Simple, maybe some more brushing would do it some good.
Finally got around to do a new one in the middle of all the schoolwork and shit.
For those who didn't spot it, it's the one i use.
Printable View
Simple, maybe some more brushing would do it some good.
Finally got around to do a new one in the middle of all the schoolwork and shit.
For those who didn't spot it, it's the one i use.
You've made a lot better. The grid pattern doesn't go with the rest of the sig at all, and you have too many lightsources. What I mean is that you have her left side darkened but theres a light source coming from the top left, and one bottom left. Bg needs some depth too. Well that was the very critical response, but yea you know by now im not tryin to be mean, just helping as much as I can.
Text is nice btw.
Thanks man, yea i know you're just helping out.
Do you have any links to tutorials that has helped you out, any particular good ones?
Alright as i wasn't really satisfied with the current i had, i did a new one and it is a Carlsberg one. I drink this beer quite often and i was in a beer discussion with a guy from another forum so i thought of this.
not feelin text, other then that is cool
That looks pretty good PSJ.
@Kage: Only drunk guys can appretiate this. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
made a sig [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
You aren't supposed to show of your signature contribution before the contest.
Been reading the posts on how to make sigs. It got me interested, so I tried it out last night. I have no artistic talent at all, and it was my first time using photoshop for anything. Any advice/tips/comments would be welcome and appreciated. Thanks.
Edit: Added old sig here:
Yay, another person with no artistic talent! *high five* I'm right there with ya, dude. But I'm glad you decided to give photoshop a try. It's really fun.
As for your sig, it's pretty good for a first try. I'll give you some general comments. First off, your Temari render is cut off on the right side. Generally that's a no-no. When you have a render that's cut off like this, it's best to either place it at the side, or in some way hide the fact that it's cut off. For the concept you're using in your sig, it might be better to go with a different render that is more complete. Secondly, you might want to do some colour adjustment to Ino and Hinata to make the colours and tones match Temari more. You want to make it look like they're all in the same picture, so you want similar skin tones. Thirdly, is there a border on that? You might want to make it more visible, to frame your sig better. Especially with one this simple, I think a border is essential.
I'm sure other people more talented in the arts than I will have more suggestions for you. In the meantime, I would suggest finding some tutorials and just going through them. It's a great way to learn the different features and effects you can achieve with photoshop. I hope to see more of your work here in the future!
New siggie for the holidays! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Thanks, Kitkat. Yeah, I realized I shoulda picked a better pic of Temari too. That cut off has been bothering me. Hehe, I should have followed a tutorial. I'll have to give that border, color and tone thing a try, though. After x-mas shopping tonite, I'll give it another go. Need more comments from people. Be brutal if ya have to.
Edit: Edited for syntax, I think.
Edit2: Cleaned up my sig a little, not much different from the original.
dont lie....I rape
Damn that's some good shit Kage. How are you doing it?
I [img]i/expressions/heart.gif[/img] Alysia Milano
Heres my new work. I did this after I saw some cut scenes from Kingdom Hearts 2.
was bored so i did this
it sucks, i just started experimenting with brushes[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]
1) Use consistent renders. the degree of blur and tint on the characters vary too much. Temari is way too blurry, Tsunade's outlines are narrower than the others due to her being shrunk more, and Ino seemed a bit more faded. Check out NM's image enhancing tutorial (originally stolen from me).
2) More creative placement. It's a good idea to follow the rule of thirds, where if you imagined your image chopped into thirds horizontally and vertically, placing the main focus of interest on those imaginary lines is more interesting than dead in the center or to the sides.
3) Make your characters flow with the background, rather than stand out from it. Look around and you'll see alot of examples where people have blended their characters with the background.
Most important rule with renders: NEVER disproportionally scale an image.
Cool, I'll have to give that a try when I get some time. Maybe this weekend or like monday when I have off from work. I tried rendering them myself, and I kinda rushed it. Prob will be easier if I use just one char with multiple pics? I also need to find a new background, even I am starting to hate that background. Btw, what photoshop program and version do you all use? I've been using Adobe Photoshop CS ver8.
Edit: Where the hell is the option located to add a border to an image? I can't seem to find it, but I could be lookin in the wrong place...
Assertn, you really can't let that image enhanching tutorial thing go, can you?
Look at the title now Assertn. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
EDIT: Ero-fan, to add a border, first make a new layer. Then go to Select -> All. Now go to Edit -> Stroke. Then fill in the color that you want and the size of the stroke. Most people usually use a black stroke, 1 pixel.