I'd still rather have my beautiful black beast, instead of that slim thing.
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I'd still rather have my beautiful black beast, instead of that slim thing.
I actually like both versions, but what I think makes like like my big version a bit more is the finish.Quote:
Originally Posted by darkshadow
They went for a lighter, matte black finish, and I prefer my shiny, deep black version. Same with the silver bits. So while slim, the new PS3 doesn't look quite as classy.
That just made me think of Baby Got Back O.o
I like my fat boy better. He just shines. He's my only console that I actually wipe down so it actually looks pretty, cause he shines so much.
Amen. :)Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I loved my DS Fat the moment the Lite was announced, and lovingly refer to it that way.Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
Personally, the new price point is a lot more tempting than the slim and redeisgned profile.
I always said I'd buy a PS3 when the slim was released; time to put my money where my mouth is. Looking forward to playing the games I've never been able to get on 360.
Welcome to the club Raven :)
I don't want you cheap ass bastards to be able to play all the games I've been playing for years when I bought an uber 60gb for $500.
I hope you all get ten more red rings and E74s playing Gaylo and Tears of War.
The PS3 community only accepts royalty and loyalty.
Nice, with this price drop i`ll be able to get the slim one soon and play Metal Gear Solid 4 :D
Are you a fucking retard? how does a price drop on something piss you off, pretty mucch every console gets a price drop, deal with it, seriously man, all your post are shit, anyway.Quote:
Originally Posted by Stitch
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LittleBIgPlanet Beta Sign Up
Media Molecule is now taking sign-ups to test the water they plan to bring into LittleBigPlanet.
Here's the announcement:Water is coming to LittleBigPlanet as part of an exciting new kit!If you're interested, you just need to be 18, have a PSN ID, and promise not to ever never never ever never share what you see with those who write about video games. Have fun!
It's not just a saying you know - We really do need to test the water to make sure the new features all work as planned, and we need your help to do it! How would you like to dive on in to the crystal clear waters and enjoy some splish-splashing about before everyone else? Get out your rubber rings people, this is gonna be one hell of a pool party!
Sign up here --> http://beta.mediamolecule.com/
PS3 Slim Teardown.
Seems like they've been uber cautious with the cooling.
Let's hope it is because they aimed for ultra quietness, rather than because they had too much to dissipate and had no other choice.
Originally Posted by Psyke
Gentlemen, gentlemen!Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
The proper term is "Phat," and now, you, too, can go about flaunting the shapely superiority of your console's first generation design.
I don't like the PS3 Slim, because you can't play PS2 games on it.
I'd only buy it for MGS or FF but if I remember correctly, the new FF is coming out for the Xbox too.
PS2 compatibility has disapeared some time ago.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
It is thougt it could come back with next firmware update, but nothing is sure of course.
The console war between Sony and Microsoft is heating up even more. :)
Microsoft's priciest version of the Xbox 360 is getting a $100 price drop this Friday and it's top selling model of the console is being phased out.
The 120GB Xbox 360 Elite will sell for $299.99, while the popular 60GB Xbox 360 Pro will be cut to $249.99. Despite being Microsoft's current top selling model, production of the the Xbox 360 Pro has already stopped, Aaron Greenberg, director of product management for xbox 360, said.
"With the Pro console we are dropping the price down $50 to $249 while supplies last," he said. "Moving forward we will have two (models), the $199 Arcade and the Elite console for $299."
Microsoft's price drop comes a week after Sony announced that their priciest version of the Playstation 3 was getting a $100 price drop and the company unveiled a sleeker version of their console, dubbed the PS3 Slim, which would sell for $299. Sony's new prices hit over the next week.
Greenberg calls the timing of Microsoft's price drop news a coincidence, denying that it was in response to Sony's price drop.
As a consumer, I'm excited by this. I'd love to see both companies drop the prices even more.
Those prices have already been in effect for awhile here, pro is like 220 euro.
So yeah now that my PC's motherboard is dead. I'm just really damn glad I have a PS3. I can browse the internet, watch videos, etc. What can't this thing do. I'm one of those people whose life is miserable without a computer. And of course this was typed on my PS3. Only problem is that typing anything of substance takes forever since I don't have a PS3 compatible keyboard (will regular USB keyboards work?).
They should work. Just plug it in the USB port and it'll connect in less than 30 seconds. Atleast my USB keyboard did that.