To me Marianne's death was a key point to manipulate Lelouch into becoming that angry rogue prince... And seeing how she was dealing with things, I think Marianne was even the one proposing it...Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Printable View
To me Marianne's death was a key point to manipulate Lelouch into becoming that angry rogue prince... And seeing how she was dealing with things, I think Marianne was even the one proposing it...Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
For all we know she was just a very positive person. After all this time after her death, she still has fans in high places who remember her fondly. So, it could be just her personality that allows her to take it cool despite having been murdered.
Still, since it's Code Geass we are talking about, you never know...
okay, well... i suppose some of the things revealed in this episode were done decently enough... it felt like a terrible episode in parts, but, well... ...
its nightspeed in case your not cool with that
and wow i guess i have to give these guys credit even when i think they have nothing left to shock me with i have no idea how they can wrap this up but as someone said there was no way they would let this end without a big ass robot war lol
Nah, nightspeed it is fine. There are some glitches here and there, but with regards to their speed, they're good.
I whish quality was always at least that.
Try to find some Saint Seiya OAVs from the past, you'll understand my point :D
Anyways thanks for the link, dl in progress, though a bit slow eventhough there are so many peers and leechers.
GG is out go get it[gg]_Code_Geass_R2_-_21_[DC0CAB1A].mkv.torrent
So GG is quite quick too.
Nice ep. I didn't think Lelouch would be so quick in erasing everything from his past in such a way. But whatever.
Also CC is sad. Schneizel is in for big trouble. Suzaku .... of Zero :eek: very convenient... (word missing for not spoiling)
More WTF!!?? from Code Geass. I don't think I want to know how they plan to top this for the finale. Schneizel is going to have some sort of hax that's even more broken than Charuru's Jupiter canon, what that could possibly be I don't know but I'm sure it will be fabulous like everything Schieizel does.
Well Suzaku and CC entered so I guess it's possible to get out.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
Also, I suspect Schneizel to have his own geass.
After all, he is also one of Charles prefered sons. He may be part of plan B...
We have to remember that the Ragnar Øk connects everyone together, dead ones too...
So even with Charles and Marianne dead, the plan still is of interrest.
Well, much like how Suzaku and C.C. got in, I guess.
I knew that Marianne was in it with Charles, because in Code Geass, they never give positive cues regarding a plot twist. Instead, they don't give out any negative cues that will make it impossible, and if you find a plot direction that isn't impossible but completely unpredictable, then that is where CG is going to go.
Shit... what an episode... what an episode!!!
So I guess this answers the questions of why Marianne seemed so calm... she never did care about her children... and that is why CC abandoned her... I think.
I think it was a bit rushed for Lelouch to discard his mother just like that, when she was always a big part of his determination, but the loss of Nunnally and the betrayal of not only the emperor but his mother as well must have been very shocking.
The end was awesome... so I guess now Schneizel will attack the new emperor... but... what will the Rounds do? Gino doesn't look happy... but they are supposed to server the emperor... and where is Anya?
The preview makes me think Kallen is visiting Lelouch...
And I was hoping for Lelouch to say something about freeing the Numbered countries since Suzaku has agreed to be his Knight... what will the traitors... errr... the Black Knights do? I do hope Kallen leaves them and joins Lelouch... what are his intentions now???
OMG... the series finale will be amazing at this rate...
Charles and Marianne's little plan was certainly the most innovative and unpredictable in all of anime.
How many times have they done Instrumentality as some evil mastermind plan to make world peace? (Using the most prominent label for this now-cliche plot) To be honest, I expected a lot more out of this series that to cop out with that. Fortunately, they were able to stop it and jump the shark by having Lelouch Geass God.
I just don't know what to think about this series anymore.
I'm sure this post will earn a down rep (my similar complaints about the last episode certainly did), but I can't be the only one who thinks this series has gone way too overboard, and just makes a series of HOLY SHIT Moments in lieu of actually resolving anything anymore.
I understand how you feel.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
But the plot you describe happened now at ep 21, not ep25.
And in 4 eps, there's still room for a lot of plot twists...
Believe in Lelouch, Believe in CC!
Wow, talk about condensing two or three episodes into long poorly crafted monologues.
Fair enough.
I wouldn't be making nearly as much "stupid whining" if this series had not turned to shit the last few episodes. I'll even back up my whining with appropriate examples.
Where's all the intelligent, elaborate planning that season 1 was know for? It's all skin of the teeth, last minute turns of the tide. Schniezel seems to be the only one still thinking worth a damn in the series. It wasn't that great after China, but after Lelouch lost the Black Knights, he's just been plowing through everything with "OBEY ME" Geass commands.
There's no battle strategy anymore either. When it was once, "use the terrain, destroy the terrain, draw enemies into traps set well in advance, attack from the left, right and below in order to herd them into a vastly disadvantaged situation." You know the things Lelouch did in season 1, and the same stupid shit he was falling for when Xingke used it on him? Since Xingke's last battle against the Black Knights, the series has fallen into, "flank from the north, and we will use this overpowered Knightmare conveniently modified/created by [insert scientist here] to destroy all enemy forces at our true objective."
I am aware there are four episodes left, but when was the last time they concluded a subplot without immediately switching to another Unforeseen TWIST:eek: (tm)? I suppose this would be one of them, but they only introduced Marianne formally last episode. Not a whole lot of time to actually develop her character, other than Lelouch deciding she was an uncaring bitch. I suppose the Everyone Hates Rollo sequence would be the last notable arc that was fully developed and concluded. If not for the quick flash between Milly and Nina, I wouldn't have a reason to suspect they'd even give her any more screen time and actually patch things up between the two of them.
Most of the things that made the first season so engaging are gone. They exchanged it for cliffhangers every episodes and off the wall plot twists that you can only foresee by thinking what isn't completely impossible (as shinta pointed out, but in a far less negative manner). Just like OP, they parade out the characters without giving them any development anymore, and keep adding more on pushing all the other ones aside.
I don't think I have the motivation to blindly praise each episode anymore, so if that leaves only criticism, so be it. If that is not welcome, then I do not believe I will be posting in these threads much anymore.
While I also think that this episode was extremely rushed, I am not against the developments that have happened so far. It is not that the direction of the story is bad, but rather, it was not developed properly with better storytelling and pacing. As Everon said, it was poorly executed with a debate between father and son, which could have used an episode or two of build up instead of just "talking".
I also agree with Ryll about the lack of what made season 1 interesting, but that does not necessarily mean that more of the same will make R2 any better. I personally thought the battle with Xing Ke was well played out, with Lelouch being defeated because of his overconfidence as well as lack information (which he could not have obtained anyway).
The god-like mechas are there to keep action fans happy.
I am still reserving my judgment of this series until I see the ending. Four episodes means a lot in CG, considering how liable they are to cram stuff in each one. If they use the remaining episodes to tie up all loose ends and create a climactic battle between Schneizel and Lelouch, then a dramatic LelouchXC.C. ending, then all is well. Still, regardless of what happens and my criticisms against it, Code Geass will still be a great anime, which unfortunately, seems to be suffering from its competition with its own reputation.
R2 could have been twice as good with 12 more episodes, less time skips, better pacing, and more character development.
EDIT: A better topic of discussion would be, why did Lelouch decide to take the throne? What is he fighting for now?
Ryllharu, you have every right to be personally disappointed, but it's not really the series fault if it didn't meet your expectations. And while I myself agree the first season had better subplots it does not serve to neglect to notice the setting changed as well. The first season was mainly smaller scale local fighting in Japan whereas this second season is nothing but international politics. So, the focus shifted from tactics to politics, which seemed to lead to a degeneration of what battle tactics there were left, unfortunately, but since they aren't anymore the focus it's also somewhat understandable.
In my opinion it was also a long time ago established Charles didn't give a damn about the mundane world. He was thinking it's all the same what happens because his big plan will fix everything afterwards. And what could such a plan be? I don't know what exactly you had in mind, but I think this was pretty much what lay at the end of such a road, especially considering the hints dropped here and there.
Ryllharu's bitter complaints aside, I think this was an immensely interesting episode. I kind of hoped something more to happen between Lelouch and C.C., though. Right now it's very hard to judge Lelouch's state of mind at all, as well as C.C.'s. Do they even desire anything anymore or are they just lingering in life due to a sense of duty of finishing what they began by defeating Charles and his plans?
A pox on those who neg rep'd me for my last post that was somewhat accurate in this episode.
Now, with the confirmation of this episode, looks like Nunally won't be coming back, unless at the R2's finale, as a theme to remind Lelouch of his work. Bringing that along, I would say that Lelouch has finally begun a path of an anti-hero, now that the theme of "lies" and "masks" has been repeated consistently. Lelouch is obviously in a state of denial and avoidance right now because of the twist of Marianne actually being alive, and the fact that she neglected himself and Nunally for their own selfish desires. God knows what he's doing, but since he has Suzaku on his side, it is safe to say that Lelouch and Suzaku have finally compromised with each other and melded each other's ideologies. It is also doubtful that Suzaku was geass'd again to be his Knight, but the explanation of Lelouch's second geass hasn't been explained yet.
However, that is both advantageous and disadvantageous in some aspects, as siding with Suzaku will mean that Lelouch will have new enemies. The OBK (and the Japanese) for one, which has always had a diverging opinion on Suzaku, and Schneizel & Co. (includes Knights of Round?), for a clear reason that Schneizel had always wanted to create a world of his own. However, it is not clear which side the Knight of Round will take in this, since Gino dislikes Schneizel and doesn't seem very loyal to Lelouch (who would be at this point?). Bismark is another story, because no one knows what he's thinking!
While the possibility of David75's theory seems very plausible, I have a prediction that Lelouch and Nunally were Charles and Marianne's plan "C". I mean, there's the fact that Lelouch and Nunally were the next targets in V.V's slaughter, but there must be more to the story of this. Of all the women and mistresses and their children, why did V.V only kill Marianne and why did Charles only save Lelouch and Nunally? Of all the heirs to the throne (amount seen in the last segment of the episode), why save only Lelouch and Nunally? If Marianne was neglectful of her own children, she probably wouldn't have given a damn about what happened to them, right? She never even mentioned anything about Nunally's death.
08:14: "You have to push away what you really treasure." - C.C
Of course, this would have to show how much brilliance these two have, to even use Lelouch as a pawn - if it were to ever happen.
With the story advancing on as a global scene, it is hard to coordinate local battles if led by Lelouch, Kraco. With the world stage set on Lelouch, it's clear that the writers have dropped tactics for policy and prioritize more on the progress of Lelouch's character and goals. Who knows what he's going to do now? It's been a month since FLEIJA was fired, with a day that took place during the Lelouch-Charles-Marianne confrontation. So with 30 days planning, who knows what's going to happen? IMO, it's going to be Lelouch's downfall from here, with Schneizel as his greatest obstacle - maybe the OBK too for irony.
I also like the irony with Diethardt in the background when Kannon said "well, he has risen in status through betrayal before".
Lelouch got his Geass of Hax, now he can Geass the fuck out of mankind himself and geass the gods too.
Well lets stop Listening to Scheinzel because no matter the ep, the end is always the same.
"Mmmmhhh good, exactly what I needed"
Now, Lelouch HAS TO WIN, because he pwnd Britannia with a rebel state a cheap Geass and one ally. Now he got the world for him, Uber Geass Mod Activated and the world at his feet.
If Scheiznel wins now, people writting CG will have to be fired.
VV only killed Marianne because she agreed with Charles. Most probably she was also the only 'queen' who knew about Charles plans.
Rewatching the preview I believe that Kallen is walking besides Lelouch, meaning (hopefully) she has sided with him once again... or at least she is there trying to confirm her own purpose as she said on this episode...
30 Second Preview
I wonder how the OBK will react, now that the "deceiver" they betrayed is now the emperor of the most powerful nation.
Well, i agree on about everything Ryhallru wrote.
There´s a word that describes this 2nd season perfectly: Rushed
The 2nd season started okay. Maybe you remember how i, back then, complained about how Lelouch keeps losing, that it´s annoying how there´s a lack of his awsomeness that the 1st season delivered. And instead of showing a smooth turn-around, we kept getting uber-rushed episodes, with scenes happening everywhere, anytime, showing finalized outcomes instead of showing HOW it evolved into all that. Little example: Last episode, where Lelouch, being completely alone, suddenly had gathered a whole army, infected by his Geass. In season 1 they´d have shown how Leloch actually gets these people under his control and the episode would end with Lelouch showing off in front of "his" army. In season 2, however, they just said "here you have it", so that they could include 2, 3 or more important developments within a single episode.
Oh, and one direct complaint towards today´s episode (which could also fit into my above complaint): At the end of the episode, Lelouch simply used his Geass to make the people acknowledge him as the new king. MEH! That so....un-creative. And it could be even a disadvantage in the future. He can only use Geass once on a person. Now he used it on all the important people. And he made them "admit that he´s the king". Well, admitting, that some is the king doesnt automatically mean, that they like that king.
But whatever, im excited to see what follows. Though i wouldnt like it if Schneizel all of sudden became the super-powerful enemy.
what the hell just happened?
Lelouch, you're such a tease.
I really look forward to seeing how this series will end after all these -_____- episodes.
Destroy the world and everyone becomes a singular existence! ...ugh
Man... This episode was awesome!!
But then seeing C.C's sad face at the end got me wondering why she's sad. Perhaps Lelouch is starting lose himself with his geass?
I didn't expect him to announce things just like that though, and then geassing everyone.
it's rushed, sure, but that's what happens when you tell a guy "yeah, that idea of yours is going to be a 24 episode show". then a few months later, "actually, we're making crap loads of money, make it last 24 more episodes." then a few months later, "Oh, and we're pushing up the air date of those last 24 episode, so get them done quickly."
so, yeah, considering it's rushed, it's still enjoyable. somehow i'm reminded strangely of Disc 2 of Xenogears...
Schneizel is cool. Of course, this all hinges on him not having Geass, which, as far as R2 is concerned, is something a good quarter of the world population has... If he tries to oppose Lelouch, who he LET take over Britannia, has Geass and Spinzaku, with just his own wits and resources, then god bless the man, even if he will lose in the end.
Schneizel took no steps whatsoever to stop Lelouch. He knew right away that Emperor Chuck had bought the farm, and it took Lelouch a full month to make his little move (Diethard would have got him in there in a week's time, tops). Knight of One, all weepy at losing his master, tells people that Chuck is missing, but clearly doesn't tell them that he knows he's dead. Schneizel makes no move to grab the throne. He doesn't even try to warn the other nobles about what he KNOWS is going to happen when Lelouch tries to take the throne. He takes his vital personnel and holes himself up in Cambodia.
I smell the FLEIA warheads! Besides, the only thing this series needs to complete the Sunrise villain cliche gauntlet (know that Instrumentality has failed) is a blond baddie to try for an old fashioned "reset the world with a colony drop". Wait, no space colonies? Ok, then a big motherfucking FLEIA, or just lots of them. Japan <3s nukes.
Here's hoping Ohgi gets pwned. I hate to see Diethard go down, but, oh well... All the Black Knights (except for Kallen, dumb love struck pawn that she is) will probably buy the farm, either opposing Emperor Lulu or trying to help him once they realize OMFGBBQCHIPSALLUPONMYHAMBURGERSCHNEIZELISABADGUY!! !
of course, i have no idea how this mindfuck of a show will turn out. Jeremiah's Geass canceller has got to come into play again, right? And the Chinese dude has to bite it in the middle of some important battle, so that means China will have to come back into all of this someway.
And I know that all the nobles are just pissed that they got a fast one pulled on them, but hadn't they been listening to Chuck's speeches? All about "the strongest survives and is the best" "Britannia is for the strong" "Shit I'm dead, whoever killed me must be the strongest" Come on folks.
Now, a few predictions:
Schneizel tries to become the new Zero, except sans the mask, and reveals to the world all sorts of bad stuff about Lulu. On a nightly basis he assfucks Kannon while Diethard films.
Kallen gets a chance to kill Lelouch (which he creates), but doesn't, and joins him instead (which he knew she would). She has some tension with still emo C.C. about who will get to be Lulu's boo, but it really doesn't matter, because we all know the only girl he was ever seriously interested in was his sister. Kallen pwns Gino.
OBK try to go after Zero, but he tells them, "dudes, chill, you can have Japan." Ohgi and Diethard try to get people to side with Schneizel, but it's no good. Schneizel uses FLEIA (or other large nuclear based baddie weapon) on their asses. Now he really looks like the bad guy. Ohgi and Viletta confess their feelings for each other, just before they die (or escape to start a new life somewhere, lame motherfuckers).
Toudouh dies, probably at Suzaku's hands. Or trying to protect Suzaku. Whichever is more dramatic.
The Ganymede rolls out, under Schneizel's command. It's got either a super FLEIA or the ability to FLEIA all sorts of points on the earth that are vital to the Lifestream, er, Jupiter, er... whatever the fuck Lulu Geassed this episode.
Spinzaku + Kallen > Knight of One.
Kannon gets a pink mech that pwns all until he suddenly faces a pilot that the writers had forgotten about and use their fight to conclude both of their insignificant roles. I'm betting on the Chinaman.
Lulu confronts Schneizel directly. He tries to confused him with some fancy words, which Lulu almost seems to accept, then doesnn't. (or if they writers are dropping the bad acid that week, they'll give Schneizel Geass and will do an epic 'bad guy trying to use illusions to confuse the hero' BS)
Nunnaly comes back (as Schneizel's trump hostage card) AS A ZOMBIE!
bit too far...? I swear though, we haven't seen a body yet... and don't give me that crap about nukes not leaving bodies. This is a Sunrise show, and no character ranked Rolo class or above dies unless they get some long ass, teary or uplifting speech.
Or Lulu pulls a Harry Potter book 7, gets to sit and have tea with Nunners, who is depicted as not a blind crip, inciting avalanches of LuluxNunners incest loli hentai. Then Lulu gets sent back (Nunners uses her Geass on him, which can return people back to life, but she can only use it once!) and pwns Schneizel. CC decides to stop being emo and is happy to be by Lulu's side as his #1 boo. Kallen gets with Suzaku (you know it's gonna happen)
Somehow i feel this prediction makes too much sense and isn't absurd enough to actually be done by the CG guys...
Lol... I can see most of masa's predictions coming true... except the geass returner to life and Kallen getting with Suzaku. She will get it with Lulu as soon as CC fulfills her wish and finally dies.
Why the heck did you point that at me, eh? I wrote the same thing first...Quote:
Originally Posted by enkoujin
We don't even know what he's planning. Does he intend to remain an Emperor of everything, or does he intend to let Britannia crumble, freeing all the subjugated nations? Whatever command he gave to all those foolish bastards, it probably served his plan well because he's Lelouch, the master of plans in this series.Quote:
Originally Posted by MFauli
Duel-eye geass = SS Geass, not two separate geass powers. What was with C.C's warning when she first gave him the contacts? She warned him that the Geass will get more powerful, and Lelouch said he'll finish everything before then. Now his Geass is enhanced. What to do? Use two contacts. C.C. frowning like that hints that things aren't so simple though. Perhaps you get swallowed up by the power?Quote:
Originally Posted by enkoujin
Downfalls of R2 aside (It has lost it's flair), I loved this episode. To whoever said above about "why did the emperor not save his other sons/daughters", he only needed to hide the children who were connected to Marianne, and hence V.V.
Edit: Oh, and I lolled at Marianne's attempt to graffiti Suzaku's face.
Edit2: Knight of Zero was a well done pun, I think. And as most people have guessed, Knight of One has a geass, as can be seen in the preview 23:39
Yup, Knight of One has a geass and sealed it in a pretty Barbaric manner:D
Regarding Lelouch's Geass, we do not know what are his new possibilities and limitations. We do not know if the "use once only" limitation is still there.
And yup, CC is sad, very sad. I prefered her "Girl meets pizza" face.
C.C.'s sadness is indeed ominous. In the past she was privy to Lelouch's plots and thus no matter what was happening she knew where they were going ultimately (or ironically enough knew even better than Lelouch himself). If that hasn't changed, then her expression is a dire sign of a dim future. If, however, the reason for her forlorn expression is uncertainty of Lelouch's plans, that's no better because it would indicate Lelouch sidelined her, and that's the worst thing that could happen.
Thus I hope what's behind it is no more than distaste of what must be done, and sadness it has to go that way.
*bump because the package didn't have a cover*
If Lelouch indeed sidelined her it was because she agreed with Charles' plans, at least for a while.
Anyone notice that apparently Cornelia's arm is completely fine in this episode, ie not in that bondage-type sling anymore.
HOLY CRAP! :eek:
Suzaku's legs are still stronger than steel!!!!! all seriousness now, Schneizel still needs to do something nice and evil that can qualify him as the "final boss".
Nah I'm sure those spears are just harderend plastic >_>;
I think C.C. is sad because lelouch is turning into her past self, geassing everyone in sight to acknowledge them, except the C.C. made everyone like her, and lelouch is making everyone accept him as king.
Hopefully he catches his error soon and doesn't geass the whole world into acknowledging him as king, that would totally destroy the show as many have mentioned, as in season 1 he would use strategies and tactics rather than 1337 hax (most of the time).
I am really wondering if lelouch geass'd suzaku. I really hope he didn't, because if he did, he could've saved himself A LOT of trouble and just done it in the beginning of the series in the warehouse.
I have a feeling that Orange's geass cancelor is going to come into action soon.
I am wondering what lelouch is going to do with his newfound control of brittannia. What of the U.N.?
My prediction is that seeing as how the black knights havent revealed zero's death to the world yet (correct me if I'm wrong), Shneizel will take on the role of Zero. This will be very ironic as if you look at it like a chess match between lulu and shneizel, it is like they are just switching rotating around the chess board.
However, even if Shneizel does take on zero's role, Lelouch still most likely will have Kallen and Orange on his side, both of whom are very valuable allies. Xing-ke will also probably find out that Lelouch is zero and join him.
I am curious as to whether or not Lelouch will reveal to the world that he was in fact zero, or if Shneizel will beat him to it.
The one thing I am praying for most though is that this doesn't end up ending like Death Note, with the main character completely changing and becoming a power-hungry psychopath who no longer thinks rationally and just goes out of control. It would be quite unsatisfying. If this series keeps going on the path it's already on, it will end up #1 on my list.
I have my doubts about Orange-kun, now that Cornelia and Schneizel's on their side. Say he's loyal to Lelouch, but I'm thinking the news will get to him that it's this guy who killed the revered Marianne.Quote:
Originally Posted by lelouch
Now that you mention it, yes it seems the case. I have no explanation, besides that the arm was never fully dead. I don't suppose she could seek help neither, since the 2nd Princess of Britannia would be recognised world wide by friends and foe alike.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
They can build mechas capable of circus level acrobatics and fortresses hovering in the sky with whatever propulsion system, protected by energy shields, beam weapons based on some fancy theory... I don't think fixing an arm in a week is anything harder than a walk in a park for them anymore, even if the nerves were dead or whatever else would be a huge problem today.
Lelouch didn't really kill Marianne, just her ghost. A ghost that nobody but Lelouch, Suzaku, and C.C. knew existed. Schneizel might have known - he seems to know more than is good for him and learning even more - but only a fool would take his word alone as the truth (or tools like the BK people). I don't think Orange-kun is going to say: "Oh, it was like that? Damn that Lelouch! I'll kill him!"
Zomg Spinzaku saved the day again, he was able to break steel with his legs
he must be the firstborn of Chuck Norris himself... another master of roundhouse-kicks
Suzaku destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.
(Seriously... he jumped in from the roof (like 10 meters high) and there wasn't even a window where he could have entered... )
Suzaku was once a knight in King Charles court. He was known as Sir Beatdown.
This episode was great.....up to the point where Lelouch and Suzaku "killed" Charles and Marianne, but then they destroyed it with another "OH MY GAWD CODE GEASS!" moment again....
( and btw did anyone else the "pls cum on my face" - facial expression when charles was about to complete his plan?.. god I couldn't stop laughing)
the 'rotating ends of the chess board' seems to be a very interesting idea, and totally doable by CG standards... Schneizel holding up the white king piece at the end of this episode might suggest otherwise (unless, of course, he was about to resign it in order to start a brand new game)Quote:
Originally Posted by lelouch
CC is sad because she's still alive. She's just a hot emo bitch who didn't dye her hair black. Besides, she probably feels like she has nothing to live for now (Chuck and Marianne's plans have already been thwarted, she missed her chance to die). Most of her helpfullness seemed to come from her knowledge of the group that Chuck and VV were behind to make Geass users and the Thought Elevator, and since that's all gone now, even I wonder what exactly she'll be able to do.
I don't think Suzaku got Geassed again. And I still think Lelouch has a limit on his Geass of 'once per person'. Suzaku is still working to change the world from 'within the system', all that's changed is his uke for life is now the guy in charge of that system.
Hey, C.C. is probably the most capable female in the series overall (yes, including Kallen, Cornelia etc). She is capable of doing practically anything because of her immortality, from piloting Knightmares, fighting, giving tactical advice, saving Lelouch's ass by being a human shield, leading the OBK when Zero is gone, mind fucking, giving out geass, eating pizza indefinitely, the list goes on. In fact, the reason why Lelouch got so screwed these last few episodes was because she was out of commission.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that she is the hottest girl in the show to add to her credentials. If you don't believe me, check this thread.
CG hottest babe thread
Her hotness level will suffer considerably, though, if she turns into an emo living for nothing anymore, just looking sad and lingering on, hoping something would happen. A big part of her hotness was due to the reason she was mysterious and always seemed to know more than she told and was doing her own tricks here and there, for amusement or to advance things. Like your list said, she was more than a pretty face. But does she anymore have anything left to keep her up there? That's the question.
Its not just the mystery (which is still there, since we still don't know her true name) but the attitude that makes her hot. She is haughty and arrogant, and I don't think looking sad for a few seconds will change that fact.
shinta... you are currently 1337-ed...
Guess CC finally took over your brain, life and soul.
Meh, I prefer Kallen.
This episode was very entertaining. With everything and anything happening now, maybe Nunnaly will come back and stand up to Suzaku and Lelouch.
Seems like she could even walk and see. We now know that the scene Lelouch remembers was a set-up.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xrlderek
I do not think Nunally faked her problems. But someone geassed her, maybe...
I think her problems were genuine. Either the Emperor placed such traumatic memories into her that she went blind as if it was the real thing, or they simply made her "remember that she was blind". It is, after all, a psychological condition.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
Talking about impairments, it seems Britannia's technology wasn't able to heal Nunnaly's legs, which I remember to be physically damaged. That will explain Cornelia's arm as well, but not why it's out of the sling now.
To me it could be a part of the set-up too.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
After all, we've clearly seen that VV shot Marianne and the only other witness was Anya.
To me:
Lelouch has been geassed with that memory
Nunally has been geassed with the same memory and her legs and eyes were "deactivated" in her brain. That would explain why no one is able to heal her if the problem is purely geass related... But maybe they've been as far as really butcher her legs and eyes physically too...
I may be wrong, still it could be a real schocker to Lelouch.
Lelouch can't of been geassed with that memory since he has been exposed to the geass canceller, so he would of realised that his memory has been altered. As for Nunally the geass canceller would probably cure her blindness and medical technology might now be able to help her walk again, since remember the last time that significant resources were devoted to trying to help her were 10 years ago. And if that doesn't explain why Cornellia was able to have her arm healed and Nunally wasn't able to walk, all I have to say it's allot easier to heal an arm than it is to heal a spine.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
I had forgotten Lelouch had been struck with the anti-geass.Quote:
Originally Posted by Tyreal
Yet the idea still wortks since Nunally hasn't been anti-geassed (I think).
Lelouch has seen the setup scene: Nunally placed under Marianne after the shooting.
I'm currently downloading Nightspeed's version:
[Nightspeed] Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 - 22v2 [H 264 1280x720 AAC][D749A546] mkv 351 Mb @mininova
I guess GG should arrive anytime soon.
Will update in case of problems with the file.
Have fun!
Okay, I think I'm totally going to marathon this now!!
I hope I get Ryl's undying respect for holding out this long! =D
GG is there too.
[gg] Code Geass R2 - 22 [D25D4020] mkv 380Mb @ggkthx
All in all, that ep was less than interresting to me.
Hope it turns for the better later.
Well, we all knew it would happen, but you know who is back, and as an enemy too.
I wonder how Lelouch will react to all this, and what exactly do they mean when they say "destroy" the world?
Everything in this show continues to feel rushed. That whole Knight of Rounds gambit could have been stretched out and made more epic but instead we just got Suzaku Yamato in Strike Lancelot demonstrating how he is actually Jesus.
The end revelation wasn't that much of a shock but what happened slightly before that was. Schneizel just ass raped another entire city full of non-combatants. Somehow I don't think his gentle stand in would have approved of such a clusterfuck plus do we think the world would buy that they won't be next on FLEIA's target list considering Schneizel's already shown a willingness to spam it for all its worth...
Also lelouch's outfit is plain ridiculous...
Damn... I was hoping Kallen to go with Lelouch...
You didn't like Lelouch's nurse's cap? It looks more like Talim's hat from Soul Calibur IV, but in any case...utterly ridiculous. I think he ties with Suzaku though, the shear fabric on the shoulders make all the girls weak in the knees, I'm quite sure.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
On the other hand, I'm glad to see C.C. return to her straight jacket outfit. That was always my favorite.
I fully expected Nunnally to open her eyes right at the end in a super-fabulous dramatic fashion, but I suppose that until Orange-kun gives her a little blast, that's still out of the question.
That might have been true a few weeks ago, but not anymore in light of my comments in the past few episode threads. It's not something worth waiting for. It also seems that that sentiment is growing.
Ohsnaps! I will just have to keep watching.<3
Holy fucking break dancing shit.
I didn't saw that coming, I expected her to come back but not in this fashion.
Nunnally being alive.... some how i cant except that ...
From the preview, I'm guessing Lelouch goes flat, followed by Suzaku yelling shit at him. I believe his thoughts after that would be "I'm going to create a world that Nunnaly can live in", only now you add "Whether she wants to or not".Quote:
Originally Posted by Shinta|hikari
Yes, contradictory, but there you are.
Also what's with Bismarick saying that he thought he'd only have ot use it against Marianne, then die with the words "Marianne-samma....." *urgh*
Isnt it more like "Marianne-Sama no ..." - "Lady Marianne's ..."Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Can guess that he used something that only she could do or a similar move I think.
There has to be a limit to how many surprises a show can have in a season... I really liked that episode, but this is starting to be ridiculous!
I'm sure that with a little rewriting of the last 4 eps of season one and 4 OAVs they could have given us a far better show than this second season that is going down by the minute.
I'll watch it till the end, but somehow I'm sad this brillant show is missing it now.
I don't really understand this show anymore. I thought Lelouch's purpose of fighting was so that Japan could be free and him and Nunnally can live happily. Now he wants to takeover the world just because he thinks Nunnally is dead? And why is Nunnally so quick to become their enemy? And wtf is this whole Lelouch is going to kill a lot of people for? Why is that necessary? If he's the emperor, why not just declare Area 11/Japan free?
Kallen's diminishing role breaks my heart.
It was.Quote:
I thought Lelouch's purpose of fighting was so that Japan could be free and him and Nunnally can live happily.
Well, after his conversation with Charles and Marianne, he wanted to deny their world, and with Charles revealing his plan that Schneizel will be trying to change the world, Lelouch didn't want that. So to stop one person from seizing a chance at changing a world you wouldn't like, why not grab it for yourself?Quote:
Now he wants to takeover the world just because he thinks Nunnally is dead?
So as mentioned in gg's translations, he's gone on with a plan, "Requiem of Zero", to shape the world into the ideal world both Euphemia and what he thought Nunally had wanted. After all, it was partly, Lelouch's fault for both their deaths. This atonement Lelouch must have pledged had probably brought Suzaku and himself closer together to working aside one another. He followed Suzaku's way of "changing the system from the inside" as well as his own way of "destroying everything, and recreating anew".
Schneizel, with his clever diplomacy, negotiation, and persuasion skills, who wouldn't become Lelouch's enemy under his hypnotic speeches? If he could turn the tables on Lelouch with Lelouch's high-tier staff, why couldn't he do it with his own blind half-sister? A month has passed since the FLEIJA warhead in Japan, with Nunally surviving it, and within that certain period, Schneizel probably bombarded Nunally with what was happening behind Nunally's back. The fact that Nunally had been betrayed nearly her whole life, and lied to by her closest friend (Suzaku) and her brother (Lelouch) influenced her decisions and viewpoints.Quote:
And why is Nunnally so quick to become their enemy?
Not sure which scene you're talking about. After Lelouch broke down the aristocratic system of Britannia where the elite had ruled, some aristocrats that weren't geass'd lost all their wealth and power. Without their power, why wouldn't these people fight back for it? So there had to be repressions on these rebellious people, otherwise there will be a shift back to the monarchy-aristocratic state.Quote:
And wtf is this whole Lelouch is going to kill a lot of people for? Why is that necessary? If he's the emperor, why not just declare Area 11/Japan free?
If you're talking about the UN meeting, Lelouch killed "those people" (the soldiers/bodyguards) because they could have taken him down, as if Sumeragi wasn't already cynical enough of his actions. Then, there's the invasion of Britannian troops into Japan. Since Lelouch already became the emperor of Britannia, and the OBK had made no quick attempts at diplomacy to establish ties with the new Britannia, Lelouch might have thought of them as a threat. Now, since the UN "employs" the OBK as their main military organization, if Lelouch could take down the OBK, he can rule the world, as there would be no "clear" enemy at his standing.
Plus, he called off the colonization of Japan already. It's already liberated, but it was part of all his plan for everyone to have a better view of Lelouch (which definitely worked, as exemplified by the people in Japan cheering for him), which allowed Lelouch to commence his operation to rule the world.
The reason Schneizel is even letting Lelouch take over the world right now is that he's playing the "bait out" card. He's letting Lelouch having everything, and once he's at the top, Schneizel would swoop in and take everything back, which leaves Lelouch in a most humiliating defeat - usually a plot device of "a fate worst than death". Best example I could think of would be that of the orphaned boy-Carter Pewterschmidt scene of Family Guy where they filled out the paperwork to adopt an orphan boy and taunted the orphaned boy with gifts inside the car before driving off, leaving the orphaned boy just devastated.
I bet Schneizel and Cornelia are fucking.
Haha, exactly what I was thinking.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
Ugh, Nunally is back, although it was expected to happen. Schnizel out maneuvered Lelouch again.
I'm kinda surprised that Lelouch didn't make it his first priority to make more use of the Fleias and keep track of all of them, a pretty careless mistake on his part.
Of course, now we get to see whether or not Schneizel can stand up against the ultimate god-like alliance of Light Lelouch and Suzaku Yamato. The two have got to be one of the most formiddable team ups in anime history.
Funny, the Knight of Rounds were built up since the beginning of the season as the most powerful group of fighters in the world and Suzaku just owns them all within thirty seconds. Some things never change...
And god damnit...Kallen. =/ somehow with that kiss I think she's set on the path of the tragically killed girlfriend of all animes. :'( hope not, maybe she'll be the one who pulls the final trigger on Lelouch
He's making himself the "Bloody Prince of Massacre" in history to shadow Euphie's deeds in the SAR or Nippon. He said it to Suzaku by the lake.Quote:
And wtf is this whole Lelouch is going to kill a lot of people for? Why is that necessary? If he's the emperor, why not just declare Area 11/Japan free?
Nice episode, but i hate the ending.
so now that Suzaku became acceptable, Nunally returns for the role of "fuck annoying character"?
Sorry, little blind girl, i dont like you, you´re ludicrous.
Also, i want to express how Lelouch is gay...he has to be. If i´d be Lelouch, i´d have fucked Karen long time ago.
Originally Posted by animus
wincest ftw
god i know its wrong think i been hanging around 4chan too much =/
I share the pain. =/Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
I still have the slight hope she will side with Lelouch for the last few episodes against Schneizel before Lelouch ultimately dies...
There is no other way now... Lelouch is trying to unite the whole world against him... even Britannians... at least that is what I believe.
You are not alone, my brother. You are not alone.Quote:
Originally Posted by NeoBear
Go Schneizel go!!! For a pure and blue world!!!!
Wait... this isn't Gundam SEED? Well, I couldn't really tell from how the Lancelot Albion fight with the Rounds went (seriously, weak stuff there. i agree with all the criticism doled out by others)...
I was under the impression that Schneizel nuked China because they had FLEIA, or something like that... The entire bit with Lelouch, CC and Suzaku (sexy full length armored gloves, btw! gotta get me some yaoi with him wearing those... ) crpytically talking about Schneizel's plan and connection with a previously NEVER mentioned entity that, you know, just does small stuff like... mass produce nuclear warheads... That whole part was confusing, and it felt like they didn't explain the origins of FLEIA (before Nina got involved) just so they could have Schneizel nuking China as part of a 'surprise!' ending
Gino, why won't you just die already?
Apprehending Nina was great, although Lelouch somehow knowing Rivalz would be the one to drive her, and take that old escape route (and that the Black Knights would set up their checkpoint where they did...) was all gas. Now he'll get the access codes to shut down FLEIA or some other BS whenever Schneizel decides he's done not being the villain.
Also, the villain. I think it's way too early to say that Lelouch Yagami Vi Britannia is really the villain. Maybe it's because I simply can't digest his corrosively illogical reasoning for becoming 'the emperor of massacres'. So you're going to do it, once again, "for Nunnally" (+ Euphie to make the boy-toy happy). But you're not going to do it like you KNOW she'd have wanted it done. No, that would make to much sense! You're going to do everything Euphie and Nunnally stood against, in the hopes of overshadowing their great mishaps (which you caused in the first place), so history might not look on them with contempt. In short, you're doing it for their personal pride and honor, two things that both Nunnally and Euphie always showed that they didn't care about. And you're going to achieve this thing that they wouldn't have ever concerned themself with by doing all the things they hated. For them. Wow. The writers took the bad acid, for sure.
His actions are another thing. Holding the UN at gun point is pretty stiff evidence that he wants to martyr himself, but might it have been a ruse? I think he'd have done well to wait a few years and bide his time until the rest of the world didn't see him as such a threat anymore... Of course, Sunrise refuses to animate anything involving main characters who are over 20 years old.... Sure, it sounds good, breaking down the musty old nobility system. But when you're Geassing room fulls of people just to get your way, doesn't it leave any kind of doubts? Guess he wasn't listening to CC when she told her story about how unfulfilled she felt when using Geass to make people fall in love with her...
So Diethard gave Schneizel the slip? Or who? Why did that scene have 'important for next episode!' written all over it?
But rest easy. Lelouch's actions will be explained soon enough in a way that everyone in the show can sympathize with (and the pea-brained viewers also). Plus, there's material evidence in this episode that points, once again, to schneizel being the actual villain, not Lelouch. This evidence is the Damocles. If you're in the vicinity of the last five episodes of a Sunrise series, and you're riding around in a fortress, you're a bad guy. (Note: a massive and for all intents and purposes invincible battleship is not a fortress. That's what Sunrise good guys always fight in in the climax battle. If it looks like a floating castle/Death Star, it's the bad guy riding in it).
Also, Schneizel will lose. Maybe his side will win (Lelouch makes a sacrifice play with his 'King' even though you CAN'T PUT YOUR GODDAMN KING IN CHECK! GODDAMNIT! but schneizel will lose or die. This is because he played his final trump card far too early (Zombie Nunnally). Should have pulled it out during the actual decisive battle. Imagine, the final battle is raging, both sides seem evil (Schneizel using FLEIA and Lelouch still manipulating people just like old Emperor Chuck). Suzaku is spin-kicking his way towards victory for his boo Lulu (also, what do you guys think? Is Suzaku the pitcher or the catcher? It's pretty hard to tell. I go back and forth. On one hand, Suzaku has dressed in drag and seems to love 'submitting' himself to others. On the other hand, Lelouch's reluctance to forcibly control Suzaku strongly suggests he wants Suzaku to be the only person out there to 'be his seme'. And- huh? what? scenario? Oh yeah...
So imagine it's the final battle. Sparkling lights. Pretty explosions. Spinzaku doing the deed, day looks grim for Schneizel, moral ambiguity on all sides as to who is actually good and who is bad, etc, etc. Then, just as Schneizel's fortress is about to get spin-kicked to death, he pulls out the Trump Card, Nunnally. She says some very mean things to Lelouch and Suzaku. Somehow this convinces other people that Lulu has, as Nunners is saying, a very bad person, and they attack him. Heck, have her open her eyes and do a 'Un-Geasser', very dramatic and all. Lulu is totally shocked and suddenly sees that he's done wrong, but it's too late, and he dies dramatically. You get your 'hero was actually the bad guy once he let his power go to his head and forgot the real reasons behind his initial agenda' ending, and no Nate River involved.
But why am I talking about this? Nunners did show. It'll be the last great move Schneizel makes. Once they get flying final battle fortresses, "genius" Sunrise villains suddenly do everything wrong. Oh well, he's at least a breath of fresh air from the standard villain fare.
Only really decent scene in this episode was Lelouch meeting Kallen again. A little too much angsty talky-talky (oh, and she's so going to turn and join Lelouch in the end. Maybe at the cost of her own life, but...)
It's still a marvelous show, even if R2 has been disappointing towards the end. This whole thing could very easily have been 100 episodes. Maybe 75.
Is it for power? Or status? Or is it just a game? Kallen is as clueless as always. It is almost as if she does not know Lelouch at all, which is what she seems to believe.
The goal for Lelouch becoming the "emperor of massacres" is not to overshadow the deeds of Euphy. That is merely a coincidental result of what he is really trying to achieve. It probably involves a direct confrontation against Schneizel and whatever his plan is.
Aside from that, I think Lelouch is planning to make himself the world dictator, only to be taken down by the world so that everything can begin at zero (zero requiem). This makes sense from Lelouch and Suzaku's psychological perspectives since they both believe they deserve punishment, and are willing to sacrifice a lot of blood, including theirs, to get that result (as Lelouch said to Kaguya in the episode).
I am actually surprised people ever doubted Schneizel was going to be a villain. I know he is likable, but from his very first appearance, he was exuding final antagonist vibes, especially with how he handled Cornelia in S1. There is nothing wrong with liking a villain anyway.
I doubt Schenizel is going to screw up too much. It will probably go against Lelouch until some turning point near the end.
And... when will we find out about C.C.'s name?
So this show is wrapping up, and I'm still a little confused. Who loves who? Seriously. Aside from 'every minor female character loves the main character', there's a ton of ambiguity in romantical relationships in this show.
So I'm interested in hearing what people have to say. Who do you think is in love with each other? Who isn't? Who do you want to be in love with each other? Any real backing for a gay love interest not named Rolo?
Oh, and this thread is clearly going to be up to date with the anime, so if you haven't watched, stay the fuck away.
I'll start with the big one:
C.C. and Lelouch
There's alot going on with this relationship. Kisses, room sharing, C.C. even forgetting about her life-long goal to die once Lelouch gets involved. But there's something missing... something... soft and fuzzy? C.C. seems to enjoy watching Lelouch grapple with his problems and emotions. Lelouch seems indifferent to C.C.'s bouts of emo depression. There's no sexual tension where there should be. To me, they're just partners. If anything, C.C. has feelings for Lelouch (it's his show after all), but not the other way around. And if he ever did fall in love with her, she'd probably stop loving him, because that's the exact thing she's sick and tired of in the first place.
Lulu and Spinzaku
Now now folks, remember, this is a CLAMP series. Also, Lelouch's behavior regarding Suzaku has always been stupidly emotional. For a cruel, logic-driven character, Lelouch pining over his child-hood friend as much as he does is mighty suspicious. Then you have Suzaku, who seems to love serving people and has a soft spot for Lelouch too. But once Euphemia comes and goes, you get the sense that if Suzaku ever did have those kinds of feelings for Lelouch, they die when he finds out what kind of person he really is. Of course, later they join forces, but it seems to be a bond born out of mutual grief for lost loved ones, and even though Suzaku would probably still put Lulu's weiner in his mouth if he was asked to, it's more friendship than anything.
Suzaku and Euphie
Here we go. Now we're getting somewhere. It's hard to tell if this wasn't a couple based on shared values and nurtured by Suzaku's fondness to serve, or something more, but whatever the case, once Euphie kicked the bucket, it was safe to say that Suzaku was in love with her. He continues to crusade on in her name, and all very knightly shit like that. And she was a simple girl, so falling for the first guy to treat her just as a woman (and not as royalty) is a matter of typical anime course.
Cornellia and Schneizel
People in the episode 22 discussion sure seem to think so, but i just don't see it. They're together because they knew their pops was up to no good, but were smart enough to know not to tango directly with Zero and the Black Knights. Cornelia seems to be on-board for Schneizel's plan for having Nunners become Empress, but that doesn't make them romantically involved.
Schneizel and Canon
Bringing a whole new meaning to the term 'canon gay'. I buy it, mostly because Canon doesn't seem to have any role whatsoever in this show aside from being Schneizel's little pillow biter. Also, when a character shows up at a party and tells people he's there to attend to all of the prince's needs, and then says "heehee, just kidding!" he is NOT kidding.
Also, I've been going to THIS place way too much (caution, may contain spoilers 5-6 hours before a Code Geass fansub release). but goddamn does it make me laugh
Cornellia for Euphemia
Yeah, that's right. Corellia practically screams 'I'm a dyke!' Or maybe I just have misgivings about strong female characters who spoil their sister and shower them with affection while being cold as ice to the rest of the world. Sorry to Guilford here. Poor guy fell for a carpet muncher...
Rivalz and Nina?
I can't explain the weird way the two of them are coming together in these last few episodes. They'd be like grease and water, but maybe Rivalz is just desperate since he's been shot down by Milly so many times...
Rolo for Lelouch
Clearly one sided, if anything. Part of me can't help but think that whoever had first showed Rolo affection, male or female, would have won him over. There's the issue of his 'Stop word' being 'Younger Brother' which suggests that he was even trained to submit to an older male who was close to him. Or maybe they were trying to see what kind of Stop word would be good for Rolo, poked around in his brains, saw the gay crawling around, and figured it was the best. And, no, I don't buy that it was 'dedication' or 'brotherly affection'. Rolo wanted the cock.
Nunnally and Lelouch
Yes, wtf!? nosebleed indeed.
That's right. I'm a believer. Lelouch has a sister complex. She's his reason for doing all this shit in the first place. She's the one thing that can keep him in check. When she's threatened, he throws all rational thought out the door and risks everything to save her. He clearly has the most guilt about lying to her.
But, could it just be simple brother and sister affection?
Then, I'd ask you, why does Lelouch continue to turn down every single female that comes his way? He turns them down in droves. He sometimes pretends affection, but it's almost always to manipulate them into something or simply as an escape for when he's feeling depressed. (kissing Shirley in season 1, him hitting on Kallen in the middle of a Shinji Ikari emo-angst binge. But, hell, he was even about to shoot up on Refrain, and I think he'd have tried to seek 'comfort' with any female that came his way at those time...)
So, yeah, either he's gay after all, asexual, or he secretly wants to do his sister. That's my stance
Confirmed loved interests that i'm not going to address:
Kallen for Lelouch (but I still say she gets with Suzaku in the end)
Shirley for Lelouch
Rivalz for Milly (silly Rivalz)
Japan princess for Lelouch
CC for Pizza
Guilford for Cornelia (not a huge leap on this one...)
Marianne for Charles
Viletta and Ohgi
Nina for Euphie (tables everywhere still shudder at the memory)
C.C. definitely loves Lelouch. As you said, she even turned down her wish to die just because Lelouch asked her. Lelouch, though, seems to care for her as his closest friend and trusted confidant only, but that is because C.C. never seems to take any romantic initiative. If she put in any effort at all, I bet Lelouch would fall like a house of cards.
As for Lelouch, yes, he is a siscon. He always was, and he always will. That doesn't mean he can't get it on with other girls, just that, they have to settle for second place onwards.
Unfortunately, it seems Nunnally does not care for her brother as much a I thought. How could she be brainwashed by Schneizel into thinking that Lelouch is her enemy, when that very Lelouch fought and is fighting the whole world for her? Lelouch never cared for what was "morally" right (hooray for incest), which explains his actions (end justifies the means and all that), but it seems Nunnally is a genuinely good person like Euphy, which makes me hate her as much as I hate the tragic bloody princess.
Lelouch probably liked Shirley the most after his sister. All you have to do is look at his face when Shirley died in his arms.
I think you missed the Milly X Lelouch pairing. I personally like this pairing the most after the C.C. X Lelouch one.
Kaguya liked the "idea" of Zero, not Lelouch. She does not know the first thing about him.
The same goes for Kallen, not to mention she has doubted him numerous times even after Lelouch started genuinely caring about her. The sad thing is, she had the potential of knowing the most about him, but she always prioritized her own insecurities over anything.
C.C. x Pizza is still the best and most mutual pairing.
I will respectfully refrain from going into the yaoi ones.
More possibilities:
Sayoko (ninja-maid) x Suzaku from the picture drama! Thing is - she seems about 10 years older than Suzaku. If Sayoko and Suzaku had babies, the genetics of two athletes of such calibur would be equivalent to that of Snake and Samus's fictional offspring.
Milly x Shirley (+x Kallen x Nina) - picture drama, where Milly groped them all.
Lelouch x Euphemia, from when they were little, when they "played everyday" with Nunally
Lelouch x Anya. I heard there were doujins of these out somewhere, but I guess they've become more explicit with the fact that Marianne used Anya as a host.
Gino x Anya - both Knights of Round, and eccentric in their own ways.
Toudou x Nagisa. Kudos to Toudou for running away from a "developed" relationship.
Schneizel x Cecile - flirted, and Cecile asking for "punishment" from Schneizel.
Cecile x Lloyd - because they just haven't been talking enough apart from science and technical concepts.
Suzaku x Arthur (the cat) because interspecies relationships are never wrong.
I believe the one that left was Anya.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
I hope Kallen does go to him... especially since the opening shows Gurren and Lancelot fighting together. And about her dieing... well... anyway can die at this point so I can't say she can't die... but I hope she doesn't.
Probably while dieing at Lelouch's arms after saving his life giving him her code or something like that.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Or maybe over Pizza with the survivors.
At this point in the series I believe Lelouch has closed what was left of his heart and none of the female stand a chance of being with him. Rather... among the closest one to him, Kallen and CC, CC has the most changes (which are almost none) thanks to their contract. As Shinta said here (or in the episode 22 thread... dunno...) she has a lot of insecurities regarding her beliefs and whatever.
But even so... I still prefer Kallen x Lelouch.
Let's hope it's the second.
I wonder if we'll get to see Schneizel with a psychotic look or a distraught one (like the one Lelouch had when he found Nunnally to be alive). I just can't really imagine him with a face like that.
Anyways the later part of this series has been somewhat of a letdown. Sure it's still good and all, but all these characters are basically reduced to nothing and even the final antagonist, Schneizel really is not fleshed out all that well either. All the Knights, where we got to see maybe 5-6, and the rest go without names. Xingke reduced to a role most unfitting, same with Kallen, same with C.C., Cornelia, Rakshata, Diethard, etc. It's just way too rushed. It's basically boiled down to a jumpy mindfuck that focuses on Lelouch and Suzaku Yamato. It's probably what they wanted, but it's a reason why the series has been getting poor ratings as of late.
I have to agree with the not enough C.C. part.
I just hope they don't exclude C.C. from the ending.
I seriously don't understand Nunally, It's okey for her to support Cornelia and Schnizel, but it's not okey to support Lelouch and Suzaku? Cornelia is among the most war-crazy people there are, and Schnizel is just a pure hypocrite.
The ONLY reason Schnizels ambitions are possible is because Lelouch has already done ALL the dirty work. And the ONLY reason Nunally can pursue her happy go lucky world is because Lelouch has destroyed the Emperor, something that no one else could ever have done, EVER.
They are talking bullshit and Nunally should just disappear!!! Period!!!
I am also pissed at the fact that Nunnally seems to completely believe the lies Schneizel fed her. Is one month of convincing enough to make you turn against someone that has taken care of you his entire life? I am looking forward to seeing Nunnally's face when she realizes the big (half) brother she chose nuked 45 million people (plus the casualties of the new FLEIA bombing) and smiled when it happened.
If the new FLEIJA was bombed on Pendragon... does it mean they killed Oddyseus and the rest of the royal family?
Wonder what the United Nations (and by proxy the traitorous OBK and Kallen) will think when the news of a new FLEIJA gets public... even with Lelouch trying to 'conquer' them by force...
I mean... what will they fear most? Lelouch with his geass... or Schneizel with a stupid blind girl with the FLEIJA detonator on her hand? (based on 30 second preview)
man, I understand hating on Nunnaly because she's basically NEVER done anything on her own (except maybe serve as inspiration to Lulu), but I think it's jumping the gun to say that Schneizel lied to her, or that she's exactly the same as she was before.
also, i just realized the preview i saw for 23 is an extended preview...
Code Geass Episode 23 extended preview
You just might shit your pants.
and, not terribly funny, but...
Yep. There is always an extended preview on youtube later on sundays. 12 new seconds of footage.
Wow. Fuck this. Sometimes I hate being right.
Totally worth marathoning, even though the last two eps are WTF? Here's my delayed thoughts.
Somehow in the mind chamber thing Zero and Suzuku are best friends and Zero has randomly been forgiven for EVERYTHING.
Suzuku is too pussy to fight Bismark IRL but he will fight him behind 3 tons of metal protection. Go figure.
I miss CC. Before she was arrogant, entitled, and clever. Then we got to temporarily see her cute, scared, subservient side. Now she is somewhat back to "normal" but she doubts everything. RIP. I miss Shirley too, but she became somehow even more one dimensional in the second season, until right before she died. Sob. Kallen is Kallen, I would prefer that Zero is alone at the end of the series for some originality, but who knows, CC might be killed off so he can appropriately be with Kallen in the end!
You think that most of the town would have been evacuated before the first FLEIA? Or did it all happen to fast to evacuate everyone? I mean if there is a massive arms battle happening on top of a town..
I still don’t get how the king and Marriane were “defeated”.
About Schneiz. You guys were commenting about him being a ‘good’ or bad guy. I can’t say that he is necessarily either, at least on the standards you guys are setting for him. Of course we have yet to know any “true” ambitions for him other than the fact that he’s just acting in Brittania’s/world/his interest (not unlike everyone else). He's just using people as pawns, not unlike Zero did, which explains why he doesn't give a damn who dies. I actually don't particularly dislike anyone right now, except maybe Zero and Suzuku, because they have dropped everyone to become, or at least appear to be allies. At least Zero is still calculating the capabilities of Suzuku like during the Bismark fight.
Nunnaly’s got to be just a tool. Agreed with Enko. No way she would agree to being on Schneiz’s side after he’s just busted out FLEIA. Or she's just stupid. But oh snaps. It's possible that she might just simply disagree with Zero without being brainwashed, and she too has decided to forge her own way into her and her countries future. Nahhh.
That's possible. But if the series actually ends with him hooking up with his sister and running off into the sunset (think Honey and Clover) I will be highly disturbed. This and him confessing his love to either CC or Kallen (or Suzuku oh snaps) right before they and/or he dies are the only endings I will accept! Actually such an ending reminds me of Toward the Terra. *single tear*Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Sadly, Lelouch will probably end up with either CC or Kallen by some sort of default. In fact I think that this is one of the reasons why Shirley was conveniently killed off.
However, I wouldn't go so far as to say that CC is in love with Zero, and Zero loved Shirley second best. Zero would freak out equally or more if either CC or Kallen died. A few eps ago CC commented on how 'unromantic' her and Zero's relationship was in light of the Chinese girl's let's just have a love orgy with Zero request. This doesn't imply if she's in love him or not, but yeah, we can all agree that she loves and highly values him. I can easily see them hooking up as a matter of circumstance.
I'd also like to mention Rolo x Lelouch. People were saying that Rolo deluded himself into thinking that Zero was JKing. However I believe that though Rolo has acknowledged that he is merely a tool, he thinks that all the time spent with Zero is worth it. So Rolo's luv > Zero's lies, even though Rolo might be aware of the fact that Zero never gave a crap about him. Well, Zero gave some crap about him, considering he was freaking out at Rolo killing himself (even though he was trying to kill Rolo all along, wait wut). So Rolo died to save Zero, knowing his uselessness, but still trying to delude himself into being of one last use to his beloved brother, even though he's realized that Zero doesn't give a crap.
Wait a sec, did everyone else forget Zero going: "Kallen... when this is all over.. you and me.." before CC conveniently interrupts them? Does... Zero... like a girl??! arggghghghh! Kallen and Suzzy also sounds typical, except for that one part where he went apeshit and tried to inject her refrain, and the part where he's taken her spot as Zero's #2 love (second to Nunny).
I feel like I am watching a remake of Death Note now, only worse.
Lulu should never have forced anything on the UN. I find it pretty unrealistic that the power would've gotten into the head of someone who has a strong resolve and much brilliance this easily. Zero would not have been the leader of the world anyway if things had gone according to plan with him staying with the OBK and the UN. He should have just split his country in 2 or something and joined the UN. By doing so, he would've easily created the peaceful world that nunners wanted, which is the sole reason he became zero in the first place!
All that would be left is shneizel, and i don't believe shneizel is crazy enough to FLEIJA bomb the entire world.
P.S. Does that chinese girl with the black hair who was leading the UN meeting (I think she is kaguya?) know that lelouch is Zero? Does Xingke?
My predictions are that Shneizel and lulu will die in the end. No one will know that lelouch was in fact zero (including kaguya, xingke, etc...) Kallen will be narrating the future, saying how everything is at peace now all thanks to zero. They will keep zero's identity a secret, and everyone will always honor him and view him as a symbol/savior as the one little man who stood up against the most powerful nation in the world to fight for justice.