:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
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:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Oh man, after that cliffhanger before the hiatus, I was pretty disappointed by this chapter. Somewhat uneventful but hey, I won't complain since they're adding more depth and character development.
I'm not really digging the King, though. I mean... hasn't anyone else noticed the strong resemblance to Cell from DBZ?
Anyways, I'm happy it's back... and the art seems to be done quite well, reminiscent of the old days. :]
We have. Its just that there are so many DBZ references out there, we're too tired to point this one out.
Anyway, hoorah for this arc ending!
i really hope the next arc covers more of the world of hunters and talks about jin. They can't really have a new enemy now cuz the king is like ultra uber strong, so any villain stronger would just be dumb.
I dont know, look at the possibilities. Perhaps the cant even touch the king at this stage, but he turns good/notevil and just leaves. Then there would be room for more villains not as strong as him but stronger than our heroes.
Or, perhaps, a character or item is revealed that causes the main guards and King Cell to lower their powers significantly?
Or maybe the King goes crazy because he sucks at a board game and kills all his henchmen, then decides to live the rest of his life in solitude with the old hag playing board games all day.
... Yeaaaaah. >_>;
I'm still not really getting the king's 'angle'. I mean I'm thinking like him: why does he exist ?? He doesn't do anything besides bitch, moan, and play games. I hope that old man makes a toilet out of his skull...
wow, it was so worth coming home for this.. finally, a new chapter..
the ant nen remover is revealed, but we don't know who's Nen is she removing.. the antwolf is also shown, and I'm betting that the Muaro (square head guy, the one who likes animals) will kill him.
and the king makes everything so easy for the hunters, they'll get the chance to kill him without anyone caring about it...
262, last page. let's not say a word to spoil this moment.
as for the rest, perfect as usual, though the art is still clumpy. antwolf is going to destroy everything with his medelling, but if he's off quickly enough, it won't matter. Knuckle (I've finally remembered his name, it's amazing) and Muarou are perverts, but the hunter team seems like the smartest fighting team in a manga since sliced bread (or video power team).
only two mintues until planet Namek explodes.
Hm according to manga-updates, 262 was scanlated by Binktopia. However, their site's down so hopefully a link comes up soon.
Site isn't down anymore.
And, omg, another cliffhanger. >_<; Lots of more talking and stuff... but still good nonetheless.
I have to think that one of the guys jumping down off of the bird is the president of hunters...but the other guy??
well, i hope not. A much as i would like to see jin, i dont want him turning up like this. i want a whole arc with gon chasing after him. It could be some other super leet hunter. Gin was ranked among the top 5 or something, so if the president is number 1, that still leaves 3 super strong hunters who could show up. It could also be killua's father and grandfather....would make for a pretty awesome battle.
But the thing that kinda scares me is that giant monster bird....we've only ever seen Jin with funky animals like that. God i really hope its not him.
Great chapter, and next one should be awesome... the plan is finally put into motion. The next batch of chapters should be very action packed, I can't wait.
Oh shiznat, I totally forgot about Gon's dead. And yeah, I agree with you Assassin, if they bring him in during this arc it's gonna be disappointing. Well, maybe if he played an invisible role, with his actions effecting the plot/outcome but without him actually being seen. That way Gon could jump right back and look for him again during the next arc... if there is gonna be a next arc, considering how strong the ants are.
I was thinking it was Jin, but now I seriously doubt it. Its probably just the president or something.
When they said Jin was the top 5, did they mean currently or in all of history? Because they didn't specify.
If history then they would specify so probable guess that of current. And i wouldn't say there is number one since HxH follows rock-paper-scissors layout.
Probably he's top 5 in the current batch of hunters. We haven't really been given any history on the hunter organization, so its hard to say how long they've been around. Although i wouldn't doubt that he's among the best hunters to ever get their hunters license
Edit: i agree with death13a, there probably isn't a #1 ranked hunter. Its probably more like a bunch of strong ones that excel in their various specifications.
Yea, I guess what Death13a says a lot more sense.
But I guess I was kind of hoping that Jin would be extremely epic, but that might have turned out a little corny. Oh well.
is there a new one this week?