Hmm... That would be a pretty big file to download, as well. Closer to 400 MB, most likely.
Printable View
Hmm... That would be a pretty big file to download, as well. Closer to 400 MB, most likely.
where did you got the info that it will be 3 eps? o.0
Fake info.
Cal.Syobi has a half-hour episode scheduled on october 5
ANN has added new episode "203. The Third Secret World War". Anyone thinks it's fake.
really, everyone should know by now not to trust ANN or wikipedia in this matter. the only titles you can be sure of are those from cal syoboi.
also, apparently the whole 90 minute episode deal was advertised in the raw version of the manga. still not sure if it's actually true or not...
we have to wait to see
Originally Posted by zibo
Its not fake.
So it is a filler ? What about the rumor that fillers end with episode 204 ?
*Jadugar looks into his crystal ball*
It’s all cloudy so I can’t see that far.
Maybe you should clean it with some windex or something.:p
Like saman said.Quote:
Originally Posted by Jadugar
Its not on cal syoboi, therefore its a fake.
It is also not on leafninja, I guess it is fake after all.
I still have my hopes for end of fillers in episode 204.
When the Naruto Anime series first started, how far along was the manga? As it stands, how far ahead of the anime is the manga now?
Somewhere in the next 10 episodes there'll be a non-filler... I hope.
Leafninja gets its info from cal syobi.
If I am not mistaken.... between the end of the chuunin exams and the search for Tsunade...
well if you are looking for a certain time.. The fillers started at episode 135 and we are at 199. So even factoring the double episodes, it should be about a year and more ahead of the anime.
I want to start reading the manga so bad, but I think there is still hope for the anime. But I am not expecting anything anytime soon. Only when i am completed drained of all hope desire and expectation of the anime, will i read the manga.
Heck i have created an archive of anime to last me a few months if i watch them one after the other, then there is work and flirting so. i am good for about another year. But by then i would have forgotten about naruto, if it is going to take so long. My interests in the manga and the series would be killed by time and their (animator, directors, etc) stupidity.
That is why i am saying it will end when it ends. I am more interesting in thinking about who would actually want to watch it. They are already feeling the effects, the 1st movie was at the number 1 position from weeks, the 3rd started at number nine.
Another huge turn off is the Dub version, they cut it up pretty badly and some of the voice actors are just plain fucking annoying, I am not even gonna waste my money on buying those dvd box set.
Naruto is dying, If not dead to some already. But i am still clinging to whatever little hope I have, but it would only last so long. I really hate dropping a series, for I am one of the people that always wants to see things through to the end. I would really hate to drop this series after it started off so great.
But like I said before, It actually hurts sometime to watch some of the "bullshit' that they are trying to pass off as anime. The pain comes from them making a mockery of what they have created. It really is sad.
But then again i can't really do anything about it, but wait that is all there is to do. Since as a fan i really have no say. But I think those "dip-shits" should remember the fans are important in the anime process too.
Well this is all I have to say. I am going to once again place my attention elsewhere. Maybe when I am totally bored or when my interest is peak by another fellow fan, I will once again start watching the filler. Until then....................
@dragonrage: I totally agree.
I believe that Naruto will go back into non-fillers very soon, as the fillers have given the manga enough time to get ahead (if I'm not mistaken).
Originally Posted by Canadian
thanks for the moral support, but I am not going to hold my breath.
There's a couple of people that hate me for supporting u, lol (dunno what I said in my last post)... Whatever.Quote:
Originally Posted by dragonrage
lol, damn that really sucks. i am sorry that supporting me is causing you pain. I really don't think i have any enemies, but if what you say is true it seems that I do. I appologise for whatever inconvience that I have caused you. :rolleyes: :confused:
I love how everyone is like, "I hope/know the fillers will end at <enter episode here>". Then, when that episode passes, they pick another.
Seriously, stop kidding yourselves.
I honestly have no idea how this hasn't turned into another Rurouni Kenshin. The fact that the latest movie did terrible compared to the others should've been a hint for the filler writers, but I guess not.
Naruto will either die in fillers... or, hopefully, redeem itself by following the manga again.