Oh, I didn't remember she used it by the river. My mistake.
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Saber's Rocket Launcher nay be powerful but honestly a handgun or a revolver ( read as 4th War's lances and 5th War's lances ) at best are probably the most useful tools for this War.
Also, using the analogy, i guess the 5th War's Berserker would be a tank.
[UTW] Fate Zero - 08 - 720p: Torrent | DDL1 | DDL2
[ASL] LISA - Fate Zero OP Single - oath sign [MP3].rar
[ASL] LISA - Fate Zero OP Single - oath sign [FLAC].rar
[ASL] LISA - Fate Zero OP Single - oath sign [DVD EXTRA].rar
Note: This DVD came with the Fate/Zero OP single. It contains the TV size opening without credits.
Though I hold Saber overhyped as she is now, but with Avalon she might actually live up to the hype - if only she had the mentality to go along with it. Her naive goodwill worked this time with Lancer, largely due to Archibald being unconscious and thus unable to tell Lancer to slay Kiritsugu. In that sense Lancer was just bullshitting: Saber could have arrived at the location just as fast as he did and prevent him from killing Kiritsugu; it's not like Lancer would have known Saber was busy looking for Iris.
It shows Kiritsugu's quality that he had Iris hold Avalon. He might be a ruthless mage killer but he's still a real man beneath. I don't think Kotomine is judging him quite fairly.
I'm really liking the bizarre magic Type-Moon can come up with, like what's behind Kiritsugu's bullets.
Mage Killer. He really lives up to the name.
Saber is as honorable as always, and despite how disappointing it is that it is fucking with Kiritsugu's plans (my current favorite character in Zero), she has to be that way, if she is to stay as one of my favorite characters of all time.
Lancer was telling the truth, but it was also true that the only reason he could be there and say that is because Saber let him go due to goodwill. He said it so arrogantly that it almost seems that he forgot that he was given a favour as well, but that was intentional so as not to let Kiritsugu kill his master, or (more likely) die in the process.
Lancer was lying when he said that if Saber had both hands, things would have ended that quickly. It would have ended much quicker. Saber does not hold back on scum.
Kotomine Kirei is the boss. He is my 2nd favorite character in Zero. How the hell anyone survived encountering him in the 5th grail war is beyond me. Maybe Kiritsugu did some permanent damage to him in this war, paving the way for his adopted son to finish the job.
EDIT: The preview hinted that Lancer's female master will try to obtain the command seals from blob guy, and he was complaining how Lancer is not that great a guy. How pathetic is it to be jealous of your own servant's passive ability, especially when it comes from a mole?
EDIT2: Shirou would have owned Kotomine if they were both at their peak, since he did manage to become a heroic spirit, but when they encountered each other at the 5th war, Shirou was a crappy kid who can't even use his marbles (pun intended) properly.
EDIT3: We really need to see Saber use Excalibur again so that we can get rid of this overhyped illusion everyone is getting. I do agree that her honor and naivety works against her most of the time.
Yet again Saber manages to under perform, this time by not only ruining Kiritsugu's plans but to the point of revealing essential tactical information to the enemy. Hopefully she'll get bitch slapped for this in the next episode.
How exactly did Kotomine get out of that wire trap? It looked like he was banging something against the tree...? And I wonder how he'll respond once he finds out Kiritsugu is surrounded byhoespeople who care for his well being.
I loled at the preview, poor blob guy is getting NTRed hard. He must hate waver so much for taking Alexander away from him. He was lucky though, having the mana flow coming from another master means Lancer's fighting ability won't be harmed by his now utterly fucked up circuits.
That's probably done on purpose to mirror his legend so it's not surprising and why shouldn't he be jealous of Lancer? He gets girls just by having them look at him and if Kayneth has a close relationship to her then it messes with a lot of things seeing as Lancer more or less steals her away from him. Not saying that Lancer wants that or is even remotely interested in her since he can't do anything about the mole except cover it but I'd say it'd be unrealistic for Kayneth not to be affected. It's easy to logically understand that Lancer has no interest in her and only wish to serve his master as an honorable knight but understanding it emotionally and putting all the unrest to ease is a different matter. So you may think it's pathetic though I say it's warranted if they're in a relationship that is.
I'm guessing with martial arts since it reminded me of the fighting game plus the fact that he took up a stance with his legs.
Kotomine probably just broke the tree using his (magic enhanced) strength, either by hitting it with this head or pushing off the ground.
@Fire - I never said it was unwarranted. I just said it is pathetic. I don't get people trying to oppose something that I never said in the first place.
I found it funny Kotomine was so sure of his fighting prowess he didn't even bother to call Assassin to deal with the ladies. No matter how weak servants they are, it would still take at least late UBW Shirou's level of (close combat) ability to put up any sort of fight against them. Based on this fight Iris and Maiya are quite far below that. Still, more dramatic this way. Seeing Iris fight was a big plus.
I'm thinking that those Assassins are only at E or D rank in terms of physical fighting ability. Kotomine is probably well beyond that. He simply didn't need them. That, and he probably didn't want people seeing Assassin, who is supposed to be dead, loitering about.
Before anyone complains, spying and fighting have a totally different level of visibility.
Yeah, my post was kind of empty in the sense Kotomine is indeed himself above that level requirement. However, he was tied to a tree for a moment. If Iris had been more brutal, she could have strangled him as well, not only tie his arms.
What has that got to do with anything? Especially considering HF is not to be talked in this thread.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Sorry but don't find things that are warranted as pathetic since his reasons are quite plausible and don't see any reason to hold it against him. And you kinda left it as a question so I answered not so much to oppose you with something you didn't say rather explain why I don't find it pathetic by stating it's not unwarranted.
Warranted =! Not pathetic.
It can be perfectly understandable yet pitiful at the same time.
Are you saying that if you understand how someone feels, you can't see them as pathetic? That does not make much sense.
Also, by saying it is not pathetic because it is warranted, when I said it is pathetic (without saying it is unwarranted), is technically opposing me on grounds that I never even stated.
Anyone know who Kiritsugu's teacher is? She kind of reminded me of Aozaki Touko, though we know for a fact that it wasn't her. She'd have graduated the magic academy for a while now, but that flashback was from even further back. FSN is in 2003 or 2004 if I'm not mistaken, so Kara no Kyoukai takes place right after the 4th Grail War. If anyone knows the exact year FSN takes place in, please correct me. F/Z is ten years prior to it, and KnK gives exact dates in the mid-90s.
Damn, Lancer is pretty cool. Cooler than 5th War Lancer for sure (though to be fair, his treatment in Carnival Phantasm is really undermining his credibility, while Caster's, Berserker's, Rider's and Saber's are getting boosted.) I also really like the contempt that both he and Saber share for Kiritsugu.
I'm also glad that Iris and Maiya avoided any potential feud they might have had over Kiritsugu. They both love him, both of them know it, and don't mind sharing as long as he's safe.
It's actually a really big deal though. That mole is a geis, one that is paradoxically both a blessing and a curse. It's that mole that started the events that got him killed (amusingly enough, via another geis, the death kind). Irish geis like that one usually share the typical violation of death if they are broken. His mole of lust is no doubt just as powerful.
More pathetic is Kayneth's arrogance. He is stupid enough to believe that he is smarter than Kiritsugu, which is what allowed Kiritsugu to so easily best him, and he is arrogant enough to think he was smarter than everyone else by bringing along his fiancée as a secret weapon. Obviously Kiritsugu did exactly the same, and it's working out for him rather well. Unless Kayneth doesn't know who is own Servant is (and he certainly should know after Lancer told Saber) or simply doesn't care, he'd know that he should have sent her away. She's only going to undermine him in an attempt to...give Lancer a magical recharge if you know what I mean.
That thinking is what is getting Kayneth killed. He truly believes that mages are better than everyone else, and don't fall prey to this sort of thing. That became abundantly clear as he rationalized how Kiritsugu shot him. He actually convinced himself that he allowed it to happen! Now he is likely underestimating how much Sola is getting seduced by that mole.
KK running against a machinegun spewing bullets was a bit too overthetop for me. Even if he has somekind of reinforcement magic.
What can you do, as a limited human being, against someone like that when you get to see that?
Learn magic?
@Ryll - That is precisely what I am getting at. I am not underestimating the effect of the mole (that sounded stupid), but rather how Kayneth is handling it. He is the master. He should have known, and still should know, better.
Yes I am saying if I can understand how they're feeling I don't see them as pathetic, how does it not make sense? People have reasons for doing what they do and if I can find them plausible I don't find them to be pathetic. Also if I can understand how they're feeling what's to say I wouldn't do the same in that situation, should I call myself pathetic as if it's something bad? Let me ask you what's so pathetic about him being jealous over some guy stealing his girl (assuming she is)? At least if you mean pathetic in the sense of him being worthless.
Again you asked how pathetic it is to be jealous over his passive ability (though that could have been an rhetorical question), I thought about it and found it plausible and gave an answer that the jealousy that you found him to be pathetic for is warranted and imo does not make him pathetic. But if you want I can just give you a yes or no next time.
Edit: Read the post above yes he should have known better that I can agree on.
If you can understand how someone feels, it should not limit you to being able to pity them or not. It is a purely argumentative issue, and not about how you personally feel. You (A person) definitely CAN pity someone even while (or even more so) because you (he/she knows) know how they feel.
It doesn't limit me from being able to feel for them it just limits me from calling them pathetic. And it's not a bigger deal than that, I just can't call him pathetic for feeling insecure about his fiancée falling in love with his servant.
Edit: I know that pathetic can be used in terms of pity as well but to me it has a lot more negative connotation so I can't use it if I understand the person or where they're coming from. So I can pity those people but can't call them pathetic.