No, this was straight from the manga alright.
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No, this was straight from the manga alright.
I think the pace is just right. The tournament simply dragged on for too long, making this seem quick.
The reason it felt quick (if at all) would be because we don't understand everything Souma's just learned. It went over our heads, and is therefore relatively quick.
It's true that when you know the terms, you link them better with the idea that he mostly learns cutting techniques and their names.
It was all around prep work if I did not forget anything.
It's also because we never saw the application of it.
He learned new cutting techniques, but it was never suggested that new cutting techniques were the reason he managed to quicken his pace and prepare food so far in advance.
The train of thought becomes "he learned new cutting skills.. he also got quicker... and he's closer to his signature?"
We got facts, but we didn't know what to do with them or why they mattered. In contrast, previous tournaments have always been "This taste is great! This is why, and this is why he won."
We can only hope that his contest dish will show everything he's learned thus far. That still only tells us that he learned new skills however, which suggest he only needed to get better in the kitchen by sticking around.
There's also a contrast between this and the tournaments where everyone was great at whatever they were filleting/cutting. We thought they had done well at prep school (as someone previously suggested) and were now only honing their ideas (going for their PhD, as that analogy went). Now they tell us their prep work actually doesn't cut it for the real world.
Not exactly the real world. Souma's internship is pretty special because he is working under a psycho boss.
There's the boss and there's french cooking.
Compared to everyone else at Tootsuki, Souma is the only one (to my knowledge) who didn't have the basic training at Tootsuki.
So he does not have the culture and techniques from cooking styles other than the ones his father taught him.
He then had to catch up to all these french cutting techniques so that he gets useful in that kitchen. And I think almost every cutting techique was then displayed on screen in some form or another.
As for Souma's spécialité, working in a high end kitchen with one of the best chefs in the world and world class party certainly helps getting ideas. You get to see dishes you would never get to see at Yukihira. You get to know how to prepare them efficiently.
All the details he gets in that kitchen can play a role in creating his own cooking style. That's why he was in "sponge learning mode" doing all the tedious work in advance, reading books, asking questions and then improving and getting useful.
Episode 13:
And so the second season ends. In a way, quite anti-climatic, quite rushed. Puts into question if we'll get more out of this series, I would've thought a second season would've been 24 episodes or so if they were planning for the long run. Who knows.
Second season was quite bad, the second half of the season though was quite good, but this last episode left a lot to be desired... just a by the numbers episode.
I expect that most would feel that these last 2-3 episodes were more in line with the original spirit of Shokugeki no Soma than the somewhat flat autumn election arc, and will be glad it ended on this more positive note.
Okay finale. But I don´t need a third season. Let´s move on. At least this anime gave us Erina for hentai doujin-purposes ;>
I'm cool with another season as long as there's no tournament. Shokugekis are ok.
Third season incoming!
This fall.
It's comming guys, I'm already hyped.
I enjoyed this show more than I should....
I can't quite remember, does Erina know who Souma's father is already?
No, that won't be revealed to her a bit later.
Season 3 first episode is out...
I don't know, not feeling it.
Bewilderingly, there is a bridging OVA here that is both cannon and important for setting up this season, in my opinion. Why it was not the first episode is beyond puzzling! Please watch it before the first episode of season three for the context to make a bit more sense (the flashbacks are snippits from this OVA).
That said, at least its not a tournament...
Wasn't the 2nd OVA just a swimsuit episode?
There were 4 total (so far). The first three were fru-fru fan service episodes, yes, but the last one is an honest to goodness episode.
Ohhhh, I'm sorry, I thought you linked OVA-2
S3 - Episode 03
Re: Yukihira's Mapo Tofu being deliberately mild
-This point was previously explored. Souma's dad made these dishes to be palatable to customers repeatedly, so that repeated mouthfuls taste great. I believe this was pointed out during the oxtail/beef stew battle.
- It's also been pointed out that this approach isn't going to win him points in a taste battle, or one where people are visiting an event yearly.
- I agree that the Yukihira's way of cooking isn't inferior necessarily, but it won't win you against an attention-grabber and those other impact dishes.
Other comments:
-I still get hungry watching this show, but the whole fight about umami again shows how boring this actually gets. That's what happens when your story is all about beating another person with your cooking. Isekai Shokudo S2 when? T_T