Damn that sucks. I've been getting people to drive me around for years.
It's an art, man. It's an art.
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Damn that sucks. I've been getting people to drive me around for years.
It's an art, man. It's an art.
God, I hate school. I got busted on Thursday for wearing make-up and apparently having my hair wrong. Fucking neo nazis. That's it. On Monday, I'm tying my hair in 2 Ox Horns, and going Chun Li on their asses.
Yus. Plan.
I think its C.C. way of getting back at you for cheating :PQuote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
Do you go to Catholic school or what? I've seen your picture, you do not need makeup. You also shouldn't swear, it makes you sound like an online trannie.Quote:
Originally Posted by Junior
But but...being an online trannie is cool. =) As long as you're not a trannie offline, it's all good.
And nah...an all girls school. Strict. I just wear eyeliner. And they have bitch fits over it. D:
It might be cool until people start thinking you're a guy posing as a girl and then it's all downhill from there, or it gets really really weird.
I never understood eyeliner. Base coat on the face I can understand, and lipstick. Maybe even eyelash thickener. But not eyeliner. My mom had her eye lines surgically made permanent, which was huge among Asian women in the 80s and 90s. I can't see the point.
But then it's even cooler! Sometimes, being a guy online is way better. Hence why I chose the name 'Junior'. <3
It's just to outline your eyes a bit and make them...eye-catching. It draws attention to them. My eyes are quite boring without eyeliner.
Permanent? That must've hurt. D: My mom told me about it but I think it's a bit...extreme.
I seriously doubt that you need eyeliner to make your eyes more attention-getting. Of course, I've only seen pictures of you where you're probably wearing eyeliner, so what do I know.
My bitch: I just washed a new $70 cashmere scarf in the regular laundry, so I think it's ruined, plus it smells real bad. Like a wet sheep (or dog).
edit: I just read that cashmere is goat hair, so it in fact smells like a wet goat.
haha thanks anyway. xD
Cashmere is GOAT hair...? *shudder* How do you normally wash a scarf like that anyway?
I just read online that you're supposed to hand wash it, and dry clean it only if necessary. I didn't even know the stupid thing was cashmere, though the price should have tipped me off. The content list was in squiggly lines (Katakana) and says kashimiya, which turns out is Japanese for cashmere. And yes, it is goat hair.
Have you ever smelled fresh goat hair? As in, you rub a goat and then smell your hand?
You don't want to smell that.
I've had goat before. It tastes like socks.
I have eaten goat as well. But my share was properly prepared and it didn't taste like socks.
(I don't like the taste of socks, btw. Not that I'd have tasted but I can imagine.)
Eating the meat is not the same thing as petting the hair.
I beg to differ!
Yeah, ever since I started knitting, I've had to read up on all sorts of different fibres, cause when you go to the yarn store to buy yarn there are a million options, and it's hard to know what to buy. Pretty much anything made with animal fibres (i.e. cashmere, alpaca, wool, etc) can only be hand-washed unless it's been chemically treated to be immune to the washing machine and dryer. And yeah, they do usually smell like wet sheep/goats when the fibre is wet, but once they're dry, the smell should go away. If it doesn't then there's a special kind of soap you can use to wash it, that should help.
These days, when I knit stuff for people, I'm pretty much only using acrylic, because it's virtually indestructible, and can be pretty soft too. My super expensive alpaca-silk yarn I'm saving for myself, cause I know that after putting in so many hours to knit myself a sweater I won't accidentally put it in the wash......I hope......
I finally got one of them iPhone knock-offs and apparently it won't work here unless it has the 850 band :(
I pretty much only buy low maintenance clothing, so it's all cotton for me. I got the scarf because everyone else is wearing one and it's cold here. Typically I don't even like stuff around my neck, makes me itch. You are right, the scarf stopped smelling funny once it dried. Unfortunately it's raining, so it will get wet and smelly again if I'm not careful. Thanks for the advice!Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
got my first electric bill tonight.... it is $221.23... which is about $130 more than i was anticipating. grrrrrrr. They had a promotion w\ a $50 target gift card which we used earlier to buy some groceries w\ so that could technically bring the bill down to $161 but it is still too high.
its easier living w\ your parents for free, that is for sure.
after serving me well for like 6 years now, my desk chair is very nearly dead.
My roommate freaked out because he missed a couple times playing lead guitar on Green Grass and High Tides and we only 5-starred (didn't quite make gold stars) it at the end of a 10-song setlist on rockband. That's a song that your threshold for being pissed off about missing on any given part should be "damn, I didn't pass" ... not "damn, I didn't get 100%"
This an hour after telling me that I've been playing the game too much :p
Also, what started out as a minor personality disagreement at my job has turned into a major daily issue. I'm ... evaluating my options.
I'm not a very confrontational person so when my job becomes going into the computer lab to try to keep people quiet or what not... i'm not very happy.
so anyhow, there are like 5-6 obnoxious people in here, which begs the question...
why do black people talk so loud? i mean, not all of them do. but alot of them its as if they think they need to yell when they talk to be heard.
I don't want to be too much of an asshole and just restart or shutdown their computers, and i dont see who is complaining since nobody in here is doing anything aside from myspace and watching videos.
i think i'm just going to disable the sound driver on all of the computers next time i get a chance.
I'm out of clean clothes today and my only clean shirt is one I was given for Christmas with Che Guevara on it.
I mean I know Austin is a Liberal city, but I really don't wanna be "that guy".
Wear it proudly knowing that you'll at least appeal to a particular crowd.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Flip the shirt inside out so it's just solid black.
Here is my whining for the upcomming week.
I have this random lung problem and some random virus so I'm staying IN BED for the week. Wich sucks becuse that means I will post totally random on Gotwoot Forums and play Flash games on a nothing-capable-of-doing-anything-laptop.
I finally get the time to organize my iPod. Indi music to Deathmetal. Maahhahaha// High Fever Ranting!
well, at least your Ipod still lives, mine (Iaudio 30BG) died during a black out in the base, and it's out of warrenty.
but still, get better soon.
I feel so dumb.. i was supposed to be a vaction this week, but it's been canceled so I would go to some stupid convention as a representative for my unit. I thought it would be a nine to five thing, So I left my stuff locked back in the base. in short, now all the things I need to sleep out are in the army base (shaving machine, cloths, blanket, ete ect) and I have to search all around home for another set of everything. it's like my startegy of travelling light (using the army laundary service, keeping a spare set of sandels in my locker) is backfiring at me...
still, I hope it'll be intersting.
on the better side of Life, It's possible that I've done the last guard post duty last week, no more watching the gate!
I'm still using a 20gb 4th Gen Ipod. :(
But the good thing is that it stays in my car most of the time.
I find my iPod ingcredible but I still hate-love it.
It has been stomped, fallen from a high place, driven over a car and hammered with a hammer. It has also taken a bath with me.
It's amazing that it's still alive. Maybe we were meant together, my pink iPod and I <3..
Roads were quite icy.
Even slow, it seems I was
traveling too fast.
Now, my car is broke.
plastic scattered on the roads
Injury? My pride.
so, a couple weeks ago, the department of energy cut back the budget of the project a bit. As part of the process of adjusting to the new, smaller budget, my managers decided not to transition my contract to a full-time position.
So for the last week I've been jobless, and considering my options and my future.
Today I'm going to an interview that's about 10 minutes further away than my old job. Just based on that fact alone, I don't think I really want the position. Seems like being where I am, it's hard to find people who want the sort of sysadmin that I want to be.
I'm a bit ... troubled, because I'm 27 and I don't yet know what I want to do with my life.
Update: I'm not going to that interview today, because the nearly a mile I have to walk up and down various hills is covered in a fine layer of ice with a layer of water on top of it. I'm usually pretty surefooted, but I fell twice between my front door and the end of the sidewalk (which is about 10 feet). Landed well both times, but .... not good at all...
complic... sucks. if you are the database pimp, you can surely get plenty of interview ops, most of the job listings i go through want sql + vb, and i'm finding it a little weird that job postings for positions like 'entry level junior administrator' then go on to say they want a bachelors degree and what not...
anyhow... its tax time, and again i'm getting nothing back. i dont know the dynamics of it but only a little more than half of my income shows up as taxable and then the amount of taxes i should have paid this year is about twice as much as the amount i did pay, so i have to round up some book receipts and what not today to get tax credit to cover the gap.
Getting nothing back is better than getting something back.....
Nice HaikuQuote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
I'm considering posting this on my upstairs neighbor's door. 3 times last week and then this morning at 10 a.m. What the heck?
Also Ryllharu:
Two ice-injuries
the same day, coincidence?
You hit complich8
How do you know they're having sex? This guy told me a really similar story a while back about how the people above him kept making "noises" all too often. It turned out the girl was just doing jumping jacks.
True story.
I didn't want to jump to conclusions but it's happened enough times for me to figure it out. My walls (and ceiling) are paper thin and it's more than obvious what's going on.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
Well I had the same problem but I knew they were having sex because their place was right across from me with adjacent windows no less and the bastards didn't even bother to close the blinds. Anyway they got kicked out after about two weeks.
Too much sexy time?
Maybe they're doing jumping jacks while watching porn with the sound turned all the way up. It helps to get the blood flowing.
They had this test online where you had to identify if the sounds were of sex or a weight-lifting workout. It really was difficult to tell the difference in most of the sound clips.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
What dorm or apartment are you living at?
Well now, despite my own observations, I think you guys have made it clear enough that the guy's up there lifting weights while his girlfriend does jumping jacks with porn turned up way too loud. They also apparently do all of these things on their bed.
Also Animeniax, I live off of East Riverside, on Crossing Place. It's a really good place otherwise.
admit you enjoyed itQuote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
why does this call to mind a seinfeld episode?
Well there isn't really anything to enjoy from watching people have sex. At first it was kinda interesting more as a topic of conversation than anything else but that didn't last and after being woken up in the middle of the night or not being able to go to sleep it got very annoying. I have an aunt who was into that kinda stuff though, she had some white neighbors across the street who used to have sex in the middle of the day, literally 12pm, and she would break out the popcorn and everything and spend the evening watching them.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Lol what is it with white people and not utilizing curtains. People really don't need to be able to see into your house and at night that's all leaving your blinds open does. And if you're going to have sex It should be common courtesy to try and minimize the impact of it on your surroundings, I say give the fuckers the note. You never know, embarrassment and guilt have worked wonders in the past.
See yeah, that's my problem. It wouldn't be so much of a deal if I could just ignore them, but it happens either really late or really early, when I'm trying to sleep. Also the guy/girl's bed is situated just above mine.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Will do. The next time I hear it happening, I'll go up and tape it to their door. I'll even take pictures. Fun fun.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
My brother who used to live in the next room, had a very.....loud......night and it was only a wall between us. I didn't know what to do and throwing stuff at the wall only seemed to turned them on so I went and slept downstairs.
Though, the next day I told them that she was loud so I had to move downstairs and sleep.
She never, ever did look into my eyes the day after.....
...and thought stuff that I was a freak.
Damn her.
You should try rearranging your living space, like moving your bed into the living room and make the bedroom your living room. Then you wouldn't hear them, I'd imagine.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
East Riverside? I don't think I know the area. I used to live on South Riverside I think, next to the movie theatre. I actually worked at that theatre too.
When I was in highschool, I swore I would never babysit again. I can handle it fine, but I don't enjoy it at all. Seriously, I never want to have kids. Ever.
Anyways, I was convinced to babysit twice a month for this semester, for these two couples, so I have to look after two 3 year olds, and two boys in grade 6 and 7 respectively. If it was just the little kids, I don't think I'd have a problem. Heck, I put them to bed an hour before their bedtime, and when they're playing by themselves, I don't worry about them because I know they're fine. The boys on the other hand.... ugh, I can't leave the two of them alone together or else they try to kill each other. And every other line is "You're fat" "You're gay" "You're a nerd" and they're obsessed with making jokes about bodily functions, and female anatomy if they think I'm not listening... well, most of you were young boys at one point, so you might have gone through this particular stage. The house where I babysit them isn't even their house, and last time I left them alone for 10 minutes, and came up and there was popcorn all over, on the floor, the carpet, the couches..... Tonight I almost gave the older one permission to beat on the younger one because he was being so annoying. The older one at least thinks I'm really cool, and will at least try to make sure he looks like he wasn't the one being immature, when I'm there. *sigh* After this semester....NEVER AGAIN.
Before you added that last part, I was gonna chime in and say "hey, that sounds a lot like me and my brother..."Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
Especially the name calling.
I hope you're getting paid well for your troubles.
Grade 6 and 7? Why do they even need a babysitter? That fact alone tells there's something wrong with them. Damn modern parents who don't even parent their kids.
Well, I'm not really one to judge with any sense of realism because I and my brother were always pretty much the perfect gentlemen. (Maybe there was something wrong with us...)
Well I skipped that particular stage. Its funny imagining Kitkat baby sitting kids that fight and call her names. You honestly don't seem capable of being mean you should atleast try putting on a strong front. Kids are easy for me to deal with either they love me or I scare the shit out of them, so they are easy to control. My advice would be to just let them fight until they get tired, I did that and when they realized no one was paying attention to them or would stop them, they stopped.Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
Lunar eclipse tonight!!
Oh wait...it's completely clouded over...
After a week of clear skies.
i watched it! crystal clear skies after days of cloudiness! it was cool
damn you saman! you sent all your coulds this way. i couldn't see it. now i have to waitl like 3 years. i hope you're happy >.>
I saw the eclipse. In some places it looked blood red. For me, it was a hazy brown color.
Indeed... Red Moon Eclipse was cool...
I missed the eclipse because customers came into the store....apparently mid-eclipse was at 10:26PM EST. The next total eclipse won't be until December 21, 2010.
Source: Nasa
EDIT: this is pretty much what I saw at around 9:50PM
I didn't get a clear shot atm.
Damn, Sweden sucks xD!
Oh well, night late walking cheers you up when you can't sleep. Just annoying climbing out and down the window and stuff.
Oh, and the coldness. Atleast clear skies, lol ^^!
i did? but i don't even know what coulds are :PQuote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
i am pretty happy, though :D. i can show you my craptacular eclipse pictures if it'll make you feel better!
D: I'm so damn angry. They still haven't fixed my hair straightner yet! I paid over 2000 for that damn thing. Jeez. What the hell could take so long? Only the cord was broken.
2000 what? Dollars, Francs, Pounds, Pesos, Euros, Rubles, Cents?
It's really a pain in the ass when you lost your hairstraighter. It's really tough (atleast it was for me) but hang in there!
What are you? A woman?
More importantly, are you hot?
My bitch: I've returned to the desert (mid east) from the promised land (Japan) and nothing here has that sparkle and magical aura that everything in Japan has. This part of the world sucks. Really though, any part of the world that isn't Japan kind of sucks to various degrees.
Hair straighteners should only cost about 20 dollars, maybe a little more.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Perhaps it's Yen??
Or just a realllly expensive straightener.
it converts to about...$285.
Yes. Expensive. But very much worth it.
*kicks* Stop that weeabooness. D: Is it THAT much superior?Quote:
My bitch: I've returned to the desert (mid east) from the promised land (Japan) and nothing here has that sparkle and magical aura that everything in Japan has. This part of the world sucks. Really though, any part of the world that isn't Japan kind of sucks to various degrees.
This is Animeniax's most famous quote. XDQuote:
More importantly, are you hot?
Thanks. ^^ It's seriously tough. We do have 2 other ones, but they're just not as good...Quote:
It's really a pain in the ass when you lost your hairstraighter. It's really tough (atleast it was for me) but hang in there!
i've been looking for a good straightner for a while now. i have two conair ones, and they're both spectacular pieces of crap. my friend has a "magic" CHI straightner that's amazing, but she paid $200 for it, and i don't think i care that much. hope you get yours back soon!
So...2,000 RMB?Quote:
Originally Posted by Junior
Hey, scenester kids and emos use hair straighteners too.Quote:
What are you? A woman?
XD But hair is so important! Our one was called a GHD...o.o;Quote:
Originally Posted by saman
...what is that?Quote:
So...2,000 RMB?
RMB is Yuan, China's currency.
I'm intensely curious on where you bought such an expensive straightener now, if only because of my obsession with exchange rates.
XDD wow. China has a similar exchange rate. Who knew.
2000 rands.
hahaha i guess nice hair is always good. being in the absence of one for so long, though, i think i've figured out how to get my hair looking decent enough that i can't justify spending a whole lot of money to buy one now.Quote:
Originally Posted by Junior
I've been tempted to buy a hair straightener, but hair is really thin and gets split ends so easily that I dislike subjecting it to anything really harsh like that. So, no dye, hairdryers, or straighteners for me. Plus, my 5 years in engineering didn't give me much time to spend styling my hair each day, so I got used to just tossing it back in a ponytail or braiding it. Or creative uses of bandanas XD
Some of them are specifically designed not to kill your hair. =) Apparently anyway.Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
I envy you. D:Quote:
hahaha i guess nice hair is always good. being in the absence of one for so long, though, i think i've figured out how to get my hair looking decent enough that i can't justify spending a whole lot of money to buy one now.
If anything, I'd have to say my hair is too straight.
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
...emo? *shudder*
o-O Jeez.
Not that I'm not enjoying this discussion about hair, but I have an unrelated bitch:
I've been sending out lots of replies to people/bands looking for bass players and I'm having trouble answering the questions in their responses. I need a good way of saying "I have absolutely no experience jamming and creating music with other people" that doesn't also imply "I'm a newbie and I suck".
Not that I actually do suck, but that's essentially what the message boils down to. Like telling a possible employer "Yeah, sometimes I surf the internet at work when I'm bored". Very frustrating.
You say, "Dudes, I'm new to the scene, but I'm ready to rock!!!" If this were Japan, you'd explain it all with "yoroshiku onegaishimasu", which basically is asking them to take it easy on you.
Originally Posted by Animeniax
paint a "V" on your forehead, that does the trick at "rocky's horror show" screenings.
unrelated bitch..
being that its tax season i can't help but come and bitch somewhat, it has come to my attention that i am either to dumb or to undeducated along with a majority of america to do there taxes. i pull out the 1040ez BTW not so ez...not sure if that was a joke or a just a coincidence that they did that but whatever. im goin through this damn paper work claiming myself this year and what not and i come to find out that god damn i give the goverment to much money. i typically give 28% every year on my taxes what do i get back is 1100 bucks give or take. what pisses me off is not that i have to pay taxes but that i payed almost 7k in taxes, i for one would like to know what my goverment is doin that money every time i give it to them, other then the generic "police,fire department and roads" i want to see what % or what amount of my money goes were; maybe then i wouldn't feel so god damn cheated.
my next bitch is about my public speaking teacher @ SCC honest to god the bitch is 100 years old and loves to hear herself talk, never have i met a teacher that could get so pulled off topic that for a hour and a half she just rambles on about how her god damn grandson is so F'n cute until finally the end of the class period. but before the class period ends she adds on the assignment that is do the following day. now it'd be nice if i had known what the fuckin subject that im writing for this speech is supposed to be informative or persuasive.
sorry if this shit is unreadable.
It's not just unreadible it's....so out of place...
Seriously, take this shit to the bitching thread.
my bitch:
cheap servers are crappy... site slow downs make me want to punch someone in the face
I actually gonna recommend a punch bag and then put someones face on it. It feels better and IS better for your hand.
And you wont get sued. You can also do it all day long.
My bitch: dealing with the bottom half of the gene pool. I work with a bunch of underachievers who think they are doing well in their lives. They're older guys with little real technical expertise and no work ethic, which explains why at 40 years of age they still make $50k a year tops and they're only low level techs. So when a young whipper-snapper like me comes around (oh btw I'm Asian and most of these guys are white or black) and tells them what's what, they get upset and accuse me of being rude and condescending. One guy got mad at me for telling him it's "library", not "libary".
I know it's their own insecurities and lack of mental aptitude, but they somehow find a way of making it my fault for making them feel bad and they make it seem like I'm the bad egg, when really I'm the only good egg in a carton of bad ones. I really need to get out of this line of work (IT support) and move up in the world, so there's a more clearly defined separation between the ones in charge and the mutts doing the grunt work.
I could swear you already posted this because I'm sure I read this before.
Well it happened again, with a different coworker with the same poor credentials.
Imagine that, someone calling you condescending!Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
...Oh...wait...never mind.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
That sounds like a pretty bad situation, but it's not totally surprising that 40 year-old guys working tech support aren't the brightest guys in the world. Good luck dealing with that.
Really it's my own fault for being sort of an underachiever myself. If I was in management or an engineer, I (hopefully) wouldn't have this problem with dealing with these lower life forms, and if I did, it wouldn't matter since I would clearly outrank them.
Thanks for the words of understanding though. Well, except for the condescending part. But answer me this: when speaking to lower life forms, don't you have to speak down to them to be understood?
Hey whats wrong with that I happen to know someone exactly like that. He is brilliant just completely unmotivated. I swear its like he was born without a single iota of ambition.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Definitely. They need to know their place in the world. Lower life forms don't deserve the same social treatment.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
If you're happy with what you have, be happy. Remember though, a retarded kid loves life because he doesn't know it could be better.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
The biggest problem I have with these people is that they think they're doing well and they think they know what's what. Neither is the truth. This one guy raves about his 1992 Lexus like it's a Ferrari. It's a 16 year old car. It's almost as worn out and ancient as he is. It wouldn't be so bad dealing with him if he wasn't so proud of his meager accomplishments in life, which are the basis for him questioning my authority and superiority.
edit: corrected grammar error.
Thats just if you're blinded by your own pride if you indeed want to get them to do anything then its better to speak up to them despite how you feel. Just gotta do whatever works.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
Exactly. We talk to children and animals at a lower level. You have to or you won't be understood. Why shouldn't we talk to mentally deficient people the same way? They get so testy when you do that though, it makes no sense. And when you do talk to them at your level, they get mad because they can't keep up. It's a bad situation all around with these mutts.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
This is becoming way too judgmental. Talking like that I would say that you are no better than they are.
Of course I'm better than them. Even if I'm an underachiever like them, at least I realize it and want to change for the better. Also, if someone higher in standing or learning than me gives me some direction, I don't get upset and pissy about it. I realize my own limitations and deficiencies, so what excuses the mutts from having to do the same? To be completely forthright, they should recognize my authority and bow down. But I'd settle for them just taking it nicely when being corrected or getting some direction, instead of getting their underwear in a bunch.
We're better. They would never actually have this kind of insight.
Another great point. While they're busy reveling in their supposed success and standing, we're thinking and talking about it and trying to hash it out to gain a better understanding of the situation.
BoC shut the hell up. Ani I understand completely what you're saying I just don't see how you calling other people mutts makes you superior. Really this is saddening, I thought you were better than this.