Never get on a full suspension bike. A 300 lb guy once sat on mine and it was never the same afterwards.Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
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Never get on a full suspension bike. A 300 lb guy once sat on mine and it was never the same afterwards.Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
my freshman year, I borrowed my roommate's $1500 bike ... it was one of those suspension-type bikes. It survived fine...
But yeah, I wouldn't bank on it in general ... seems like a bad idea.
For today's lesson, I learned that when you're in Indiana, it can be sunny and 70 at 1 pm and cloudy and 40 at 4:30 pm the same day... so never trust the weather in Indiana by looks alone. This supports the well-known local saying, "Don't like the weather here? Just wait a few minutes, and it'll change".
I also learned that I'm in better shape than I was a couple months ago, and can run the distance from my job to my apartment (about a quarter mile), given proper motivation (such having to get home in a very windy 40-degree afternoon in a t-shirt and sandals).
These two things are ... somehow related.
i learned that in some cases, its ok to grope women, just as long as you can justify it
Today I learned that Lucifus really loves messing with his brother.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
I also learned that Hunter x Hunter is actually a pretty good series, even though it is really similar to every other shounen story out there.
what about public transportation, complich8?
I learned that laptops may soon have their batteries replaced with fuel cells that last up to 9 hours between charges. This recent change is due to some rule that had been lifted regarding the use of some certain chemical in the fuel cells on aircraft.
Today I learned that the reason British and Canadians use the 'our' ending in words like 'colour' and 'honour' is that Samuel Johnson arbitrarily decided this would be the standard when he wrote his dictionary. And I learned the reason the Americans use 'or' endings is because Webster wrote the dictionary that served as the basis for standardizing the language there and he hated the British.
Today I learned (well, actually a few days ago) that the forums move from fusetalk caused us to lose about 3000 members. 10K member thingy. Not that I'm complaining, I'm just curious where the accounts went. I also learned that if I print out Terra's pic and post it on my cubicle wall, people stop popping in so often. ;)
Edit: Also, linking things is much harder in this new format. But do-able eventually.
Today you shall all learn how to link things:
Step one: Copy the URL you want to link to
Step two: Type [url= and then paste the link here. Close it with a ]
Step three: Immediately after the last ] Type the NAME you want the link to appear as
Step four: Type [/url Close it with a ]
Edit: Ero, I did see that you know how to make links, but I hope this will teach others how to (it took me awhile to learn myself)
This should probably go in the GotWoot FAQ... how is that coming along Kitkat?
Those are probably accounts with 0 posts.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ero-Fan
Today I learned if I keep listening to music at the volume I have been I will be half deaf by 30.
Yep, the migration itself didn't lose members. I decided that I would prune accounts, to get a more accurate representation of the forum environment as we have it right now.
I pruned accounts as follows: accounts with zero posts that hadn't logged in in greater than 180 days (1/2 year), and accounts with only one post that hadn't logged in in greater than 2 years (because of the great gotwoot forum crash that would have lost all of their posts). If you happen to run into any posts by "Guest" or "Anonymous" ... well, my "single-post" heuristic was probably not perfect. Such is life.
I'm debating rebuilding the post stats to reflect the actual number of posts in the database, but I'm sure with the whole mut/krb account deletion drama a while back, it would really dramatically impact people's post counts. The purist in me says "fuck post counts, I want database integrity". The realist in me says "nobody's going to be happy to lose 15-20% of their post count, and the integrity thing doesn't mean much anyway". I'm probably not going to do it, but it's still up in the air.
Oh, and today I learned that since activedirectory uses ldap-based dns as its sole name resolution method (where nt domains used wins+dns), it's necessary to make either your activedirectory server, or a domain member server, or a friendly server in your domain forest into the dns server for any hosts you intend to join to the domain. And that I'm slowly going insane, from cramming too much incredibly geeky information into my head.
Well it was more like yesterday. Today I learnt that One Piece is the Shyt!.
Today I learned that it's possible to ride in the trunk of a car.
Ha. I had forced my friend to do that once. We had 6 people (including me, the driver) that needed a ride home. We picked the smallest guy to go in. He had to curl up next to my subs. My trunk isn't that big, since I drive a stratus. Anyways, I blasted the music and took some turns at 35 mph. The poor guy almost threw up and went deaf!Quote:
Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
So, BoC, were you the guy in the trunk?
Today I learned that telling my Cousin's spoiled bitch of a girlfriend to go fuck her self and to burn in hell is quite envigorating. I finally had enough, everybody has their limits, she peaked mine, let the bitch die and burn in hell. I feel better... :D
Today I learned that Shakespeare had about 5 different ways of spelling his own name and even spelled it differently within the same document once.
today i learned, i will fail this year if i dont go to school more often, haha
I learned that my mom is crazy. She keeps asking me to go places with her and stuff on my week off. So I may have to kill her if she keeps it up ......
Edit: one more thing, I learned that getting banned from IRC for three days sucks....
today i learned how people are superficial.
today i learned about a medical powder called "quiklot" It clots your blood in a max of 2 minutes. Its used on things like stab wounds and gunshots. The army use it and some police dept's. It clots your blood so quick it can cause 2nd degree burns.