Monday: loses compact umbrella
Tuesday: loses memory stick
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Monday: loses compact umbrella
Tuesday: loses memory stick
You should get an umbrella with built-in memory stick so it has double the value which would lessen the chance you lose either.
Or switch to raincoats with zipper pockets!
That sucks. I hope there wasn't anything terribly important on it. :(Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Just a few seasons of Nanoha, the latest FMA ep and a PDF copy of my state's drug regulations. :oQuote:
Originally Posted by fahoumh
Nothing I can't replace, so that's good I suppose. 16GB sticks still cost a fair bit though.
I also found my umbrella where I left it at the bus stop ~24hrs later. It was trashed though.
Well, it's good to hear that you didn't lose anything irreplaceable. But it's still a pain in the ass. And 16GB?! >.<Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
My sister lost a memory stick last year with school work and she didn't have copies stored anywhere else. One of the documents was a paper for a 4th year poli sci class and she was not too happy. I think she managed to get a deadline extension but it still sucked hard.
What happened to your umbrella is pretty shitty. What kind of asshat would take the time to destroy it? Hopefully they'll get hit by a bus.
I was actually concerned about the potential issue of losing my memory stick so i bought one that was attachable to my car keys. Problem solved.
Yeah but that increases the chances of you losing your car keys, and even if only temporarily, it could be a big headache.Quote:
Originally Posted by Dark Dragon
your friend: hey man can I borrow your memory stick?
you: sure
your friend pockets the stick and your keys and leaves
you go to your car to and find you have no keys or memory stick
life sucks
I'm one of those people that make sure i have my car keys before i leave a place, but that might just be me.
I was just suggesting that he will be less likely to lose the memory stick if he attached it to something important and essential.
That being said, i can't remember the last time a friend asked to borrow my memory stick (they are like 5$ for a cheap one now?).
40AUD's the cheapest 16GB stick here. 32GBs are around the 80-90AUD mark, while 4 and 8 can be around the $14 and $23 mark.
btw, turns out I left my stick in the office, where I found it (NOT trashed!!) :D
I usually lose things from my pocket when I sit in a car or steps. In those cases, my sitting position has my knees higher than or level to my bum, so the pocket tips things out. That's happened to my older, slimmer phone on countless occasions.
New bitch: I've got to do 4wks of full-time placement for my course, where I'm supposed to "experience the placement site" and how it encompases Quality Use of Medicines in its work, and to do a project with the staff their at the end.
My site is the Drug and Poisons Regulation and Scheduling Unit on the 1st for of my state's Heath Department Office building. I get my own security card, desk and PC account.
I always thought I'd love these cubicle desk jobs with a PC all day, plus toilets, aircon and kitchens within the immediate surroundings. Beats standing at the back counter of a pharmacy any day.
That joy lasted for about and hour or two. After wards, it just bored the hell out of me. Everyone just does their own thing and leaves whenever they're supposed to (or not).
Give me a counter to stand behind with people to talk to please!
I've borrowed my roommate's. What, you never lose your memory stick somewhere?Quote:
Originally Posted by Dark Dragon
short version :
on ustream chat during a radio show... random internet asshole is saying a bunch of random hate shit to me as if he knows me. I figure out that he's on a forum i've been going to and apparently he has alot of pent up hate against me for some reason, idk.
Random internet asshole starts neg repping all my posts w\ random hate comments.
I neg rep him 30 or so times with "what the fuck is your problem? Bitch"
Random internet asshole then posts screen shot of them in several threads and begins begging mods to ban me.
Mods soft ban me, and then warn me against reporting any of his threads. I ask the mod if he hates my text as well.
I get banned.
Sounds like a loser forum. You better stick to Gotwoot.
Yeah, no losers here. Just otaku virgins.
Oh wait.
Ever been in an argument with someone who's both belligerent and a bitch? Maybe the guy steps out of line in all manner of decency and you don't want to into a yelling/arguing match, but he just won't stop? What he deserves is a nice sock to the jaw, but him being a bitch, is going to fight then call the cops on you, or just call the cops. So you have no choice but to up the ante and draw him to action so that you can then call the cops on him. Poor bastard.Quote:
Originally Posted by itadakimasu
Always assume the online assholes you're dealing with are such bitches.
The mod there either takes sides, is an incompetent moderator, or as you said - simply hates you too. :pQuote:
Originally Posted by itadakimasu
As someone who quite possibly has the most posts in this forum, I'd have to challenge both the otaku and virgin stereotypesQuote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
Yeah because nothing says roaring sex life quite like having the most posts in an anime forum.
heh, actually... :smug:Quote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
Sex is serious business...