Thatīs too simple, because even in reality, thatīs be true. If youīre truly so powerful that your body resists any attack, then yes, a time-stopping enemy wonīt be a problem. But that kind of power difference is not the case here ;P
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You guys certainly gave more thought to this than Toriyama. And I'm not making fun of you guys at all, if you get what I mean.
I mean, he's like the most original author in the universes.
That was nice of him. Still no Saiyan revival I guess in Toriyama's mind. :(
Wasn`t Hit not allowed to use his stronger techniques and was therefore handicapped? Didn`t Vegeta mention during his fight that Hit`s attack were not THAT strong? so a Kaio ken x10 SSB should be able to withstand him? Isn`t this a 30 year old kid`s show, which, I cannot stress enough, is aimed at preteen children? why do you keep trying to bring the pseudoscience nonsense all the time? I swear this is the One Punch Man thread all over again.
Want an explanation? here. Goku is the chosen one, being the chosen one in all of its pseudoscience glory means that his cells create a specific type of protein (let`s call it Bulltein) that auto activates when time is stopped, this Bulltein then creates a coating around Goku`s skin that increases his defenses by whichever number turns you on. High enough to not die in the .5 time period but not high enough to make him get out of it 100% unharmed. For future reference, Bulltein also does whatever the plot requires it to, therefore covering up any potential future plot hole. Happy? ARE YOU HAPPY!? *explodes*
episode 41 is out
Can we, like, NEVER again mention real physics when talking about Dragonball? That dragonīs size makes no sense, lol, and then thinking about itīs movementīs speed, simply opening its mouth that could swallo several galaxies at once, the gravital waves itīd create, ugh. lol
Okay-ish episode. Animation terrible as usual. But seriously, another tournament right after the previous one? I like tournaments, but itīs really creatively bankrupt.
Yeah, that was a good ending, but setting up another tournament right away is kinda boring.
Is Beerus a jerk with a heart of gold? Or was he just making a backup Earth in case he has to destroy the old one for it's insolence?
You got 10 more universes out there, let's see some actual villains!
A second tournament with fighters from every universe. Hate to say I told you so, but yet another blatant rip from DB Multiverse.
What is this DB Multiverse thing? Is this something famous among Dragonball fans?
Maybe SSJ4 will be addressed with the Multiverse lol. Also, I don't know why people are saying Toriyama is ripping off anything. The people who made a fanfic are ripping Toriyama off and since he owns the sole rights and property of DB and everything releated, anything the fanfic says is his property by default.
Idea wise, no one knows whether or not it would have went this way. This is Toriyama continuing the story. That's all I am content with.
I`m thinking the new tournament won`t happen right away, and instead we`ll some other arc in between.
It's a very high quality fanfic manga
That reminds me of the EVA hentai manga that has a much better ending than canon.
God damn it Yamcha
lol dah!
actually the new episode was just in place... cool animation, on time jokes and a nice fight... but seems just like a recap of the first season....
it does seems like there might be another arc before the multiverse tournament:
episode 43 is out
wow, Gohan, you had ONE job to do! lol. His entire excuse of not training to be a fighter is his career as a scientist. And now he turns down a great offer to adance his career and he turns it down?! wtf. Stop being such a family man!
The scene with Piccolo, Goku and Pan on the roof was actually quite nice. It made me wish Goku would actually age and become a grey haired, sensible old man who stops being such a doofus.
Pan suddenly flying was stupid. Are we supposed to think of another case of "saiyajin-human breeds are stronger than pure saiyajin"?
Good to see that the God Kaioken has some real consequences.
^ That.
Finally some actual after-fight consequences. Can't senzu your wear outa this one!
Also, Piccolo is way more entitled to be the grandpa of Pan.