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Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann - 27 (1280x720) - [BSS-Anon]
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I liked the ending.
All character were present. Poor Nia :( Simon became a hermit (thats what any hero becomes later in real life).
Honestly, from the point this episode STARTED I knew it was going to be the best anything I'd ever seen. I'll post more after work.
Wow that was a good ending they covered basically everything and didn't pull any punches. Its nice to see a ending that isn't all happy and isn't all sad once in a while where everyone is just able to progress.
Its to early to be spouting any real spoilers but seriously this is one of the best shows of all time.
That was orgasmic. Simon should've went and grabbed Yoko, but remember to not kiss her or he'd die directly after.
I agree, i doubt i'll see a show as good as this one, at least for a while :pQuote:
Originally Posted by Shadowflame
I loved the ending, what a great way to end such an epic anime.
Orgasm sauce as usual but it felt less impactful then some of the previous episodes because there was no real despair overcome or impossible odds shattered. They just were better than the anti-spiral guy and proved it. Of course it was still fun to watch.
The walking around on galaxies was hilarious and Lord Genome was as pimp as ever, I laughed my ass off when he turned the that Spirit Bomb into a drill and TTGL just ate it. The final scenes after the battle was all over were really good to, with some sadness mixed in with the happiness of victory, all in all it ended on an excellent note and will go down as one of the most amazingly entertaining and fun series I've ever seen.
Oh men.. it was really funny to see Simon after a few years looking like a homeless guy.hhaha LOL Nice thing we didn't have to see the older version on Yoko.. Nia disappearing was really sad..
A bittersweet ending. One of the few cliches the series broke, no super-happy ending. A small touch of realism in a series that always topped itself. I'm ultimately happy with how Simon ended up. He went right back to what he was doing when this all began, a master-driller. He'll love Nia forever, and reality sunk in when she faded. The little lesson with the kid was great. Gimmy and Darry look more of less the same, but Rossiu's head was HUGE!
This looked really amazing on my brand new 20 inch lcd monitor. A feast for all eye's. I feel bad for any who have not seen this anime. This is why I watch anime.
I agree, a great ending. Wish more anime had endings like this. I suppose that's what you get when an anime is paying homage to the awesome older ones. :)
Wish there was another season. :)
It was Rossiu's nose that was really big! hehe
No other anime/mecha anime has made me cry manly tears so many times like Gurren lagann lol I'm going to miss GL on weekends ;( looks like i'm going to have to pick up naruto manga and bleach to entertain me for a while but it won't be the same T_T
great ending and all but...
what the hell was the beginning then (in episode 1)?????? boota was in it too... i'm highly confused
edit: anyone knows if the "Fight the power" is on the Soundtrack?
It is indeed on the soundtrack, though I'm not sure which track. There are several tracks with Row Row Fight the Power probably the one you'd be interested in is
Track 1: Rap wa Kan no Tamashii da! Muri wo Toushite Douri wo Kettobasu! Ore Tachi dai Gurren Dan no Theme wo Mimi no Ana Kappo Jitte yo~ Kukiki Yagare!!
But others with that line include
Track 10: Rap wa Kan no Tamashii da! Onore wo Shinjite Ten wo Yubi Sasu Dotou no Otoko. Kamina-sama no Theme wo Mimi no Ana Kappo Jitte yo~ Kukiki Yagare!! (Which in addition to having the Longest title ever is literally just rap and talking)
And another which is much slower and more technoish.
Track 16: Rap wa Kan no Tamashii...... Datta... yo na...
And one with a weird Operetic Undertone
Track 19: "Libera me" from hell
It was a teaser from gainax, Officially a dream simon had. The beginning of the first episode, it did happen from episode 21-26 but a little different. Apparently gainax will make some spin offs based on GL but no sequels.Quote:
Originally Posted by Darknodin
Originally Posted by GurrenLagann
sucks... cuz it could have been gimmy instead of simon
Yeah. but who knows what gainax might make a spin off based on that scene lolQuote:
Originally Posted by Darknodin
Apparently they are making some OVA's bundled with something for the DS in japan so here is the first one subbed by Nyoro.
dunno if this was shown before, but hmm: