Man I was worried, finally caught up in the manga, cannot wait till the new manga comes out though.
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Man I was worried, finally caught up in the manga, cannot wait till the new manga comes out though.
i hope the art style isn't as rushed/sketchy when the manga comes back...i'd really love to see the king fight in a well drawn battle sequence.
Im also hoping that with teh revival of the manga, there will be more anime in the future. There's nearly enough material to do another 52 eps rite now, and in a years time the manga should be well ahead, or possibly finished (though i hope not). I would really like the next arc to be about gons dad.
I don't know, this insect arc just seems completely overpowering. The king's said to be stronger than the Hunter Association President Old guy, which is putting the standards way too high. I don't know how he's gonna pull it off, but imo it was a huge mistake on Togashi's part to have them this high up there on the scale.
well, if things work out, any hunter could deliver the final blow to the king..
Same with the Gen-what'shisname-Bomber, He was far stronger than Gon, but with good Planning, the good guys managed to beat his sorry ass.
I can't see any problems with thier plan, at least not on the tech level.. Melroon (however you spell this name) runs with the animal guy (whatever his name is?) through the En circle of the catlady, and then they punch the king, and retreat, Maybe the king won't even notice the punch (but the damage will still happen). after ten mintues or so, the king will be completly powerless, and could be hunted by all.
o.0....i have no idea what your'e talking about. I haven't read the manga in so long....can someone do a quick recap of the people involved, thier powers, and thier plan?
Yeah, I don't even recall them having a plan, it's been that long. I don't remember any of there names anymore besides Gon, Killua, and Kite? (the one that got owned who was following, Gon's dad, then put back together like patchwork? lol).
well, quick re-cap..
Charecters in action-
Gon. Killua. Master Hunter - you remember them, right?
Ikaruga - Cool octipus guy.
Meleroon - Smoking, invisible cool lizard dude - special ability is to go uber invisible and never to be detected for something like two mintues, as long as he's holding his breath.
Muraou - Pipe smokind dude - smartest guy to blow a pipe since Holmes fell into the waterfall.
Novu - the neat looking guy that has tons of rooms he creates.
Long hair guy- Friend of Katou, uses his abilities to trap enemies (and parts of) inside a cage.
Katou - animal loving villianous looking person - can punch someone and have a power shutdown in a few mintues afterward.
anyway, Meleroon is going to get Katou invicible and sneak up to the king to deliver the energy shutting punch, while the rest of them take out the ant general trio...Leaving the powerless King alone to face the Master Hunter.
Unknown Factors - The Vengeful girl who used to date Gon (still stuck inside the ant castle). The uber Chess/Go/Shogi playing blind girl, still there, as the Kings last tie to logic and doubt.
The I TOLD YOU SO factor.
Killua's new attack is a lightnning reflex based punch to deliever first to strat a rumble, so he could avoid his natrual instinct of battleing from afar.
I hope they continue the OVA's instead of the anime series, so the mangaka won't feel rushed.
After this arc I hope they have an arc with the Ryudan and Jin (Gon's dad) mixed.
ya the ryuudan issue needs to be addressed too. too many of then still alive and roaming free. and now thier leader is back too isnt he?
I really want magaka to redo chapters when he was sick (they are unbearable to watch at).
Well they had a couple chapters on the Ryudan where they beat the crap out of the "Queen" which was actually one of the ex Squad Leaders. Oh and there's also Shoot and Knuckle i think thats their names. I personally hope that they can atleast put a little more focus on Leorio and Kurapika
Geez, im really far behind; i think ill d/l the whole king arc or something, just to get caught up...
What did he have anyway that kept him away from so long....your average flu wont take you out of the game for a year....
I've heard many rumors, mostly random heresay. Like, he had cancer, a terminal illness or whatever. I've also heard rumors back then about his wife (writer of Sailormoon?) would continue it, he hit a writer's block, realized his current arc was retarded and needed time to rethink how to finish it, etc.
I was thinking in the shower today (who doesn't!?) and it came to me that with all this free time hopefully the mangaka has devised an amazing plot for the next arc :) . I think we can expect some genuine awesomeness in the near future.
Can someone please clarify who that is? A name would help, because i can't remember her at all.Quote:
Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
Originally Posted by Dark Dragon
Her name is Palm, and her special ability is that she can see any person in her crystal ball at any time, if she has ever seen them in person. Her part in the operation is to look at the King and royal guards, and then report their location once the raid begins.
Many Thanks, i finally remember who she is now.Quote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
Y-Yes! The scanlation is out! The chapter is out at nexGear's irc channel (#nexgear at
looks like they're gonna come out every week; woot!
edit: the chapter should be on MT now too