Terrible, my condolences.
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Terrible, my condolences.
that's sad.
a puppy? how old was he?
Thanks guys, apparentelly the neighbors had some serious birds problems in their house so they put some poisoned food around it, i don`t think it was intentional. Ironically we were living in an apartment where we weren`t really allowed to have animals, so i decided to move to this place i don`t even like just to keep him.
R.I.P Arold
1 year and 1 month.Quote:
Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
What a shame and terrible luck, that was one cute doggy ;[
Sorry to hear that...and who new that women get angry if you mention that they snore? :\
Don`t call them fat either (even if they`re skinny as hell and you`re clearly joking), trust me.
Well, that goes without saying. Its not like snoring is something that can be controlled though. I for one, snore, sleepwalk, and talk in my sleep (among other things). I asked a good friend what her reaction would be, and she said that she would want to be woken up in order to stop her snoring. I am sure that the original lady didn't take it too badly (or I will be having some cold and lonely nights during my vacation).
I hate so say this, as of course we all have limitations to our thinking, but one of my coworkers seems to not be very, very shortsighted and narrow minded. She basically only considers things from her perspective, and is shocked or angered when someone else does not agree. For instance, the other day she was telling one of the directors that her job was harder than his. She does do a lot of menial work, but I know all the work that guy does (he kind of makes it look easy) and on top of that, he has another job and is a Phd candidate as well. My workplace is pretty lax, so he just kind of looked at her quizzically and kept talking, which I credit him for. Other things that she does that annoys me is call my lunch "amazing" everyday, not give me messages that are on the phone, and try to follow me to my home (She found out that we live fairly close to each other). I know it is wrong and high handed of me, but her I(dare I say) simple-mindedness gets on my nerves.
Nah, do yourself a favour and stop worrying about considering her a fool. If she's a happy fool, let her be. Learn to ignore her. You will never be able to sync with all the people in the world so it's useless to waste energy (and sanity) trying to. You are no worse a person for accepting that fact. In fact you might get better along with her if you do.
I have pretty much accepted it; it just annoys me because we share the same space. It gets hard to ignore at times. Its not bothering me that much, but it helps to get it off my chest (although I am being annoyed at this very moment).
Dear Ebay,
If you need me to sign in, don't tell me that I'm logged in in the first place!!
Missed a goddamn bid because of you.
I know it seems like I complain a lot, but one of the people in my fellowship really gets on my nerves. She thinks that anyone that is attracted to a person different than them (ethnically) must have a fetish for that sort of person. She clearly does not understand the word and yells and overracts when someone (me) says something to the contrary. I am very tempted to tear down her psyche (for that and other offences).
Where do you keep finding these wonderful acquaintances, rockman?
My profession puts me in contact with all these wonderful people.
-My ankles hurt
-My calves hurt
-My knees hurt
-My back hurts
-My shoulder hurts
-My triceps hurt
-My jaw hurts
-My head hurts
-I want to cough when I breath in too deeply
What the?
Did you finally overdose on preservatives?
My knees hurt too, due to runner's knee. I miss running so badly, so I resort to drinking to relieve my stress.