okay, so i just finished watching that dub clip thingy. damn, stephanie sheh really is perfect as mikuru. lol ahh goodness, i need to watch this show again. "mikuru beam! waaah!"
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okay, so i just finished watching that dub clip thingy. damn, stephanie sheh really is perfect as mikuru. lol ahh goodness, i need to watch this show again. "mikuru beam! waaah!"
I thought Kaede from Shuffle! and Mikuru were played by the same seiyuu's but apparently not. According to animenfo, Mikuru is played by Goto Tomoko and Kaede by Goto Yuko.. They sound like exactly the same.
Maybe Ms. Goto got a name change...?
Yuko Goto did both roles.
Trust in animenewsnetwork. Animenfo has a pretty good review system (for the most part), but their encyclopedia is garbage compared to ANN's.
ANN has staff to check the encyclopedia, especially on the more popular entries. Trust in them.
Basically, from other blogging sites and such, A SECOND SEASON MIGHT BE COMING for the fall or winter of 2007. From what I read, the official announcement will be done on July 7th, so keep your Internet eyes and ears open!
I am 99% sure it will be mainly based on the Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi arc, which will be total pwnsauce.
Hahaha, definitely! That's definitely the best arc that I have read.
Depending on how many episodes it takes up, maybe we'll see a bit of the Sighs of Suzumiya Haruhi arc.
Where do you guys get the novels anyway? Thats what you have been reading right?
I'm not sure anymore, and am too lazy to put in the dvd to check, but I seem to remember that at the end of the last episode (afk release), there was a URL that lead to a translated version of a bunch of Haruhi stuff ...
You guys know if the license includes the second season?
For the novels: http://www.baka-tsuki.net/project/in...uzumiya_Haruhi
No idea about the licensing; it'd be great if someone can clear that up.
I can also remember that someone has been so sweet to put all the volumes is pdf format.. am I right?
It would be really sweet to see the continuation of the story in season 2...
I'd say "probably not now, but definitely soon".Quote:
Originally Posted by Munsu
When Naruto Shippuden came out, I looked up to see if it was licensed in English by Viz, and it hadn't been yet. But then again, Shippuden is probably defined as a "separate" show, so I'm not exactly sure.
Most of the time, here's how it works...
If there's two or more continuous seasons that make up one series, they're licensed as one body of work (with some exceptions). If the seasons are discontinuous (either because they aired substantially far apart, or because they're just being called different things as is the case with Shippuden), they're licensed separately. For example, Hajime no Ippo spanned 3 seasons, but was licensed as a single contiguous piece. School Rumble was 2 discontinuous seasons, and was licensed as two separate pieces, but Funimation ended up with the rights to both of them. Contrast with older, atypical works like DBZ, which that didn't happen with...
Given that Haruhi "season 1" was one body of work, and was produced without knowing whether a "season 2" would be made, I don't believe that they would license them together. However, it could be a term of the season 1 license that the season 1 licensor gets priority in licensing subsequent series.
Bandai owns season 1's distribution rights. So it's very likely that if season 1 is a success and season 2 happens, that Bandai will also get season 2's distribution rights. But the deal probably hasn't happened yet, given that season 2 doesn't yet ... you know ... exist.
Following the tradition of the 'Live Action' ASOS trailers used to announce the 1st series license on the USA they released this new video (second link) showing events from a certain book that has not been animated, making the rumors begin about that the 2nd series will begin with such events.
Personally... can't wait to see them.
My wife and I just started watching this show a few weeks ago (I've been out of the anime/manga circle for awhile now). Its pretty damn awesome I think. I have a question though for anyone fairly knowledgable about the show. Anyone know why when we do internet searches this title turns up more hentai than the actual show?
I know this is kind of an ecchi show...but so was Love Hina...
That's definitely weird. It's not really that ecchi. I guess it's because Haruhi is such a popular character nowadays.
Just about to start this series, I know im really late >.<
So can anyone recommend a good fansubber, quality rips preferable, doesnt have to be dvd though.
I'm pretty sure a.f.k. was the only fansubber for this and they did a pretty good job. I personally prefer fansubs over DVD rips.
BTW thx, *ahem* for that "link" u gave me :)