While they are at it they could attach it to a pipe bomb!
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So far they haven't made an overly arduous effort to get much of anything. They only got the weapons and the humvee because boobie-nurse's friend happened to have them. Otherwise they certainly haven't gone out of their way to gather equipment.
No, humans are not immune to fire - but when molotovs were properly deployed they could save them - just throw one BEHIND zombie group - noise from crashing bottle and fire should get their attention and they should walk into fire. Even loud cellphone and alarm clock would be more useful than guns... they could even improvise molotov right on spot - get glass bottle(i bet they have one of them) fill it with fuel from car - and let it burn.
Boob physics4epicwins? ":D
A surprisingly boring, un-eventful episode. Saeko´s sudden "omg, look at me, im so mad!"-scene was kind of embarrassing to watch. And it was kinda ridiculous when her top got wet and she covered her bra with her hands...as if she hasnt shown far more skin in previous episodes. oh well.
This episode was plain weird, in more of a bad way than good.
As "hot" as this episode may have objectively been, it felt like HOTD has ran out of steam.
(though, it'd no doubt be back when inelegant censoring is needed)
I'd accept her darkness anyday!
I found this episode a lot better than the previous one. Though I admit I'm not totally oblivious to what Mfauli and Bill were talking about. However, some elements made it better for me, and in fact I liked Saeko's darkness because it had certainly been hinted of before. Too bad her character seemed somewhat inconsistent in the episode, but then again, if I really wanted to find reasons, it could be explained by her being alone with Komuro.
Saeko finally getting a real sword was the best part of the episode.
If i had to guess i'd say there was a variation of this episode in the manga but at a later date which would explain why the revelation on Saeko's madness sounds logical but somewhat rushed
I personally liked the episode, i'm a Saeko fan so the action scene made my day along with the other sorts of fanservice we got to enjoy
I was watching this in the library, and the part where he randomly grabs her boob to motivate her made me laugh so hard.
But I love how they're all turned on by killing the zombies.
This episode was bullshit.
Why the fuck do they return to the river when they get the vehicle? Just take another path. Komuro knows the streets because of Takagi's house.
Then he says "we should rest here, so I'll take first watch". Two minutes later they say "okay, lets go"
Then they abandon the vehicle on the fountain to make noise, so the zombies leave them alone and they can run. So... why the fuck did Saeko had to fight zombies then?
And Komuro began the series being a jealous bastard and saying how much he 'loved' Miyamoto, then he pulls this?
pretty stupid way for Komuro to act...
As if enjoying violence is such a sin, she obviously has the restraint not to beat everyone up for the kicks. Rapists/molesters deserve such pain. He should've just told her thát, instead of that whole pretending to love her crap.
A rapist deserving such a fate has nothing to do with the issue. Telling Saeko that could have only made the matters worse because Saeko seems like an intelligent person and might have spotted such empty platitudes.
The core issue was that to her dismay Saeko found she likes violence and thus ended up considering herself dirty and unworthy of any man (any decent man worth loving). What better way to show her that's not true than loving her?
I don't think Komuro has the wits to ever become half a quantum physicist but following his dick might have been the best choice even logically.
Filler? No wonder I couldn't even finish this episode. Time to abandon this series.
Funniest thing is that this episode isn't filler at all. It's 100% manga content just shown out of order. It's kind of funny, but the whole boob grab/motivation thing came across as just as ridiculous in the anime as it did in the manga.
Remember this isn't about realism it's essentially a harem story with zombies on the side.