I think it has been mentioned before that Touma's power cannot be explained by science alone. It probably has something to do with magic and science at the same time, although I am not sure how they will pull that explanation off.
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I think it has been mentioned before that Touma's power cannot be explained by science alone. It probably has something to do with magic and science at the same time, although I am not sure how they will pull that explanation off.
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Indeed, Hyouka ( the last harem girl of the first season ) stated it herself.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
It wouldn't be that hard to explain, just like there's never been evidence of an esper using magic there's never been another example of the imagine breaker, meaning that Touma may very well be the exception
I mean, how they will explain how the Imagine Breaker actually works as a combination of magic and esper abilities.
I think it might be holy power, or maybe the complete opposite. Assuming that angels exist then it's logical to assume that demons are laying around somewhere too.
Doesn't Ryll's theory before address that?Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Quite the contrary, I'd say. Touma believes in his own power at least as strongly as Mikoto in her level 5 power. Thus, Touma's personal reality is perfectly founded. The fact he also believes in his unluckiness, even though in the beginning he couldn't really explain it, is another facet of his personal reality.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Although I'm not saying that would be the real explanation of his unusual power, I still maintain it could be explained with it, meaning level minus five is more appropriate than zero. Especially when zero is actually reserved to people who can do zilch.
If you want to get technical Touma doesn't seem able to actually 'do' anything in the active, controlled sense that every other leveled ESPer we've seen can. If memory serves he has never shown any sort of conscious control over reality through his ability, only conscious control over his hand which happens to have an the ability to dispel any supernatural effect. From what I understand Levels are a measure of mental control over ones ability, not a measure of the 'quality' of one supernatural ability in comparison to other supernatural abilities. I believe his level 0 was applied due to this lack of control. In bit of irony he would probably increase in level if he could make his ability work less well as it would demonstrate a measure of control.
However, I am not entirely convinced there must be a link between Touma's mind and his hand's ability. Thinking back I don't recall any specific evidence that a causal link exists between his mind and his hand's power. Does anyone else recall anything that would attest to Touma's hand's ability being connected to his brain in any way? Has Touma's willpower or mental state ever actually affected how his ability worked? I do not rule out the possibility but I don't think I'll truly believe he's an ESPer in the sense we're used to unless it is somehow shown that his hands power wouldn't work if it were to be cut off and thrown at something supernatural.
Unless there's a demon living in his arm, it's his hand and his ability. Whether he has any control over it is another matter. We have never seen him exert control but on the hand have we even seen him try? He seems to never train the power or do anything else with it, aside from the occasional fights where he needs it - or accidental use like preventing Kuroko from teleporting him. Again, it could be he tried in the past and failed - and gave up. Or it could be he never even tried if it was on from the beginning.
I'm actually a bit surprised we haven't really seen plots with espers having problems controlling their powers. Since it's all so very psychological, this whole personal reality requirement almost begs for the appearance of people who completely lose the grasp on the reality around them in favour of their own inner reality, because that would make them reach their peak. An autistic level 6, for example (if they are ever going to use the theoretical level 6 for anything).
That sound system didn't make a whole lot of sense. An esper can begin as level zero and develop the skill up and up. This episode suggested that it causes specific physiological changes in the brain that for an arbitrary mysterious reason have no connection whatsoever to the type of an esper ability the individual possesses, and so will affect any esper through the auditory system.
I don't buy it. It was 100% pure no additives Musashino plot device.
I might be wrong but did Touma disappear entirely from the OP? I guess he's out of the series for good then. Good bye, my favorite Mikoto tsundere scenes...
He's there...sortof. At the beginning of the scene where Kongo and her two friends are walking down the street, a flash of a shirt passes by, and a second one as well, which is clearly a very angry Index. It is part of the transition from the scene where Uiharu is doing pushups.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Touma needs fighting lessons from this Kurozuma dude, he'd kick all kinds of ass if he did
If you're talking about the new OP then i agree, i even found the animation to be lacking and lack of Touma made me rage all over the placeQuote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
And this crap doesn't count
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Having Kuroko's scenes are enough for me. Therefore, this episode was enjoyable, even if only on a rather average level.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
There's a v2 coming later, so you may want to wait if video quality is important to you.
"Encoder came back from his journey of enlightenment later than expected, so for now we're using a generic raw. v2 to follow with real raw when it's done."
Dang... guess it was lucky I kinda forgot this came out today. I'll wait for V2.
Damn Konori is hot in a red leather jacket. She has a nice body too, so it looks even better.
Kuroko also says some pretty mature things when she's not going into crazy Onee-sama Luv-Luv mode. There definitely exists the feeling that despite her relatively young age when compared to the rest of the cast, she is one of the most mature. It is a bit strange, but that's another reason she's my favorite character in this show. There is a depth to her, and while on the one side she is very carefree, she also has some really good insights about personal relations. Sometimes she seems like the big sister in her relationship with Misaka.
The three girls really got to show off a bit. Misaka scaring the crap out of them, Kuroko instantly disabling most of their weapons, and Konori showing off her close combat skills amplified by her ability.
Heh, Kuroko drinking a carton of milk after the credits.
I got somewhat annoyed by the whole Mii-Kuro relationship stuff that dominated this episode. I don't give a shit about the whole thing, which was never even hinted at before (not that Mii would be even such a prominent character), yet now it's the focus of the whole episode. I got bored of it very quickly and hoped this arc would have something else interesting but alas no. I guess the only concrete thing out of this is the third party that supplied the gang with the antiesper system.
Where the heck is Touma! When Mikoto was pondering the importance of feelings towards someone I really thought we would get a sudden Touma flashback and Mikoto would deny it immediately in her mind. A useless hope, of course. Instead we got nothing at all.
Lol Kraco, i have to agree. This episode felt to me as a reminder that although this is nice Index is so much better.
I think most of us love Misaka mostly for her personality and a big part of that ( maybe the best part too ) is only shown by her going tsun tsun with Touma. Taking him out of the equation killed this show for me.
At this point i'm just going through the motions as i wait for Index S2