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Pretty tight, Zinobi. Just try to darken the Cloud render a bit more, it just looks a bit too weird for Seph to be so dark, and Cloud so bright. Now, don't make him as dark as Seph, just enough so that it fits the wallpaper. Cool wallpaper, none the less, keep it up. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
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Well, the Cloud render needs a lot of work. You can tell that all you did was use magic erase because a lot of white is still left over. You need to go back in and erase all of those. It's also too dark. It doesn't blend well with the bg at all. You should try lowering the opacity of Cloud, or fading a little of the darkness away, so it looks more fluid with the rest of the bg. It's not bad at all and I like the concept, it just needs some more work.
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thanx guys, for the feed back i'll fix the Cloud render i didnt really notice all the white til i posted it here
get back to ya later tonight
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Here's my wallpaper, shrunken from a High Res image and given the overhaul photoshop treatment. I made it for my girlfriend, but I'm sure many people in here would appreciate it as well.
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Wow, very good job, esspeically with the lighting. I like the render choice also. Very nice.
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well the right half was something like 1600 x 2300, so when I shrank it down so it could fit, I didn't lose anything. Basically the left half is mine, the right was just the basis for it.
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A little something I threw together after watching Kage's sig tutorial. I also modified the render a little, he's holding the mask by his leg in the original image.
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nice that looks so awesome!
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Looks awesome, I like the colors.
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Whoa, much better, Zinobi. I can't believe how much better it looks. Good work. ^_^
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Good work with fixing the render, but that darkness on top of Cloud doesn't go well. Try darkening the bg brushing.
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I meant don't darken Cloud, darken the bg behind him and Sephorath.
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Just about perfect. I don't know how more technical I can get. Phoenix can probably see some things that I cannot, but now it looks to me like a very well done wallpaper. ^_^
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Much better. I'm just a perfectionist with certin things [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
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thanx guys i like it a lot better know ^_^
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wow that looks great zinobi, yours skills are definitely improving! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
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meh made it for a friend and he liked it, so i thought i'd ask you guys if it was good