Well, I hope that's the case. Having enough content has never been a confidence generator when a series calls for a sequel.
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Just heard that the second season has been announced last week.
Man, I'm currently rewatching season 1 and it's almost funny how fucked up Subaru is. He is so full of flaws... not just in terms of strength, but his personality, too.
If it weren't for his 24/7 nonsense-talk, which is from time to time rather funny - but simply too much, he'd be such a great character for any/every story.
He's seriously unlikeable, but at the same time, you know he suffered a hundred deaths, which have an extremely believable impact on his mental state and you can't help but think that he acts like a real human being because of that.
I hope in season 2, he'll still treat death as what it is, a painful experience... and won't start killing himself because he embarassed himself or something.
Too bad he has this super-over-the-top goofy side to him. It actually made the show quite a bit worse imho. It's a cringefest whenever that happens.
Im rewatching, too, atm. Binged 9 episodes since yesterday. The most important confirmation: Re zero wasnt just good for being one of the first isekai anime; its a great anime fullstop and leaps ahead of the isekai crap we get these days.
Secondly, its astounding how almost halfway in Rem isnt likeable at all and I actually like Emilia. Ofd I know thats about to change, but still. But thats the greatest quality of this show: Its unpredicgability.
Its also a sad reminder how shit most anime nowadays are, isekai or not. Of the 9 episodes ive rewatched so far, not a single one was boring. I wish more anime put effort into eliminating the filler-ish feeling often ocurring.
Ah, damn, episode 15. Tears flowing from my eyes again ��
Episode 18 warched. And tears flowing AGAIN. God, Rem really is the best bestgirl ever. And fu, Subaru ("I love Emilia" ��*♀️).
Edit 2:
Rewatxh finished. This anime is as great as it was the first time. Ive to admit that i ended up liking Emilia a bit more than i did the first time, although rejecting Rem will never cease to be shocking.
Episode 1 of the remastered version almost here - I'm actually really in the mood for it despite the recent rewatch :o
Hm, is this different at all? Just saw that MAL isn't listing this. If it's 1:1 the same i guess i don't need to watch it.
It's a directors cut, you might get something different depending on what was changed or cut. The rest is the same.
So I finally just got around to watching this series. I wish I'd known a Director's Cut was starting literally this season, because I would have waited and just watched that instead.
Anyway, it was very good. For an Isekai, the characters are extremely well written, and I've very invested in learning more about the mystery of this world.
My only real complaint is the pacing at points. It feels like he spends about 1 pass to many on each individual timeloop. He spends, like, a quarter of the series in each loop, and by the 3rd or 4th time through each one, it's starts to feel repetitive.
Also, that one loop in the high teens, right before he gets "back to zero" is really rough. He goes through, like, 3 passes just screaming and crying and not making any progress at all.
Anyway, I'm glad this show has shown some restraint so far with it's groundhog day concept. I'm honestly surprised the main character hasn't tried to become a master swordsman or master sorcerer by just getting in 4 days of training, then killing himself over and over. I assume that's still going to happen at some point, but I give them props for waiting this long.
I'd say I still probably prefer KonoSuba because I love that show's humor, but this is probably my 2nd favorite Isekai series now. And I'm hoping it continues at some point.
Hasn't he only died, like, 10 times so far? 3 times on the first day, 3 times in the days leading up to the mabeasts attack, 3 times getting back to the mansion, and then once more in the mansion attack after defeating the whale.
That wasn't supposed to be taken literally.
I don't know how often he died, he died quite a few times though. The thing is, he suffered through all of them and the worst part about is that no one remembers anything he sacrificed.
next season.Quote:
And I'm hoping it continues at some point.
I remember that a big part about it, is that he doesn't know how often he will "respawn"... It could stop for whatever reason, just like it started for whatever reason - and he is scared.
It's kinda inefficient too imho.
It's like killing yourself in a game like Diablo just because you think you can't beat the endboss or something. Why not try it at least first and see if you can defeat him without grinding.
It's better to kill yourself if you know you fucked up.
However, maybe he will do something like that one day when he knows he can't fix something unless he knows how to defeat XY in combat.
Despite having rewatched the anime a couple months ago only, I'm really enjoying this re-release a lot. It just feels comfortable :o Really shows how bad all the later isekai anime are. ReZero is so much better. And all the characters are great. I really hope season 2 is 25 episodes, too, and goes all in on world building. I want to see Roswal in action. I want to see a dragon. I want to find out about the king. And, and, and. Such an intriguing world.
Revision Episode 4:
It's so weird, but this is like my favorite anime atm. Makes me feel at home.
About the episode: It still to this day annoys me that Rem killed Subaru in one of his lives. She doesn't even give a good reason. "You smell like the witch and I want to keep trouble from the mansion" - oooookay, so how about talk it out? Talk to Roswal first? Talk to Subaru? To Emilia? Clearly Subaru wasn't putting up any fight, so why she still kiled him without mercy?! It just taints her character which, in evry other scene, is so nice.
Because she WANTS to kill him, because he smells like the people that killed her entire family.
In the other runs, he gives her a reason not to kill him because he spends time with her and she gets to know him. In that run, he doesn't, he's just the stranger that smells like her family's murderers.
Episode 08
While Rem is great currently, I can't ever forget how much of a bitch she was earlier.
As for episode 08, they kept my favourite ending scene from the 1st run where Puck was in giant form and went "fuck this world".
"If my daughter ain't in this world no more, none o' y'all get to be in it either."
Making threads for the likely popular shows now, so that this forum isn't dead when summer season starts in like 12 days. Obviously, everyone will be watching Re:Zero, because otherwise you're not one of the cool kids!
I thought it'd be better to have a fresh thread for season 2, considering how much of Re:Zero's awesomeness stems from its unpredictable plot development, so that shouldn't be ruined for newcomers.Quote:
When Subaru Natsuki leaves the convenience store, the last thing he expects is to be wrenched from his everyday life and dropped into a fantasy world. Things aren't looking good for the bewildered teenager; however, not long after his arrival, he is attacked by some thugs. Armed with only a bag of groceries and a now useless cell phone, he is quickly beaten to a pulp. Fortunately, a mysterious beauty named Satella, in hot pursuit after the one who stole her insignia, happens upon Subaru and saves him. In order to thank the honest and kindhearted girl, Subaru offers to help in her search, and later that night, he even finds the whereabouts of that which she seeks. But unbeknownst to them, a much darker force stalks the pair from the shadows, and just minutes after locating the insignia, Subaru and Satella are brutally murdered.
However, Subaru immediately reawakens to a familiar scene—confronted by the same group of thugs, meeting Satella all over again—the enigma deepens as history inexplicably repeats itself.
The teaser trailer is maji exciting, but it'll be hard to match, lest even surpass, the fantastic first season.
Btw am I the only one who doesn't know what happens? Just trying to gauge if I need to be careful when discussing this, wouldn't want to be spoiled by some light novel reader ,>
Yeah, I'll probably merge the two threads, I see no reason to keep it separated.