need i ask how exactly you learned this? :confused:
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need i ask how exactly you learned this? :confused:
I learned Chaoskiddo didn't learn shit today
I was indeed. Not because I was the smallest guy, but because I was the last person they picked up and no one was nice enough to give up a seat for me. The driver was also a lunatic that goes double the speed limit so it was a bit bumpy back there.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ero-Fan
in Health class, i learn that women that have sex 3 times a week can get less wrinkles
You think that sucks? I think I've been perm. banned:(Quote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
Yesterday I learned that there isn't one emo-kid in my school that I would like to talk to.
I learned don't leave your pankcakes on a low table to check gotwoot for new rep. I came back and the dog ate them :(.
Today I learned that cleaning ladies aren't fazed by anything. Even when they walk in to clean a deserted lecture hall at midnight and find a hapless engineering physics student practicing a presentation for an audience of bears, cats and other sundry stuffed animals, they don't even bat an eye! Just the one laughed a bit that Ugly Cat was watching the presentation upside down, sitting on his head, while Stripey Cat took notes.
Originally Posted by KitKat
I learned that hapless Canadian university engineering students have too much free reign on their campuses, apparently
I learned today that the one student of the University of Missouri-is was listening to my internet radio station and had the entire floor of his dorm up and listening to it. All about 50 of them in a huge floor party. It lasted about 2 hours as I played some 90's Dance Mixes, and he said he will give me pictures.
I learned also that by tomorrow morning his campus will know both my Username and IP to the station I'm told. I'm scaried....
I learned that this post, complemented by the images of KitKat's sig and avatar, is probably the most adorable thing ever posted on these forums. It almost doesn't belong.Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
i learned that if i sleep in for 1 hour, i still have time to post on gotwoot and not be late! Also i learned that people who smoke are have the odd ability to show up at the same time.
What a coincidence, I'm having my wake and bake as well.
Yesterday I learned that to become a Wal-Mart employee you have to, besides, sign shit tons of documents, spend 9 hours on your first work day to complete these online modules for all sorts of shit like pest control, food safety, etc.
But I finally made it... meat department whoooooo
Today I learned that the names of the 2 bombs that were sent by the USA during WW2 sent to Japan were named Little Boy and Fat Man. How original.
I learned that Organic Chemistry sucks... too much stuff to memorize >_<
Organic chemistry is the shit. Don't memorize, understand the nomenclature system. If you can do that organic chemistry is a breeze.
Today I learned how homosexual vector proofs are.
today i learned that canada is a great place when you come to think about it, also because of that i'm going to probably live there on my own and go to college there(not definate, but i'm really considering it).
today i learned that Venice has two airports (and guess which one i went to?) :(
I also learned that the walls in the Pensione in Venice are paper thin and you can even hear people BREATHING on the other side. Not worth it. :(
I also learned that RyanAir flights stop boarding exactly at 40 minutes before the flight departs. :(
i need a hug:(
Today I learned that Chuck Norris actually reads all those "facts" about him.
i.e. Chuck Norris's tears cure cancer.
Originally Posted by gr3atfull
Wow, what a coincidence, we just learned that in class today:) :eek:
I learned that Micheal Geist is on the Canadian legal team that handles internet law. He is the Law Teacher at the University of Ottawa. Now you learned something.