After seeing what kind of magic that Maria believed in later on, I took a very different, and much darker take on that.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Ange mentioned that at first, Maria's magic was kind and gentle. But later on, she created the Purgatory Sisters, then progressed to giving classmates colds, injuring one until they died, then even killing a bunch of them all at once. The writing went from simple and plain, to angrily scratched around with dark colors.
Uuuuu~ the spell for, "Magic to make me always get along with my beloved mother."
If you remember all the times that Maria began to Uuu Uuu the most, it was usually when Rosa was being especially mean to her. Initially, we all thought it was crying, but now that this comes out, it means Maria was desperately trying one of two things. She was either trying to make Rosa stop being mean to her, or she was casting it on herself to make her not hate her mother. The wording of the, "make me," part of it leads me to believe it is the latter rather than the former.
We also recently saw Maria lose it, and no longer wish to maintain a good relationship with her mother. The book proves that Maria was already well on her way to becoming a monster, far worse than Rosa and maybe even worse than the young and evil Eva. That is if she hadn't already become one.
Ange recognized that the downward spiral of hate will only continue, so it is up to her to stop it. She was too young to realize that she could have helped Eva, and seems to regret that. So when Kasumi came to kill her, Ange took it all in, and only responded in defense after warning them not to shoot at her. They did not suffer, and even when the Eva Illusion had a gun explode in her face, Ange didn't let her suffer, she ended it mercifully.
Ange intends to reverse the cycle of hate, and prevent Maria (who may very well be causing all of this after all) from using evil magic. I'm still going to hope for a second season, but if they're going to do a quick and dirty ending, I can see them pulling it off.