It fucking sucks that dragonoutlaw goes around provoking people, then a "anonymous" mod (wonder who it could be?) comes and bans them when they respond. Way to demonstrate your integrity guys.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
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It fucking sucks that dragonoutlaw goes around provoking people, then a "anonymous" mod (wonder who it could be?) comes and bans them when they respond. Way to demonstrate your integrity guys.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
does that make you mad enough to go SSJ3?
I loathe Dragonball Z.
Don't say that!
I hate the fact that it is impossible to find fansubs for DBZ on the net.
I've seen 153 eps of dragonball and 165 eps of dragonball z, and I still don't get why people whine about the show. I mean the show is still unrivaled in coolness.
@anphorus: You're out of luck mate anime headquarters have all the eps, but they recently updated their torrent-tracker. They are working on getting them up though.
Come on. We all know DBZ was a classic. Who could ever forget the entire Sayain Era? or how about when Goku first went SSJ? Or how about when Vegeta first went SSJ? Or even when Cell became perfect? Or how about When Vegeta used his FINAL FLASH on Cell? Or The enitire Cell games? HOW COULD YOU NOT LOVE THE BADASSNESS????????????
Yeah DBZ is still cool, I remember when I 1ST saw it, I got addicted to it like crazy. DBZ was the main thing that got me into anime.
Would you still think it was cool if you'd never watched it growing up? My introduction to anime was fairly recent, and I've watched some quite high quality series. For me, watching DBZ is like listening to nails scratching on a chalkboard. I have no fond childhood memories to imbue it with coolness.
I saw DBZ as a child but never really got into it. I also only recently got into anime after discovering Naruto. I don't really hate or dislike DBZ now, it's just I wouldn't watch it on my own free will.
dbz was great back then when we all had no standards for anime, but when we look at it now it's just stupid. they should've ended that series after the cell games, then it really would've meant something. "son, i leave this world to you.." with something like that it would've made the series memorable with a great ending, but no, they had to keep going and making the same thing over and over again.
I would agree with you but the Buu saga was awesome. I think it really brought Vegeta out as a character and showed the complexity of his emotions, ranging from jealous rage at one point to fierce loyalty.
Nah, I think it should've ended right after the Cell Games. That was definatly the best saga. And all of you who haven't watched dbz as you grew up have been deprived of your childhood.
nuff said. That about sums up DBZ in a nutshell for me.Quote:
Originally posted by: UltxDarkRedX1
dbz was great back then when we all had no standards for anime, but when we look at it now it's just stupid.
ROFLMAOBBQSauce! My post got Modded for going off topic, despite being the first in several posts to actually address the issue at hand. Then DO gets "an extended vacation". (will that happen? will it not? someone's probably having a hard time if they show in IRC right about now...) Then Jadugar does a half-flame, half-on topic post and gets booted.
LOL. E-drama cracks me up.
But seriously, rather than ban them for going off-topic (especially in Jad's case when he did make a post that addressed the issues discussed in the thread quite well), why not simply ban them for blatant flaming? I mean, thats twice as annoying and equally against the rules. Tho, I guess flaming is going off-topic... Oh well.
The "Religious Cartoon" thread has really gotten pretty hairy. I don't think you'll see me posting in there for awhile, unless someone really provokes a response out of me. And just when I thought people could have a serious, well-mannered discussion here...
oh, and I have a test tomorrow, but since i stayed up until 5AM watching the Super Bowl and drinking (fucking time difference fucks Erasmus students in Europe) I am surely going to fail. Wonder if i'll even wake up intime for it?
Masa: hehe don't go to sleep then. You'll be in better shape if you stay up. I'm so lazy that I don't trust myself to wake up. My body automatically presses the snooze button on all 3 of my alarm clocks without even knowing it.
I didn't watch it as a kid and I still like it.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] Though dragonball was the first manga I read since it was the first manga released on a big scale in sweden, but I was already around 15 then.Quote:
Originally posted by: KitKat
Would you still think it was cool if you'd never watched it growing up? My introduction to anime was fairly recent, and I've watched some quite high quality series. For me, watching DBZ is like listening to nails scratching on a chalkboard. I have no fond childhood memories to imbue it with coolness.
I think dragonball is the anime that is hated by the most amount of people. It seems like it is only dragonball that brings out these kinds of emotions. It is rarely you hear some say that they hate another anime, it mostly stays at "I didn't like it". But with dragonball it's more like "It fucking suck, I fucking hate that piece of shit".
let's just say, DBZ is the most hated and most liked. George Bush is president right now and he is the most liked and most hated
But bush is a dipshit and dragonballz is badass. Thats the only difference.
He isnt anonymous any more.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: el_boss
It fucking sucks that dragonoutlaw goes around provoking people, then a "anonymous" mod (wonder who it could be?) comes and bans them when they respond. Way to demonstrate your integrity guys.
Agreed. DBZ is like pretty stupid when you look at it plot wise, but its damn entertaining when you first watched it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img], and George is just an idiot.. though it can be entertaining when they make fun of him.. so I guess there kinda similar.Quote:
Originally posted by: God#2
But bush is a dipshit and dragonballz is badass. Thats the only difference.