winding down and the teacher's beginning to come around and agree with the class. Unfortunately, the majority decides, "Hey, this'll be great!" and the deal is made. Now our fourth quarter grades will have 35% of them based solely on homework. I didn't want to speak up, for one since I had just moved here not two months ago, and I don't think my opinion would cound in the first place; and two, like I said, this was a majority, so my say definitely wasn't going to count. So, I'm stuck needing to do at least some small amount of homework in order to keep my passing grade (which, surprisingly or no, is a B - surprising for not doing HW...). Add to this the fact that I'm always going to forget my book at my locker everyday, because I don't go to it that often, and I'm stuck walking home, which means I don't want a thirty-pound book to compound my already-eighty-pound load. And it's beginning to get hotter here, which is even worse. So, back to the matter at hand. I hate classmates... now let's see how many of them fail because of their stupidity.
Damn, I wish my grades were based on homework....mine is more like 25% Midterm 1, 25% Midterm 2, 50% Final. Basically, I'm screwed. So carrying your textbook should be the least of your worries!!! That's the easy part!!!
@python: dude, you're talking about high school. None of what you're learning there matters, as far as book learning.
Why don't you just leave that book at home where you'll need it? Or photocopy it and leave the copy at home? Or make a friend with someone who lives nearby so you can borrow their book for homework and they can borrow your book for class. Preferably a hot friend of the opposite gender.
I know it doesn't matter, I'm just bitching on principal; and if I left the book home, I'd forget to bring it back in before exams. Besides, I have to bitch once weekly or else I just feel empty.
Really you need to worry more about planning for prom and who's going to be the homecoming king and queen this year. Or how about that giant zit on your cheek? That's what high school is about, not US history exams. They gloss over the real history anyway. The victorious write the history books, as you know.
God damn procrastination...
As usual I put the majority of my work off until the last moment and now I'm probably going to have to spend all day and night tomorrow finishing my assignment :/
Also, I laugh at high school kids when they think they get a lot of homework. Once you go into secondary education, you spend more time studying/doing homework than you spend time in class. That is, of course, assuming you're going to a good school and not a useless "diploma vendor".
so basically it being the school season and all or end of spring semester, i got this teacher and she teaches public speaking. When it comes to public speaking its not my strong points mainly because i do get nervous and i can be shy at times i.e voice chokes up and find it hard to spit my god damn words, although i have gotten better. Well then there in lies the problem have you guys ever had that teacher that doesn't really teach, just likes to go off into tangents and talk for the whole hour fifty fuckin minutes your stuck with the old bag. Sometimes when you expect her to shut up somehow she manages to turn the 3 minute conversation into an additional 25 minutes, I about lost it last wensday when until I finally stood up and just walked outta her class. The sad part about most of it is she doesn't really teach shit and just rambles even though I guess im paying for a easy A.
The higher-ups for out degree just suddenly had a great idea. They'll increase the amounts of spots for students each year, but to maintain quality, they'll make the exams harder. Weighs out doesn't it?
They pretty much made our 2nd year oral exam a whole lot harder, and I feel sorry for the 1st years. We've got a counseling exam at the end of the semester, and it's like the most pressuring test we've yet to come by. Depending on the situation, there are certain critical questions that we have to ask/address, and some minor ones that we can score if we want to. Pretty much if you miss a critical question in your counseling the patient, you fail that part of the test. Fail the test, you fail the course, since you have to pass every component. Do that, and you can either leave the degree or come back next year and do it (and it ONLY, plus anything else you failed.) again.
Well, if they put it in the exam then it can be done, you might say. The lecturers thought that too probably, and just decided to prove it to us by doing a demonstration right in front of the cohort and have others mark them.
Funnily enough, he failed. He missed a critical, and also went over the time limit. His communication skills got pounded on. And this guy's our course co-ordinator.
Basically, it was one big "freak you out" session. I'm a high-aimer and my grades are quite good, but honestly, if I pass, I'll be laughing.
Today was a fairly shitty day.
First off i got kicked out of a school project cause of some totally fking unfair reasons, so now i have to redo all that shit again next year, this is mostly due one dude in my group and even though i spoke to the projectleader, he still believes otherwise, so messed up.
Second, I lost my freaking gloves at school, fuck, yeah i grew quite attached to them not only cause they cost me 90 euro's when i bought them, they also fit really nice.
I'm sad and angry at the same time now ;(
Wow, so this person who worked on the course can't pass it himself? That's screwed up. That had to have told the person something. What are you studying? It seems to me like you're in a sort of public speaking class or maybe a medical school...Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Yeah, I'm doing a pharmacy degree. I'm sure that it's not impossible, despite my last post, but just the fact that he failed, and he's been in the profession for how long tells you how likely it is for us to screw up.Quote:
Originally Posted by python862
Well I'd hope a degree in pharmacy requires some rigorous training and examination. All we need in the world is more untrained pharmacists issuing out the wrong drugs or a bad combination of drugs that end up making things worse for the customer. I hope you do pass, Buffalobiian, as at that point it will pretty much guarantee you know what you are doing.
ok. It's 7:42. The directv people were supposed to be coming between 4 and 8pm... they even called me around 3:30-4 to assure me they would be here around 5-530...
9:55pm... The ''tech'' came at around 8:45... looked around for 5 minutes and said we didn't have line of sight because of all the trees out back and now we're wondering if he just didn't want to climb on the roof...omfg.
Comcast is also way too expensive... 45-50 for basic cable, 13$ for hd DVR, and then 13 for one set of movie channels or 22 for two sets... i might settle tomorrow idk.
My bitch, sleep deprivation. I'm sure I haven't slept for more than a total of about 10hrs in the last 3 days.
Trust me, you don't want what I had. I'm like a stickman now:(. Luckily I have access to all this fatty American food for a couple of days before I go back to Asia. But i managed to get sick again. Don't know whats up with my immune system lately.Quote:
Originally Posted by Eurasian
Umm... U HAV AIDS!?
No, but seriously, that sucks for you. Enjoy the fattiness of our local cuisine.
Well, it's raining again here in good ol' Connecticut. And it's probably not gonna stop till Wednesday. I don't think that needs an explanation as to why it's something to bitch about, but I'll say anyway. Not having gym class sucks, I can't go outside without a thorough drenching, and it's beginning to get cold again. What's really surprising about the first reason is that I used to absolutely HATE going to gym class, and now it's one of my favorite classes. Must be the New England weather. LOL.
I withdrew all my paypal money to my bank and then tried printing a shipping label that it said was $27.... it wouldn't print it so i had to take it to the UPS store.... they charged me $51 for the same package even though i'd overestimated the weight by 8 pounds online.... bastards....
Trees and the war on Sudafed. That's my bitching for the day.
The short version is: I've got nasty tree pollen allergies. It sucks, and it sucks a lot more now that I'm two USDA hardiness zones further south than I was last year at this time.
And what's worse, with the whole "pseudoephedrine is a precursor for methamphetamine" thing... the Safeway by my job doesn't carry real sudafed at all anymore. So I had to leave work early to go home and buy some real, effective sudafed, because I couldn't keep focus long enough to accomplish anything.
its kinda rediculous to have to provide id and sign off on a single package of cold medicine in case you wanted to cook it into whatever minute amount of meth you could make from it...
Likely because people like me cook it. Well I don't anymore, but I have, back when you could buy like 3 boxes a week and one store didnt keep track of another. And everytime there would be a big ass line, and I know that many people don't just all of a sudden have allergies.
However now they've figured out how to make meth out of Claritin. I swear junkies are fucking geniuses, if they'd only apply themselves to something positive..
I think junkies are like hackers. They aren't happy unless they go against the grain, like rebels without causes. They think the establishment is so bad that they have to fight it. Pretty pathetic really.
This is going to hit a nerve with people but I really don't care. Its the fucking internet. If you don't like it leave the web page or, whatever you kids are calling these things days.
Anyway. My bitch is a girls privacy bubble. I hate that fucking thing. It scares the crap out of me to even talk to a girl I like. I guess it comes from being raised by 4 older girl cousins and an older sister. I was raised to knock on every door in my house because of her. Don't get me wrong, respecting girls is fine but man am I right or just paranoid? I think they implanted some kind of respect chip in me. Because every time I want to talk to a girl, everyone one of them makes me feel like I have no right to be talking to them at all because of that damn privacy bubble.
I'm tired of hearing this girl's snide fucking comments all the time! I can't handle it anymore, if she complains one more time I'm going to blow a gasket and tell her off. And I don't tell people off. Especially people I hate. (I have a tendency to avoid conversing with/looking at people I hate, because my pure hatred usually shows in my face. I think I began doing this in 8th grade, when someone told me I was turning my seat around 180 degrees to stare at a girl who basically ruined my social life in that town.. but that's another story)
Yesterday I was in Calculus, and we had rotating groups to teach each other problems on a test. She explained two problems to me like I was stupid. She pointed everything out and talked very slowly and made sure she nodded her head a lot, pointing to underlined crap. And I don't mind that. Then it came to my problem.
"You take this function and you integrate it.." She interrupts me to take her calculator and punch in the numbers, "Okay now you integrate from 1 to 2" She does this. "Okay so you have that function. Now you add C, and your C is the 2 because we're in integration and the initial velocity is two" She gives me a disgusted confused look, "Waiiiiiit! How do you do this by hand?"
Uhh, what the fuck? I don't remember know how to integrate the natural log of a sine function by hand. There is a reason why it's a calculator portion. "I don't know how to do that," I say. "I only know how to do it on a calculator." "Did you not do this problem?!" she yells at me. "Is it not the calculator portion of the test?!" I respond. "Well why do you add two?" She changes the subject. I pause for a few seconds. "Because your initial velocity is 2, and your 2 is the C."
"Whatever, you didn't tell me that, you didn't even read the problem before hand!" (Oops, I assumed you read it while you were taking the test like the eleven people who came before you)
.......... Now I have to put up with her bitching about it in English. Among other things, like other people's bad grades, other people's personalities, and other people's families. And she calls herself a Christian.
sapphire, you reminded me about last night when I was having class and this WOW conversation broke out between the instructor and my lab partner... nobody else knew what they were saying
Does she use it as a way to protect her "position", a place higher than any other else or is it you, who clearly wrote that post in angst, just a way of trying to "lower her position" in your fury by connecting the "Christian" statement into her personality?Quote:
Originally Posted by Sapphire
The point is, if you manage to read between my lines, becuse I'm having an obvious bad habit writing non understandible sentence, it might help you overlook things more clearly.
Anyway, peace.
I don't think she does it to higher herself up, I think she is just like that because she thinks she is right all the time and the things other people do are pitiful and disgusting.
I included that part because she constantly bitches about other people's lives and families all the time. Like they are living life soooo wrong because of this and that. Example: Someone got a B in English and she was like "OMG I CAN'T IMAGINE HOW YOU COULD GET A B, I MEAN ALL YOU DO IS HAVE TO TURN IN WORK." (No one told her this, she looked at the grades on teh wall and announced her dissapointment)
She critisizes people's entire families, calling them liars and naive and what not. And then she turns around and bitches about how she loves God and needs to spread God's love around the world, etc. She pretty much alternates between testimonying about God, and bitching about how other people live their lives in possibly the most snide way possible. I was pointing out about how she's a hypocrite in many ways.
I say you tat your forehead with the number of the beast. That should keep her away, unless she looks for a priest to you know, get the demon out of you.
I agree with Munsu. Only three ways to deal with those kinda people one tell them you're a satanist kinda dramatic but solves the problem quickly. Other option is to actually discuss it with her which I'm sure despite all her talking she will be unwilling to do, if she is then if you're particularly well informed on the subject it should be easy enough to make her look like a fool. The other option would be to smack her upside the head and say "God doesn't like ugly!"
Yeah they did and the chip seems to be working perfectly too.Quote:
Originally Posted by docdan63
Actually I feel a lot better. Apparently she was yelling at all the other groups too, because this morning everyone in my Chem class was pissed at her. Now I take it less personally. I yelled at her today for another reason though. We had a paper due today, and a kid who uses Win '98 could only access a printer at school (saved on a floppy disk). The floppy disk was all messed up and bent so he couldn't print it. The English teacher (that bitch) wouldn't accept the paper 'because he didn't come to class prepared'. The girl who I was angry with earlier was all helping the teacher and telling the kid off, so I told her to stop helping the kid fail and she shut up, haha. I also brought up that she also had brought a paper to class late before and she didn't seem to have a problem with -that-. She defended herself by saying "Sometimes I just say what I think, woops"
A lot of anime groups recently are releasing files with improper file sizes. For example: Code Geass R2 is a 25-episode series, and for that to fit on a single dual-layer DVD, each episode needs to be 325 MB. Instead, Eclipse releases them at 339 MB. Close, but it won't fit. I have to re-encode all of these files to the proper sizes, and each episode takes 2.5 hours of x264 encoding.
Groups should be encoding to sizes that fit on a single or dual-layer DVD. This means the file sizes should vary for each series based on how many episodes there are. Instead, they're still using the "standard" sizes of 170 MB, 233 MB and ~350 MB. It doesn't make any sense. Those sizes were decided upon way back in the day when people burned stuff to CD's. Nowadays, everyone uses DVD's.
My camera runs drains its batteries so damn quickly when it's recording video. I honestly only have time for about 7 minutes of video before it starts shutting itself off. I'm sick and tired of it. If there was a way to record while it was plugged into my laptop, I'd be set, but no. Double AAs only.
What annoys me today? Well, the mom in the house.
A friend of mine is going to have a quick sleep over today becuse for personal reasons, he doesn't want to sleep at home.
Nows the thing... the room that he can sleeps in had my brothers clothes one. Like...all he owns. Now she has this... wierd freakout that she has do cancel her appointmen with her friends the day after tomorrow, kill our precous dog Jenny, that I'm an angsty alcoholic and my girlfriend is the unsocial retard ever.
Doesn't make sense, yes? Well, I have no idea either what she meant by all those stuff but I have only the tiniest guesses but damn....she drives you crazy.
Nope. Your mum had that reaction because he slept in a room that had your brother's clothes in them, if I comprehended correctly? (I don't think I did... at all)Quote:
Originally Posted by Chiodos
He is going to sleep in the room, wich had all the clothes on, thus, she got this strangest reaction. Now, I am actually not totally suprised by her reaction becuse she has done this wierd things since like...ever.
I do get that one may get upset but how she connected all those things just like that doens't make sense to me and she has done that past these ...well, all my life.
I know she's crazy, egotriped and self sorry but damn, she doesn't realize she has lost a son (me) becuse of that attidude.
Damn bitch, go to hell. Now my mood is ruined for the day.
Say what?Quote:
Originally Posted by Chiodos
What I understood from that post is that his mother is hearing voices. I could be mistaken.Quote:
Originally Posted by fahoumh
Actually I think one of friends just slept in his brother's room which apparently was quite messy and his mom freaked out, canceled some appointment, called him an alcoholic, called his girlfriend an antisocial retard and said she was going to kill his dog. So he thinks she is crazy and that she can't get past her ego and the fact that she feels so sorry for herself and realize that her actions have caused irreparable damage to their relationship. Something to that extent.
Originally Posted by Munsu
Abdula, thanks for the translation.
Hahaha. Omg. I do need to polish my english. Shit seriously... ^^
The next bitching is this!
I HAVE NO IDEA what to buy for summer jacket!!... Any Gotwoot-ish tip, anyone what I am supposed to buy for this season?
Oh you poor thing, you can't decide on what kind of jacket to buy? Wow your life must be difficult. You're asking a bunch of anime-watching tech geeks for fashion ideas for a summer jacket? Here's an idea: wear the same one you wore last summer.
I just recently got this channel, and it's full of crap.
about 60% of the time it has commercials, and the rest is 'my chemical romance'.
not kidding, I've seen 5 'my chemical romance' specials this week alone, they aren't even such a good band.
besides, how hard is it to make a decent rock/alternative music channel?
Metallica, R.E.M, Nirvana, Guns&Roses, Kiss, some Linkin park (Limp bizkit, Blink 182, Sum 41, Avril Lavigne, etc) and some new bands. it's not really a problem, just get rid of all those new british rock/pop bands. seriously, MTVdance seemed like the better choice this week..
also, Guys who watch Soap operas.
What the hell is wrong with you?
also, Guys who watch Soap operas (reruns).
Get away from me!
, beny, whine, bitch and away!
Not to be the most annoying but My Chemical Romance count as "alternative". The thing it is actually quite hard to converse a TV program that is not "mainstream"-ish enough.
You know...capitalism...and shit.
I know it's the bitching thread but damn, if you order MTV2 and expect entertainment that's fully self-inflicted.
My bitch is the company I work for looks for any avenue to cut my hourly pay and now I've been docked twice, once for performance (not raising enough money) and again for missing an optional Friday shift I already told them I would miss because I was working my other job. Well they wanted me to work the optional Friday because I was out Sunday with a family emergency and made it mandatory.
Do they have to be so greedy to take 50 cents of my pay? Do they not remember the frustration of being on the phones all goddamn day?
is docking your pay permanent?
I can't see how a company could do that unless they actually prefer having a high employee turn-over rate.
Well if I do 110% this month I'll get that quarter back, and I'm pretty sure after a month is up I get the quarter back for missing that day anyway. People get cuts or raises every month and it gets fucking irritating. And yeah the turnover rate is ridiculous but thats partly because dealing with people on the phones all day is taxing.
Telefundraising is a fucked up business.
My bitch has been on for a while now. My bitch is that the whole 3 month fuck up on Yahoo's part to let MS buy them, is not turning out any better just for Jerry Yangs Silicon valley 1996 baby. He fucked up, and continues to do so. He blew off Big M and was trying to slowly get them into the $40/share bid. And now, they want to share Google's tech, and give them money for clicks by using their AdSense technology. And becaue of it, for the past 2 nights on and off, Google and Yahoo's sites have been down. Last night I tried to go on before I went to bed and they were down till past 3 this after noon. Just because they're working on getting server crap reorganized for their "partnership" program.
That's a pretty weak cause to bitch. Why not just use altavista or msn search until the others are available? Are you a stock owner in Yahoo? Then you'd have a reason to bitch. This namby-pamby griping goes in the "crying over spilt milk" bin.
My bitch: boredom. I'm out of stuff to do. It takes a week or two to get stuff in that I order online, nothing is available locally, and I'm in a transition period so I can't do anything drastic for the next month. I downloaded a bunch of Japanese dramas on my last R&R, but most of them turned out boring or unwatchable. With the bandwidth monitoring, I can't even download stuff to watch here. The only thing I have for fun is playing God of War on the PS2, but I spend about 3 hours a day at work doing that, so I'm burned out on it when I'm at home, besides the trouble of transporting the PS2 and A/V adapter unit back and forth from the office to home. Boredom really is as bad as being too busy.
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Stop telling people whether their reasons to bitch are valid or not. It makes you sound like a hypocrite.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
My bitch: I have no one to go to the gym with tomorrow. The guy who usually lifts with me has 2 finals and no time to spare. If I end up going, I'll only be able to complete about half of my usual routine, or at least only do half the weight. I guess I need to be brave and ask a stranger to spot me.
Bitching shouldn't be done so casually, just like posting just for the sake of raising your post count. People complain when someone posts constantly, so I have no problem complaining that people complain too much. If that makes me a hypocrite, then so be it. But really, bitching because a search engine is down? Or because you can't decide what summer jacket to get? Those are more fit for a Whining Thread.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
I was a share holder in Yahoo, not anymore. Not since last Thursday. And I use their yahoo Answers page. I have 4 answers on there I need answered and they all had fresh replies to them just from posting them. And that is cause for a bitch because its a serious product of theirs for serving up ads and serving the online community. So it is good enough to bitch about. More for me I have an online ad company that MS will probably be knocking on my door for anytime with in the next half year or so. And I'm only 23. I'm not going to be a fucking moron like Jerry Yang and deny 44+ billion when my shares are tanking. I'll take a little bit and make myself a billionaire and trust MS to make my company into something great while integrating with their adCenter platform.
My complaint is that I've been bothered more and more by Jerry Yangs business lack of business skills. Google just flew right past them and started 7 years after them. Google's founders are worth twice what yahoos ever were. And on top of that, they don't know how to even monotize their site to its full potential, and it's the most trafficed site on the web. On top of that they haven't even tried since the late 90's. It's pathetic. It bothers me because they don't know how to make money anymore and I'm in the fellow business their in. The companies management is broken. Their engineers keep getting fired (good ones). And now they're messing with Google's business actions. Messing up a perfectly fine company.
I'm bothered as a dot-com businessman. Not so much as a user of their community. Besides I hate Yahoo. I cashed out my options last week and left them alone.
Well that makes sense then, so I stand corrected, but not about the summer jacket. Hopefully you can see from your original post why I had reservations about the validity and/or necessity of your bitching. However it still remains to be seen what Yang and co were thinking in not taking the offer from MS.
I need to stop making friends with seniors. Everyone I get friendly with in any of my classes always ends up graduating at the end of that semester.
I just said goodbye to a really interesting dude from my Phonology class, and I don't think I'll ever get to hang out with him because he's graduating and moving to another city. I also have another friend who I would talk to about comedians and weightlifting and stuff, but he's graduating too, and I can't even find him on facebook. Probably never even see him again. The whole thing is really kinda depressing because this has happened almost every semester.
I was in college for 8 years (for a variety of reasons). I made a whole generation of friends, had them graduate, made another generation of friends, had them graduate, and then started making a third generation before I finally finished up.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Saying goodbye to all your close friends sucks. Doing that 3 times ... sucks a LOT. When two of those three "goodbye" waves include romantic connections... it's just downright depressing.
Originally Posted by complich8
That is depressing. You guys must have good people in your schools. I went to a community college for a bit after trying a university. No dice man. I think that a majority of that time I was trying to make friends, it was terrible. They were either all really stupid and/or didn't really know anything about the subject in the class, causing them to drop it quickly. Plus, I don't know about you guys, but it's hard to find people who don't drink, smoke, go to bars or have some public agenda shown through their clothing. It kind of makes you want to vomit a bit.
Another thing was. Most of the time you actually try and make friends, most people are shy to start to get to know or open up too. Girls even really. But I guess that could be because they were trying not to flunk out by focusing on their school work.
Being assigned group assignments and tutorial workgroups by the college/uni are very good ways to get you to know people. I know all my uni friends that way, since only 3 people from my high school went to the same uni as me. I don't have to worry about this issue since most of the people I know from uni are in my year, and those who aren't I barely ever see them anyway.
When I started high school, a lot of my friends were seniors, and almost graduating ones too, so I know how it feels though.
So the current subject is making friends in school, huh? I had a huge trouble when I first started high school, one was for how I did look and the second my ...uuh.. personality. At first glance I thought my class where a totall of "cool badboys" that thought they were something, you know, the usual stuff.
And hey, what to expect when your going to carpentry class?
But in the end, I actually manage, evem my wierdness but it closly made me drop out, big time.
I'm still having friends trouble outside school, though...need to take care of those too..
I've been home all day, and during that time, there were only 20 mintues I was the only person in the house. in the middle of a school\work day. my mother goes to work at 12:00, my old brother goes at 14:00. my young brother returns from school at 14:00. I had twenty mintues of quiet when my brother went to a tennis class.
something wrong with my family. it's impossible for adults to stay home this late. and it happens every time I'm home. I love my family, but 23:40 hours a day is way over the top.
Supposed to buy? There is no "must buys" it all depends on what kind of style you have overall, what you enjoy wearing etc. Get back with some more info and we might be able to hook you up.Quote:
Originally Posted by Chiodos
I say, get a nice linen blazer, maybe cream colored; if you want to be stylish, that is ;-)
Wow, that post about the jacket thing was about week years ago. Anyway, I found an über jacket. Took me many, many hours as it seems every shop doesn't seem to have XS : (!!
Sucks to be a short Asian sometimes. Atleast when your very taller girlfriend puts your candy on a very high shelf x)!
I just don't like CC's... they are so overused and i really don't like emails where people just want to cc other people in on it so they don't feel left out.
This is like if you were on the phone and like... hang on, let me 3-way george over here so he can listen to our conversation...
I only CC when absolutely necessary.
what sort of example can you give to 'necessary' CC and un-necessary ones.
CCs are used a lot in the professional world.
You've never been in a situation where you are working on something with a team of people, and you're specifically talking to one member of the team but want the others to be able to observe it or provide input/feedback?
Yes, cc's are vital in business to communicate and keep everyone informed. It's the worst when some chowderhead claims they didn't get the information and therefore they're not accountable, but your group is still in a bind because of their neglect.
bcc's on the other hand are asking for trouble and are an underhanded way to deal with people. You never know who's being bcc'd, so go with the adage: reread what you write before hitting send.
My bitch: the weather and airline companies. I couldn't fly out on R&R today because of a dust storm at a remote location. So I call Expedia and they transfer me to the airline (United) and I find out they have this ridiculous policy that you can only change your ticket if you buy one level up of service. The next level up of service costs $1500 more, plus a $100 change fee, and still coach class. No thanks. I call up Expedia again and they check around and get me rescheduled for $270 more. So it will cost me almost a full day's work more for my plane ticket. And what's worse, tomorrow might be another bad weather day, so I would have to change my ticket again and pay more fees. I shouldn't gripe because it's pocket change, but money is money and I'd rather spend that $270 on a new monitor instead of lining the airline's pockets.
Replies to emails that had BCC recipients don't go to BCC recipients though.
I see people use this trick to mass-email notifications, where they put their own email address in the TO field, and then all the recipients in the BCC field. Not only does it keep the recipients' emails private, but it also allows them to reply to the notification without it getting sent to anyone except the original sender.
Is that standard for bcc or is it particular to email clients?
that's the whole point of doesn't even end up in the recipients' email clients. It's physically impossible to reply a message to them.
Oh right, *bonk self*. I was thinking of another scenario concerning email.
Originally Posted by Chiodos
Your girlfriend hides candy from you?? Ahh...the folly of youth~
Haha, I know! Sounds really wierd. She does that every weekend now and then when I don't give her so much attention. It's quite hard to do both the eating part and the latter.Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
If you do both, won't it turn into a very, very, very wierd food fetisch x)?
not a fetish... I mean, sticky things and...err affection dont really mesh that well.
SHIIIIIT! While I was running, I noticed a kind of annoying pressure near my groin area. I stop to check it out, and as it turns out, a pen that was in my pocket became pushed open, and lodged itself firmly into my upper groin area... after going to a doctor and getting it treated, I see that it left quite a large hole...really not sexy at all...
I have an intermittent shoulder problem where lifting my left arm above my shoulder at a certain range of outward angles causes excruciating pain. It's not frequent but there's no telling when it'll happen. It started again tonight and it hurts to lift a can of ice tea to my mouth. I have no idea what triggers these episodes of restricted movement or how they end. They just seem to come and go unnoticed.
I should probably go see a doctor the next time it happens after I move back home. I don't even know if it's diagnosable when it's not acting up.
Since you're not seeing a doctor anytime soon, try to keep a diary of it. When it attacks, right down things like what you were doing at the time, what you were doing perhaps an hour prior to it. The time of day and season it was, any medication you had recently. Some joint pains are supposedly related to humidity, so maybe if it was raining recently, and so on.
Some stuff sounds really irrelevant and stupid, but it can actually turn out to be important. That's about all you can do now before seeing a practitioner.
bit the bullet and went w\ time warner cable since apparently we have nowhere to put a dish....
they installed it last night and they have a splitter that the cable goes into, one goes to the dvr box the other to the modem....
their whole ''customer support'' process sucks and I don't have time to spend on the phone w\ them.. it took me 10 minutes of my 15 minute break just to get the guy to comprehend that they work independently, but not together... then he forwarded me to hold and I don't have time to wait on hold :(
*got home for lunch and power-cycled the modem and router and it came up and worked fine... i just hope that is something i'm going to have to do every day for it to work right.*
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Yea, but I have a possibly hot date this weekend...might be hard to explain...SHiiiiiT
oops...wrong post...sorry
Any idea what caused the injury? It would be cool if it were sports-related, cause then it's something of a war trophy, like scars and stuff.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
My bitch: downloading torrents on Comcast while they apply traffic shaping to my connection. When shaping/throttling isn't occurring, I get 100-300kBps per torrent. When their damn sandvine box is running, I get 10-20kBps per torrent. I have limited time to complete these downloads while I'm at home on vacation, then it's back to the desert where all bandwidth usage is monitored and bt and p2p is restricted. I can't wait until I go to uni where hopefully their campus connection doesn't restrict p2p use.
Or if they do, just encrypt the traffic.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
I've been reading up on encryption and ssh tunneling but haven't bothered to mess with it since I'm only in town a couple weeks. I've read in a few instances that it didn't help, as some traffic shaping appliances will still throttle your connection if it thinks you're transferring bt, regardless if they actually detect the presence of bt in your data transfers.