Stupid decision indeed
They're widescreen, enjoy your moe blob
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Stupid decision indeed
They're widescreen, enjoy your moe blob
Haven't been really up to date on gotwoot for a while. Whats K-ON ?..
A very fluffy all-girls highschool comedy.Quote:
Originally Posted by gos27
ugh, well the word ''fluffy'' just puts me off straight away lol
K-ON! Ep 14 (OVA) (edit: Coalguys 720p btw)
A special fuwa fuwa dose. (NOTE: this is NOT the super-deformed shorts)
Well narrator was Mio, but the majority of the fun was on Yui. After a 6 month washout period, I am once again fully sensitive to 24mins of fuwa fuwa. (I believe that's pain I feel in my smily-muscles).
(edit: Mio took the show with that open-neck sweater though.. :3 )
On that topic, I was initially excited to hear some other songs on their performance schedule, only to cringe when I heard Fuwa Fuwa Time during their rehearsal. In the end though, I actually enjoyed it, and rather than used/old, it felt nostalgic to hear them play it again at a different stage. (thanks to the break).
It wasn't completely devoid of plot advancement neither, and it showed us just how new they are to the band world.
Surely it was an enjoyable episode, and I hope they pay homage to this by flashing the teacup icon somewhere in the future eps.
It was a jolly good ova. I enjoyed all of it. The entirely new setting of a live concert outside of the school premises ensured it didn't feel at all like repeating or rehashing. It also made possible funny scenes like Yui immediately going to the scariest looking bunch for advice. They general airheadedness was sufficiently present, with Azu-nyan's cuteness as well, naturally.
Since my computer can't handle THORA... what groups did 720 rips of the blu-rays? CoalGuys got stuck at episode 2 I think... and besides Chihiro I don't see anyone active on this.
Are Chihiro good to see in this case?
Chihiro is never good on any occasion, it's just that sometimes they're your only option >_>
If i was you i'd make sure Thora wasn't a possibility and if not i would resign to frostii's HDTV raws; they're great by their own right and there isn't any added content on the BDs so it's not like you'd be missing much
Frostii's BD rips only run up to episode 6. I still hope they will finish the series but who knows.
I already checked Thora. The sound desyncs midway and then beguns to stutter. I was browsing and I supposdely need minimum 2.8Ghz, but I only have 2.2...Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
I'll get Chihiro then. Why I would indeed prefer Frostii, like Kraco said, they've only at episode 6 on the BD version. And their normal release is 4:3, unless an unofficial version is floating around. The very reason I never saw the series in the first place was because it wasn't 16:9... first page of this thread is proof of this.
I'm afraid you're out of options then, so good luck with that
Maybe not: Zell's last hope
Well, I already saw Chihiro's version of 1 to 10 and loved the series. I'll definitely get Frostii's version, to archive, if they release them all. Chihiro still hasn't released 11 to 13, so if Frostii releases them first I'll be sure to go to them sooner.
K-ON is awesome.
Welcome to last yearQuote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
At least I enjoyed it in HD and not in 4:3 :)Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
You have a point there, 4:3 was indeed fucking annoying
Still, be sure to watch the next season with the rest of us.
Oh believe me. I'll be there. I just hope they don't repeat the 4:3 stunt.
Clannad and After Story did it. I'd expect this to do the same.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
K-On's 2nd Season Starting This April
"The official website of the K-ON! anime series has announced on Friday that the second season will premiere this April on TBS and other affiliated television stations in Japan. The website has also confirmed that the main staff and main cast will return from the first season unchanged."
I swear there isn't enough material for this.
edit: hmm...well they were up to ~ chapter 25 or so when the anime finished, while the latest chapter as of now is 44.
It's not as bad as what I thought I guess. I'll wait to see, though I'm no longer expecting there to be a great deal of focus on the music now.