Here's an FMA sig Kage made. He asked me to post it since he's been banned because of the IK contest.
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Here's an FMA sig Kage made. He asked me to post it since he's been banned because of the IK contest.
Damn thats good. Its almost as if i could open the window.
Here's you avatar Fooman
A new sig
Tell kage good job on the sig!!
Koyuki, I think you should work on the font more.
Fucking awesome sigs PSJ, great choice of source material too... the Gio one is among your finest works, Dio is really hot too [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Thanks man [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Eurasian: yea I know the font sucks. It's one week since I reinstalled windows so I just have the fonts that followed windows and PS.
Nice sigs PSJ, and klozz and Phoenix.
Also cool sig NM. btw could you ask Kage if the bg is from a real pic?
Sup, y'all got some awesome sigs, love them.
Eurasian's sig is real nice.
Here's some of my work.
Mr. Bonbon, you do some pretty good work. I hope you'll show us some more.
Nice Sigs Bonbon, hope to see more of your work...
Done a quick one:
deckz thats nice [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] the "R34" lettering is a bit square :S
Your current sig is awesome Itachi, your new work looks quite good to, maybe try to blend the render in with the background a bit.
Deckz: Lookin real nice, I like the background. Maybe put a glow around that "r34".
Itachi: Awesome background and great render, but just like PSj said, try to blend it in a bit. Just put a layer mask on it and it should look great.
finally did a new sig after a while: (and yes i made that background)
Im thinking about moving the text around b/c you cant really see my name all that well and there is alot of crap around the "Renji - Howling Wolf" text. So hopefully by the time Im done it'll be my new sig b/c the tres one is getting old.
p.s.: I have no idea why i did a renji sig there was no one else to do.
edit: note to self: make renji more visable [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Thats nice Knives, but I didn't know it was Renji untill you said something
Here's my next sig. MK's Shao Kahn
nice one knives and phoenix.
i like that "renji" sig eventhough i don't know that char.
Klozz: Renji is from Bleach anime, go watch it.
Here is a new sig I made.....
nice fooman, not liking the white on the left and the text on his shoulder but its really great and overall one of your best. great blending
Fooman, nice sig. I like how the render blends right into the bg.
Well guys it appears that I have lost my passion for photoshop. It has been going strong for around 6 or so months now but I think I need some motivation/inspiration. And what better place to find it then where I started. So I need you guys to request sigs and such (wallpapers whatever) from me and tell me what you want on it. You dont need to post a pic but it would help me a lot. Let me know if you want it to be the proper size for this forum (if its a sig), or just any size. Start requesting!
(yea this could go in the request forum but its not because not as many people check it and im not requesting anything kthnxbye)