Kinda sad to see Jesus go. His and Lafayette's relationship seemed to be the best on the show, and the actors had very good chemistry with each other. And I was really getting tired of that Eric-Bill-Sookie emotional fingercuffs crap.
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Kinda sad to see Jesus go. His and Lafayette's relationship seemed to be the best on the show, and the actors had very good chemistry with each other. And I was really getting tired of that Eric-Bill-Sookie emotional fingercuffs crap.
This show is very Whedon-esque in that sense. Whenever a couple finally settles down into a happy, functional, long-term relationship either someone dies or something ridiculously bad happens. It gives me the impression that it's more difficult for the writers to keep a relationship going than it is to create drama for the sake of drama (and violence).
Nah, they are far too well versed in the bizarre power games, and showing the right amount of both people being miserable periodically for them to be single. If they were single, the relationships would seem like they never left the honeymoon stage until one dies out of the blue. They show unhappy couples, just like real relationships are. I don't mean to say that couples in relationships are unhappy. I mean to say that real relationships have periods of unhappiness. The inevitable outcome of living so closely with someone for long enough.
^^I meant more so that the relationships never last. But yeah you are on target.
Just letting ya'll know, first ep of the new season is out!
I think I'm still on season 3, will see about catching up during the Summer.
Season 5 is pretty good so far. I'm catching up, but some highlights:
* The ex-sheriff telling Andy to fuck off, he's busy getting laid.
* Tara!
* The Authority plot
* Eric glamouring Alcide.
Yeah, this season is WAY better, i suddenly love Tara so much, and i was quite the hater.
The one issue i have about this season, and its a pretty big issue (for me atleast), is that they have way too many stories/arcs 'n shit going on at the same time.
Hopefully all the stories converge into an epic finale or something..
Ep 11 is out.
Next ep is the season finale, and going by all the shit that went down in this ep, it's going to be one hell of a finale! BRING IT!
God damn cliffhanger ending! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
UGH!!! I don't even know wtf is going on anymore, but I know I'll relentlessly keep watching every week. -_-
Oh, it was so obvious Jason was talking to Warlow the entire time. Anthony Hopkins/Dracula picks up a totally bloodied and rambling (and schizo) Jason... how is that not suspicious? LOL Even Warlow was like "who do you think i am?!" LOLLLLLLL
CONJECTURE: inb4 Bill uses his Lillith powers to protect Sookie and Sookie retardedly falls for him again because this probably requires Bill to sacrifice something, or at least appear to
Dafuq? Did you just confuse Rutger Hauer with Anthony Hopkins? lol
If Warlow really is Lilith's disciple, how fucking old is he? o.O
No, but Rutger clearly also gives off a Jack Nicholson vibe.
LOLLL He's literally old, too. For the oldest living vampire, he sure is having a hard time (taking his time?) getting to Sookie.
I liked how bored he was at Jason's story.
Oh shit it wasn't Warlow?!
This episode was great!!! And Bill's power level is like KAZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!!
Also great ending theme song.
This show is falling fast on my favorite shows list. Hell, I think that I only watch it because it is on during the summer time when nothing else is on.
Really? I think it's finally starting to get good.
Sookie's not even pissing me off as much as she did before! Except the whole "I wanna stay away from your kind cuz it gets me into trouble" thing is what EVERYONE was telling her before.... but it only sinks in when she's fully developed relationships with the vampires? -_-
lol! It's so funny how every guy Sookie went to totally blew her off, and she ended up having to go to her parent's graves (who she hates).
I'm guessing Sookie (NARROWLY) got out of becoming a fairie vampire! Damn it.
Andy's daughter needs to find a way to protect herself...
Good season!
Totally agreed with this article.