Forgot the exact moment, but it was something in the latest ep of B Gata H Kei. :o
The laptop was on my lap, so the blow was meant for my thigh. (In case you got the impression that I had table-thumping tendencies).
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I've really wanted to buy all megatokyo books... but only the first and second were released in Poland, and shipping them from US would be too expansive...
The German Amazon seems to list them also in English. Surely they ship to Poland as well. Or the UK Amazon, although I'd think the currency rates would be less favorable with them for you.
Well the difference in currencies would add up approx to shipping fee + import tax when importing from U.S. Not to mention that the ones in us cost 10$ each, and here they cost 10 PLN each..
I don't see how ~3$ would be possible unless it's a store getting rid of their old stock for no profit. Or they are illegal reprints from China or somebody else's shipment stolen by mafia and then redistributed to immoral shops.
In short, it's a futile dream to expect to consistently find them for 3$ apiece from normal stores.
Well they are printed here, translated versions, and this is pretty normal price for comics here. manga goes here between 10-20PLN for full(new) volume.
Except you said earlier only the first and second volumes were ever published over there, so naturally you are stuck with the original English versions. And the publisher isn't going to sell them any cheaper to Poland than to any other country. All you have working for you is the currency rate of PLN. Assuming it happens to be now high. If it's low, then you are even more screwed. In any case, the English versions are pricey for some reason.
Yes i know, but what hurts me the most is polish shipment office - I'll have to pay approx 200PLN and to this I'll have to add shipping cost(30PLN) + the 22% import tax... and I'll have to wait for it 1 month after it arrives in Poland... damn i have to get decent job for holidays.
I don't get what you are saying. If you order them from inside the EU, you won't be paying anything extra at all. I have ordered stuff from Germany and the UK and even their shipment costs can be bloody cheaper than if I ordered the same thing from within Finland (tells volumes about how greedy my own countrymen are).
If you order from the USA (or anywhere else outside of the EU), it could be a different story. Shipping costs will likely be high and you might need to deal with the toll. So, I suggest ordering from another member state because due to the free movement of goods, nobody can legally claim money as a middleman there.
As is said - i added everything up and ordering from US and EU is pretty much the same(because euro is stronger than USD).
My other bitch - I feel, for last 2 days, total lack of motivation to do anything - i dont wanna play games, go outside, train, play guitar - anything.
I sent my medicines entry transcripts interstate via express mail.
Online tracking status: Lodged by customer - 31/05/2010.
Deadline for application: 04/06/2010
So where the hell is it??
In the bay area a big radio station is live 105.
live 105 holds a concert every year called BFD.
I was at a pub hoping to win tix to BFD.
a Woman next to me starting talking to me...
she was singlehandedly teh most ignorant, self centered, pretentious, many bad words insert here person I've ever encountered.
She lied through her teeth, she cared more about money than her son, blah blah blah, and at teh end of teh night she started insulting me because I can't hear. (Which she knew)
I lost my hearing when I was 2, to a fever, I have at least a 65 Db loss (bilateral) , I seriously can't hear. Graduating HS and Cal (EECS) were accomplishments that should have been out of my reach.
I've never had someone attack me before like that.
If she had been a guy, I'd have decked her and kept kicking her while she was down until I was pulled off. She single handedly represented everything in this society that disgusts me (before she attacked me). When she went after my hearing I just, I,
i'm hurt now.
I rode home from the pub on my mountain bike averaging 35 mph for 5 miles (gives an idea of the anger I held/have)
I want to hurt her, I want bad things to happen to her, and I HATE that I have those thoughts.
right now I have a roommate that I took off the streets, because he has/had no where to live (he lives in my house rent free and I pay for a lot of his costs) I build bikes and give them to people to help them. I don't even have a car. I help people when ever and where ever I can often to the detriment to myself.
I've never harbored hate and anger, and I want this woman to suffer.
how do I resolve this?
I'm really not OK right now.
My roomnmate's father was theke. I just spoe with him, and he tells me that after I left she said to him "I'm sorry your friend got upset by what I said" Now I wish more ill will upon her, and am even more conflicted.
Your good deeds have no bearing on how people are capable of treating you. It is illogical to assume you are free of the ignorance of people because you think you're a good person. Stupid people are absolutely everywhere, you should be surprised these things don't happen more often.
This is good advice, but I guess I want to clarify that I introduced and expanded upon my own characteristics to emphasize that feelings of ill will are quite abnormal. Specifically I'm perturbed by harboring my desire for her to suffer. I guess I'm looking to a ) vent about the bitch as a whole, and b) look for advice or thoughts on what to do about the fact that I want all of that world's bad things to happen to her and only her.
Have you smoked any cannabis?
That always helps me when I'm having one of my rage fits.
If not your thing, perhaps a physical outlet for your emotions.. like boxing.
As I mentioned before the anger I had drove me to ride fast. In fact really, really fast. So I did try to direct some of that rage into physical exertion Herb makes me less upset, kind of, at least at the moment, but it doesn't mask the fact that I still would pleasure from her suffering. Which is bugging me most, because I don't like the idea that I am wishing ill will upon someone.
You can't hear? How did you learn to read?
Did ppl just yell the words at you (above 65db)?
Can you read lips? >_>
If you are a normal human, then you will feel hatred when somebody attacks you and things you believe or want to believe in. However, since we are living in a civilized society where you can't have a duel anymore, your only option is to ignore the bitch and live on. The good thing about all of this is that now that you've been insulted by a professional, the words of casual scumbags will hardly register anymore. Like Azazel said, stupid people abound, so you can consider this even a valuable lesson.
I needed some time to cool off and feel much better, and silly now.
you guys provided some good advice, thanks.