From ANN
Natsu: Tetsuya Kakihara
Lucy: Aya Hirano
Happy: Rie Kugimiya
Gray: Yuuichi Nakamura
Erza: Sayaka Ohara
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From ANN
Natsu: Tetsuya Kakihara
Lucy: Aya Hirano
Happy: Rie Kugimiya
Gray: Yuuichi Nakamura
Erza: Sayaka Ohara
Shana is doing Happy? O_o
I agree with everything else on some level, but it will be weird hearing shana in the body of a male cat...
Not for me. I saw Zettai Karen Children where she did both a girl and a male flying squirrel.
Some of the funniest moments was when her two characters talked. Specially since the squirrel made fun of the girl because she was tsundere. It was surreal seeing the scene since she voiced them both.
That scene was great, Rie Kugimiya is actually very talented and they need to cast her in other roles instead of just annoying tsundere characters.
I'm hoping that they cast her for another role in the series so we'll get another scene of Rie talking to herself.
Maybe as the other cat?Quote:
Originally Posted by Dark Dragon
With Sayaka Ohara (Selvaria from VC) as Erza, I am actually looking forward to this show, despite having read the manga. That rarely happens.
Lol, that's the exact same reason why i approve of her as ErzaQuote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
I'm a little late to this. I think most of the others will be fine (or at least I will reserve judgement) but Aya Hirano?Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Aya Hirano has a pretty good range, but I think Lucy's character exceeds her abilities in range. Lucy is a lot of things, from comedic over-reactions to soft-spoken dramatic. Which Aya Hirano does wonderfully. But one thing that Lucy is particularly known for is confidence in her own body. There is the occasional attempt at seduction that usually backfires in a comedic way. Hirano is not really well known for doing that well.
I'm afraid of getting Nanael from Queen's Blade instead of Lucy from Fairy Tail.
As for Erza, Haruka from Moyashimon (Tales of Agriculture) and Layla Hamilton from Kaleido Star are even more militant than Selvaria, so I'm not really worried there at all. Hearing Simon from Gurren-Lagaan get to play it like Kamina also makes me happy.
148 is out by the way
As of chapter 149 i'll be doing the typesetting and 150 is coming soon
I'd like to hear your thoughts on it
I got the latest chapters from Binktopia and they looked perfectly fine, 149 included.
Ganbatte, Archangel!
Chapter 150
With this chapter i got even more inventive with the typesetting. Too much?
Looked good to me. But if you are yourself thinking it's too much, you might cap it at this level.
Good work! Thanks.
Chapter 152
I was on vacation for 151, sorry about that
I really recommend you read this and not the one on one manga. I eat manga were set on being first since the race was getting close between us and them and the translation they used was just horribly rushed. Could hardly make sense of it.
Not completely satisfied with the fonts i chose thins time, i might revamo the whole set for the next release
Anyone still reading this
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special beam cannon.
I had a little catching up to do.
This intro page alone was well worth it. Lluvia <3.
I can't really think of too much to say about the chapters though, it didn't come as much of a surprise.
The story has progressed all the way to chapter 165 since the last update in this thread, but I simply had to make a post here because page 12 of the latest chapter, 165, was so bloody hilarious. Quite an odd and unforeseeable worry Gajeel has developed for himself.
Thanks Kraco was looking for this thread for a while after i read the chapter :P
Yeah when Gajeel noticed the cat part i laughed my ass off xD
This new mage that is coming seems cool, (just hope he to doesn't end up being the villain)
am i wrong to suspect he is the Dragon Slayer of Darkness?
He shouldn't be a Dragon Slayer because the people were saying Fairy Tail now has three Dragon Slayers with Wendy aboard.Quote:
Originally Posted by Logrus
Well they dident know that Luxus was part Dragon Slayer, and this dude was coming back from a 100 year old mission? (or did it only last 3 years, didn't understand that :P).
Also cheack the bottom of last page mentions "Dark Dragon" kinda why i thought him to be Dragon Slayer of Darkness.
totally understandable.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
I'd be worried to the bones if I didn't have a cat.
that's simply how life is.