I'm not even a Star Wars fan and I was pissed at the disrespect they gave the original actor.
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I'm not even a Star Wars fan and I was pissed at the disrespect they gave the original actor.
My aunts husband borrowed my vehicle yesterday, today i was going to go out to buy some food, to my surprise, turns out the battery is dry, i sigh as i checked the lights switch, turns out he left the lights on... again, for about the 7th time in the last 30 days.
HOW can you leave the lights on this many times? he was out during the day ffs!
I hate people like that. His life is evidently filled with so many important priorities with places to be and things to do that he can't f*cking do the little considerate and courteous things that make society work. He'd better be an old man or clinically diagnosed with some psychological abnormality or I'm going to rain some karmic hate on his ass.
Speaking of cars, I'm driving down the road, and hear a huge bang on my roof. I'm pretty sure what it is given the time of the year, and sure enough, brand new dent in the roof of my car.
Fucking squirrels dropping hickory nuts out of the trees. These things are an inch and a half (4 cm) and at this time of year, are as hard as a rock.
I don't drive often, but the shittiest piece of work that happened to me was when I scratched the car on the way into the garage. the brick wall dug right through the primer, and even though it was a 14cm scratch at most, it involved both the front and back doors on the left, so I had to get them both repainted.
I'm taking a class on tuesday nights... Last week I got hung up at work and was running very late, and decided to drive instead of take the train. So i get there, and nobody else showed up!!! so my instructor and I talk for 5 minutes or so and he just says I can go home...
Today I decided to drive again...end up being 30 minutes late and then the guy is going over a program I GAVE HIM w\ the other guys in the class. So, I spent an hour driving and now I'm here and it's basically a waste of time. :(
I'm sticking to the train for now on. takes 15-20 minutes and i can read while on the train whereas driving sucks and i can't do anything while driving.
Nothing beats the freedom of driving though...
First set of midterms arrives and I get the flu. Typical. Last Thursday I sit down at a bench and I hear a loud hacking cough coming down the hallway. Of course that person comes and sits next to me, and that night I can feel the sickness germinate in my body. Why are people so inconsiderate? If you're sick, stay the f*ck away from me!
A week later and I'm still around 70% and trying to pass Japanese exams. I did terrible on the oral exam today. Written test is tomorrow but I think I'm ready for that part.
When I was filming earlier this month my: laptop, helmet, bike shoes, and some bike clothes were stolen at one of the locations. (approx 1100 dollars). I loved those shoes ($450 dollar cycling shoes) And the lappy had my camera's memory card in it so I lost a decade of photos, on topo of my last 8 months of downloading music and anime. Also, the production company ( I think) is trying to screw me out of my paycheck. The contract stipulated $750 flat for the 5 days of work, I did them, and haven't seen a dime. I should have been paid weeks ago,and can't get in touch to deal with it. =/
I'm in way over my head at work and have no one to call upon for help. I will need to start working about 80-100 hours a week until December.
Worst of all, I lost my last and most treasured grandparent Sunday. I knew she was sick and planned to go see her one last time this weekend. Of all my grandparents Grandmere meant the most to me, I was closest to her and she had the most influence on my childhood. She was my ally against my father and she was one hip lady. =(
I miss her dearly, and it's preventing me from being able to focus on my work so I'm falling farther and farther behind.
Also, my bike is starting to scare me, I know something is wrong but I don't know what. Having no car I need this bike, badly. I fear it may fail me soon.
In short:
everything is bad.
I'm unbearably saddened
and here for support.
Only after double checking my roster several times during grading did it become apparent to me that one of my students cannot spell her own name.
Can not spell. Her own name.
Our education system is letting a human being who cannot properly spell their own name slip through.
Yikes, that's pretty heavy shit. Hang in there :(.
I used to be so self conscious about appearing mean if I got up and moved when say, an obviously sick person would sit/stand next to me, or I'd walk into a train car and a horrible odor was emanating from soneone, generally a homeless person. Not anymore. Nowadays, I just get up and move. It's liberating.
@CalKashi: Yeah bro, sorry to hear that. I lost my wallet not too long ago which had my state ID and for some godforsaken reason, my SS card in there. I can only hope the shithead who took it the wallet is too stupid to make any real use of the info.
Could it be possible that maybe someone the school made a mistake when typing in her name? It could also be possible that prefer another spelling of her name? I mean, i understand that the new generation of kids are morons, but that seems a bit TOO stupid to be possible.
Thanks for the encouragement guys. Wfhen you are really down any kind words help.
Also, too add a final insult to injury. My grandmother's funeral service will be held simultaneously with the rally to restore sanity and the march to keep fear alive. So, time to cancel those tickets and prepare for a memorial instead of the party I was counting on to pull me out of my funk.
Worst of all I feel like such an asshole for being bummed I'm going to miss the march/rally/party. I know how much more important this service is than a party in DC, especially considering how dearly i miss Grandmere, but Damnit, the Stewart/Colbert event is going to be amazing, and maybe something I'll never have a chance to be a part of again.
On a side note, I'm so glad we have this thread. I think being able to release your frustrations can be important, and helpful when you have an awesome community like Gotwoot to listen and empathize (or help).
What grade do you teach Xan?
9th grade.
It's depressing how illiterate some of these kids are. The middle school sends them to us half prepared with a sense that if they do a half-assed job they will get by. Most of my kids are shocked and confused that they have Cs and Ds because I actually hold them accountable for their work.
Our school has a policy that a teacher can't have more than 10% of our students failing, and we're expected to be responsible for those that do fail. It's created a situation where overworked teachers "give" grades to students who don't really deserve them to save themselves more trouble down the line.
I have pledged to make sure that every student who truly doesn't give a fuck about my class and doesn't do the work receives the grade they deserve.
Aww, Cal I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandmere. Sounds like she was an amazing lady. It's totally normal to feel bummed about missing the party. You were looking forward to it for a while, after all. But there will be other big parties in the future, whereas you have only one Grandmere and this is the time to celebrate her life, the impacts she had on the people around her, and share about how much she meant to you.
Don't feel too down about everything that's going on right now. It's crappy and it sucks, but you're intelligent, determined, and outgoing (at least, you seem pretty outgoing from how you relate on the forums). And those are qualities that will always serve you well in the workplace and elsewhere. So aim higher and dream bigger! I know as an online community vs a physical community we can't really tangibly help you out during this hard time, but we've got lots of encouragement for you whenever you need it.
I am in an overall bad mood, but I think I may be a horrible person, as I think one of my roommates might be an idiot. Here is the evidence:
-She has lost her keys 3 times already (once from the outer door to the inner door; a matter of walking up the stairs.
-She does not know how to operate a can opener (manual).
-She thought that the bathtub was clogged, but the case was that the stopper was down.
-She apparently got lost coming home yesterday.
Lastly, assumes things about me with no evidence whatsoever (that I hate women because I get into debates with women every so often).
Am I an asshole for thinking this, or is this valid reasoning? I just needed to get it off my chest.
and Cal_kashi: Try to keep your head up, I am sure things will improve eventually.