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You know I'm a bitch for lighting out of you PSJ [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
And of course this is no exception. Make the light directional, I suggest a soft brush very low opacity and brush white and balck in the different areas where the lighting is and isnt. Then mess with the layer opacity. Also, this bg feels like it needs something besides just brushing. Try finding some c4d off DevArt to make the bg more detailed. If the render's bg isn't in .png and it's just black, set it to linear dodge. And when using C4D remember layer masking is your best friend, just use a soft black brush on the mask and take off pieces of the render you think hurts the sig more then it helps it.
And that was random lesson 178 with Kage.
and my show off time:
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Originally posted by: Itachi_y2k5
whoa that stuff is sick xD how do you get the brushing multi colour ?!?!
or is it an image ?
well I do use some c4d abstract renders for helping with the bg, which usually has a color of its own, but most of the time I just change it anyway. So one of the ways I like to color is to just take your render, duplicate it, do a couple radial blurs on it, and set it to overlay and mess with the opacity and all that.
bah, I guess I'm in for another lesson...
If you want to have a variety of colors try this:
When you brush your white brushing you can make a color balance layer and thats just fine. BUT if you want to change that specific layer you go to IMAGE-ADJUSTMENTS- then theres a whole bunch of the things that you'll find on your layers pallette right there. But now if you try to just color your white brushed layer, it wont work. WTF! But after more experiance came across the mighty Linear Dodge layer blending mode (on the layers pallette where you find overlay and soft light). So BEFORE you brush the white, make a new layer, set it to linear dodge, fill with BLACK then do your brushing. Then afterwards you can do the image-adjustments-color balance. But be careful cause once you do it you can't go and brush some more and then do another color balance layer without making the layer already color balanced more saturated making it look shitty.
If you understood that, my hat is off to you, and you deserve to move on to the next round.
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Nice sig Kage. Shadow is the shit. Also, thanks for the little tut there [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
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when you say C4D, are you referring to cinema 4D?
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interesting that you'd choose c4d as your reference term to any abstract 3d background [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
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Thanks for the lesson Kage. Will try it out when i get home from school.
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Is it me or does Shadow look like Micky Mouse there?
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didn't he always look like Micky Mouse?
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Who knows.
Here is my new sig to demonstrate my Kingdom Hearts fandom [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
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Haha, that was fast! I see you're living up to your title. I like this one. The bg is really nice and the colours work well. I think your render might be blended so much though that it's barely recognizable. Maybe throw some lighting in the middle to highlight it more?
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KitKat, I must figure out this power you have over me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Hmmm, I like the first one better. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
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Nice stuff, gives me the urge to make a sig with Sora in his Master Form. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Edit: Just made it. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
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@ Phoenix: Mwahaha [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I agree that your first looks better than the second. The problem is that Sora is already so contrasted, that adding light to the bright parts like his arms makes them way too bright. What you need is to light him very selectively, so you just pick out the dark parts a bit more. I think even having an omni light right on his head to highlight his hair a bit would help a lot for making him more recognizable in your sig.
@ LaZyKiD: Pretty nice, but once again too bright. Try brushing some black layers over your background and putting them on overlay to add some more depth and tone down the overpowering brightness. It'll also help Sora to stand out more. Also, what is that red bit at the top middle?
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Originally posted by: KitKat
@ LaZyKiD: Pretty nice, but once again too bright. Try brushing some black layers over your background and putting them on overlay to add some more depth and tone down the overpowering brightness. It'll also help Sora to stand out more. Also, what is that red bit at the top middle?
That would be his keyblade
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Poser.... [/sarcasm]
Good job, but it is a little on the bright side.
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I guess im the only one who likes bright sigs [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]. Ill fix it later
Edit: Ok here it is
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Here is my first attempt at a sig. I am a super-noob when it comes to Photoshop and graphic design. I could use some input and/or pointers. By the way, once I have dl'd new brushes how do I access them in Photoshop? Thanks.
edit: slapped some text on it and a border. Any
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Hello everybody, I havnt been active in a long time, but im back. I recently got photoshop so can I get some feedback on this sig? Btw, the name is from a different forum.