Thats a real good change. The render and bg blend in beautifuly.
Heres a wallpaper I did from a pic a friend sent. I couldn't help making a wallpaper from it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Printable View
Thats a real good change. The render and bg blend in beautifuly.
Heres a wallpaper I did from a pic a friend sent. I couldn't help making a wallpaper from it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Nice Phoenix, but may boob are too big
This is my second sig
its ugly but i'm tring
If you've seen My HiME, Mai's boobs are about that size [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Your sig looks good. The only thing is try to use the color banence and create colors that go with the render. Also, try to experement with brushes. They have really good ones at deviantart
Thxs but i still say there a little too big
I second AnimePunk. Hers are each the size of her head. That woman would not be able to stand. Regardless of the drawing though, I like your bg and the lighting on your render. They blend really well.
AnimePunk, that's not too bad for a second sig. I would recommend going through a few tutorials. That's what really helped me when I started using photoshop a couple months ago. The more you play around with it, the better you get. If you want, I could link you to some tutorials that I found particularly helpful. And I also highly recommend our gotwoot tutorials that are posted here in this forum.
Wooot! i made my first sig!!! its not as good as some of ur guyses but atleast its done... althought i do need to work on parts around the render...
That's great Pochii, but I think you'll need to resize it. The sig limits here are 400x80. If you like it at that size, defnitely keep the original, but you just won't be able to use it at this particular forum.
I like the brushing and the grungy look of the background. If you want to blend your render a bit better, I've recently come to like this technique: Duplicate your render, put it behind your original layer, go to filter and motion blur it, then move it a little to the right and mess with the blending modes (I like to use overlay). Repeat this moving the layer a little to the left. There are a lot of other ways to do it, some that might be better suited to this particular sig, but as I said, this is just one that I've come to like recently. Some of the others here might have some other tips.
I would also recommend adding a little colour to your background, to make it a little more interesting. Keep at it! You have a lot of potential.
ignore this apologize for double post.... Mod plz delete this
cool, thx for the tips.
heh srry didnt know the limits my bad ^^ now if i can just figure out how to resize it =/ lol what do i do?
**EDIT** nvm i got it...
lol only got photoshop 2 days ago so i have to work with it a lot more ^^ ill try what u said kitkat thx.
Nice work Pochii. All that you need to do now is spend a little more time on cleaning up the images. Also, try
the tut video's Kage post in this thread. Also, a little lighting goes a long way.
@AnimePunk & KitKat: Thanks for the complements, and I know that they are way to big. All I can say is watch My HiME.
Yea been studying Kages Tut but i ono if its just me but it gets really laggy for me. so trying to take step by step.
Heh, yea i definetly need to clean up the images and need to practice rendering totally ^^ but i was wondering how u got ur txt on ur car?
im sure theres some button somewhere... U can go so far with photoshop lol fell like im just getting a sip of it
Heres a Kon sig i just made [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
@LaZyKiD: Nice work. That Kon sig looks great. Its a little bright though. A little contrast helps.
@Pochii: I got the text that way by using the free transform. Here's another place it cam out well for me
Click Me
Try streching and rotating the text, and also try different fonts.
I like the Kon sig too, but also agree that it's a bit bright. Maybe try toning down Kon a little and adding some lighting so he doesn't look quite so 2-D. Just play around with the different lighting effects until you get something that looks nice.
Here's a sig I made this week [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
What gundam is that? It looks weird.
it's destiny gundam
Does anyone know where are some other lighting tuts are? also how would i be able to do some cool stuff with the txt? i know how to arch it and stuff but like the glow.
Hey guys worked up this 1 while listening to some ambient I think i kinda went all out with the text just to see what i could do lol but yea i still need to work on the rendering way way more ^^ ENJOY!
Wow, that looks good, only the render is a little choppy. Try to zoom in and take out all that white. Also, try and learn the pen tool. It wooks better than the erase tool and gives a cleaner render. There is a guide to it here. As for the "glow", yes, thats from lighting done to the render in order to make it look better. Kage made the tut for that at the bottom of this page. Its maked "Kage's Photomanip Tutorial"