Yeah that basically sums it up.
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My brother watches this show religiously and I'd follow it on and off with him over the years, but I started paying attention this season pretty closely. Right now, I'm totally in love Antonia. I've always had a bad taste in my mouth about how the vampires in the series pretty much treat humans however they want to and there's little the humans can really do about it. Antonia presents a way to fight back. It seemed like Tara was going to learn from her the episode before last, and I was kind of excited about that, but they went ahead and irrationally fucked with Antonia's development and made her into an unreasonable, heavy handed bitch. This of course begins the process of turning her from a badass anti-hero into a flat out villain to be killed off. Bleh.
Concerning Jessica and Hoyt...I totally loved how that happened. Jessica had that dream where Hoyt was a crying, needy little bitch when she tried to break up with him, and she killed him. Then she went in for the actual break up and...well, he wasn't quite the pussy she thought he'd be xD. And good god I couldn't stop laughing at her when she was tied up in the cell with bill and that other vamp, crying like an overdramatic teenage girl. Oh wait...xD.
Oh god, why'd they have to do the whole "gear up for battle and walk in slow-mo" at the end... that's sooo overused :p
Hi Sookie, your Deus ex Machina is showing.
Fucking Sookie`s Deus ex Machina powers are getting out of control.
Sookie, your dues ex machina is flaring up. You might wanna see a doctor.
Yeah...I'm dropping this show.
I might drop it too.
I`ll watch the last episode, if it`s bad i`m done.
Wow. Though crowd in here. I would never drop it for this. As long as Eric, Pam, Jessica, Jason and Lafayette keep on delivering I'm good. Although they are trying to fuck up some of them. Also the stupidity of having to make everyone special or involved in something special. Like Andy. WTF. Can't some of the people stay normal and keep on living normal with unnatural things happening around them? Look at Lafayette in season 1. Nothing unnatural about him or his existence. Only thing was that he provided service for a vamp and received V in return. And his character was awesome. And in season 2 when he got dragged in to the vampire world and got chained in the basement and a dealer for Eric i could understand it. He dealt with V so i forgive. But then he became a witch or shaman or something. That was fucking shit up.
Same with Jason. All the shenanigans and BS he did and went through in season 1 and 2 i didn't mind. It's what made Jason, Jason. But the whole Werepanther stuff was just fucked up.
And same with Arlene and Terry's baby. Had to make something unnatural with them too. And now Andy too. And i actually felt sad now that Tommy is gone. He might have been whiny and selfish but i actually liked some of the drama he produced.
If i could overlook all that and continue to watch to show, Sookie's fairy powers don't even register.
This whole ordeal was totally worth it just for that scene when Eric ripped that dudes heart out and drank from it like a juicebox.. fucking awesome!
That was the best part of the series.
This episode was ridiculous, why did sookie just stood there when eric was going to die and when she was going to die? couldn`t she at least TRIED to use her hands of overpoweredness? and how was eric going to die anyway? didn`t they had regular bulles? Marnie was a pathetic villian. I just hope Lala doesn`t gets killed out of this whole ordeal.
Well the season is over, pretty good compared to the last episode, i have a lot to say about this episode but for now i`m going to dedicate this post to one single thing.
Yeah.. with ghosts and mediums and whatnot, i strongly doubt we've seen the last of Tara -.-
So.. the reverend dude is a vampire.. was he the one who escaped from under the garage floor? (personally i'm kinda hoping it was Russel ^^)
I do like the whole thing with Eric and Bill teaming up and co-operating towards whatever goals they have now :P
Andy has confidence now that he got laid kukuku.
Hoyt is fucking insane.
Cuban psychopath came back and it was hot.
Gran is just random wtf? But she's a soul reaper so that's cool.
Sookie gets high? OK? Oh and she's a cold-blooded murderer too, so that's nice.
I didn't think she was high as much as experiencing a faint sensation from blood loss.
Tara is dead, fantastic.
Russel Edgington is back, even better.
Sookie said, "I can't block out thoughts when I'm high" when she was offered weed.
Are they retarded? Why didn't they kill Russel in the first place?
why DIDN'T they? it was to make him "suffer for millenia" wasn't it? That was down fight retarded.
When you said sookie gets high, I thought you meant right after Bill and Eric were feeding on her.