Well as I already said before, this section will have no purpose in here anymore once it's confirmed that the fillers are over, just as my picture thread won't have a purpose here either.
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Well as I already said before, this section will have no purpose in here anymore once it's confirmed that the fillers are over, just as my picture thread won't have a purpose here either.
There are probably more who'd rather have him stick around. He hasn't worked long enough for a one month vacation.Quote:
Originally Posted by Jadugar
In reply to Genma "OMFG!!! THIS SPOILER RUINED EVERYTHING FOR ME!!!! NOOOOO! *kills self*"?
@Terra below
It's so cute how you suddenly go into automatic defense mode to make sure that you don't look like a fool. Also Mr. High-and-mighty-admin-who-cares-so-much-about-gotwoot, please learn to read before going on a random bitch rant or perhaps having your period. I don't recall ever saying your opinion didn't matter.
OH NOEZ we've disappointed mr. Terra!
There happy? someone said it.
Yeah, plus 1 for rather have him around.
Too bad it doesn't matter what you guys think. Maybe if you'd been a constant target of his assholery you'd think differently, or maybe I should say if you weren't depending on him for your constant hentai fix - hello Chaoskiddo. (who, hilariously, for some reason suddenly thinks he is smart enough to choose who or who is not worthy of "the vacation")
Don't derail the thread any further. If you want to beg on your knees to have him back then PM me about it. I mean, after all, who am I and what does my opinion mean? I am only an adminstrator who's been here practically since GW started, and who cares more deeply about the place than half of you together, WHAT AM I COMPARED TO JAD WHO KEEPS TROLLING AND BEHAVING LIKE A BITCH? OF COURSE YOU WANT TO HAVE HIM AROUND!
God you people piss me off.
You disappoint me severely.
I should probably ban myself for a year instead and then be back and see the place full of Jad clones, and you could all share your goddamn hentai with each other until you rot from the inside.
Jadugar snipes threads. If he really had a problem with the policies we've had in effect, then he would've said something when they were first being implemented. Instead he chooses to wait until a convenient time to try to raise hell just for the sake of it. I too find most of his antics to be blatantly disruptive, and, just like a stereotypical "rebel leader," a regular member isn't going to see the side of him that mods see.
(although I would probably make it just 1 week if it were up to me)
did the purpose of this thread changed or is it just me?
I am nor getting my hopes up. I have before and it ended in dissapointment, So as far as I am concerned, nothing has change until we have some solid proof.
^Lol, be careful dragonrage...those last two words could earn you a vacation from Big Brother! And yes, it seems that nothing has changed from 48 hours ago...Naruto is in filler hell still.
edit: Yep, ANN pulled episode 200 title...wonder if they are still playing tricksies on us. Bastages.
All this adding and removing titles is getting annoying.
If fillers ending is a joke, I'm going to shoot someone. If they really are ending but ANN is just having some fun, I'm going to shoot someone anyways.
Edit: You mods are making it a bigger deal than we normal users are. You mods are also the ones who keep going off-topic. >_>
Im excited about ep. 200. If it all turned out to be joke, then whatever. Theres still the manga, which is better IMHO.
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Also I want to thank you guys for actually keeping it to PM this time, I was 95% sure that my plead would be ignored and this thread would turn into a flame war. My disappointment has lessened somewhat.
"The book was better than the movie"Quote:
Originally Posted by Steel_DRAGON
Horseshit. Two different mediums entirely, that doesn't make sense.
Yes, but, the argument of manga vs. anime in which the manga people are proven to be wrong and also are homosexuals is not the topic here!Quote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
The topic is, why's ANN gotta break balls!?
Why you gotta break balls man?
He did say in his opinion, he didn't state it as if it were fact.
I prefer the Naruto anime over the manga, that being said, I always prefer the book over the movie.
(posting this here since the topic has become the center regarding this matter)
We, mods and admins, have discussed the matter and Jad's ban has been changed to 2 weeks. We deemed a month to be too harsh and too rushed a decision.
I want to thank the people who private messaged me with their opinions and were polite and easy about it. I respect your opinions and you being understanding about it, but at the same time not necessarily agreeing, is nice to see. I'm glad that some of you understood that my outburst connected to the Jad ban was more of a sarcastic exclamation rather than whining. It's pretty surprising, I have enough self-distance to post pics where I use hideous white make-up (I looked like a goddamn clown, they were posted a year ago or so), but yet you don't think I have enough self-distance to handle something trivial as this? Talk about lack of vision...
In connection to that I want to extend a heartily "fuck you" to the people who private messaged me with their opinions in a not-so friendly manner. Insults I received include, but aren't limited to:
"fag", "gay" (unusual huh?), "the worst thing that has happened to GW", "go die", "you suck" & "quit being an admin"
(the whole thing is made even funnier if you consider that the ban was a group decision, yet I received all the shit, PMs and neg reps; though of course I practically begged for it by telling you all to PM me, but still, talk about abusing the scapegoat)
Furthermore I think Jad should be happy, having such strong allies in his little circle of friends. True loyalty, which has kept my inbox busy the last 24 hours.
At the same time I'm grateful, because the messages from said allies have allowed me to create an opinion on people I haven't talked to before. It's good to now where they stand, and where I stand in their eyes. I hope you all rot slowly. Not because you love Jad, not because you disagree with me, but because you are vermin.
Suffice to say, the whole event has been enlightening.
There, case closed. :)
Edit: I apologize for dragging on and on about this here, but I felt that it was swifter that way than replying to all those PMs I got. Sorry for repeatedly messing up your topic, RyougaZell.
if my thread is causing all of this... can it be closed then?
RZ, what the fuck are you talking about?
*dumbass drops an anvil on RZ's head...*
you clearly aren't thinking straight.
Listen up deadlast, just because one or two problems araise doesn't mean the idea was a bad one. In fact it was a pretty great one if I say so myself. It gave us things to talk about and alittle hope here and there. Most of all it was a productive edition to the community.
If you ever say shit like that again, you are going to walk the plank, understood!!
*sniff* Such a touching display of the true meaning of nakama from the Dropout Crew. So moving...
Seriously, I'm gonna make all you people eat a dick if you don't go back to making up stories about when the fillers end so I can keep having false hope so I don't commit suicide by self-dick eat.
Well it seems that it was all a joke, the webpage where the titles supposedly appeared http://cal.syoboi.jp/tid/210/time is up again and it says nothing about non filler crap up to episode 202.
Now people are giving all their hopes to episode 204 where we get the new opening. :(
2 new fillers were added (now that Cal.Syoboi is up)
09/06/06 Episode 200: "Working Hard on Active Duty, The Strongest Helper"
現役バリバリ 最強の助っ人
09/13/06 Episode 201: "Multiple Traps, Countdown to Collapse"
多重トラップ 崩壊のカウントダウン
From ANN...WTF?
What the heck.....
The last one ROFL....
Anyways I hope that in these 3-4 weeks we have a real idea about this whole filler ending issue/event. I just want another anime to enjoy instead of refusing to download it because of the disappointment I would feel by doing so..