Ugh, this episode left me unsatisfied for so many reasons. All of it was "Oh, and by the way...."
The whole mystery about Anya, and the lingering presence of Marianne the entire season? I wonder how the storyboarding meeting behind this one went. How about we just clean all of the extraneous side plots all at once by making them the same thing! There was no lead up of any kind. It's just..."
Oh, and btw, Anya is Marianne."
Sure, several of us suspected Anya had a connection to Marianne, but this one is just a bit too abrupt. All that lead up with Anya the whole damn season, and with Marianne ever since Euphie went berserker, and it boils down to an "Oh, by the way...." moment?!?
Then for another one, we have Cornelia going, "You know what Viletta, things have been a bit hectic, and ya know, I think we'll just decided to cut off your storyline here. Absolved of guilt, don't even bother with Hail Mary's, just go do whatever with that loser Ogi, we don't care. Oh, and
by the way...rank doesn't mean as much as you are putting on it."
Schneizel delivers another one. "I'm glad we have been making peace with the OBK, and good for you Suzaku, you seem to know what you want to do.
Oh, and by the way, maybe I am not really motivated to do so, but I might as well become the emperor."
The only thing that partially saved this episode was C.C. returning for Cheese-kun before taking off with Anya/Marianne and the development of Suzaku...with one caveat.
Suzaku's little speech in the crater and the nasty lines he gave to Nina (shocking her once again with how stupid she was to NOT KNOW this it would work that way). At least Suzaku finally realized what a monster he has become, and is better off just carrying the whole thing to completion.
why in God's name did he bring a sword? He chased after Lelouch with a gun. He's shot people in the face with guns, destroyed turrets with kicks and done all sorts of other nifty things. But we have never seen him use a sword. It's pretty obvious he sucks with them, because with his natural athleticism we've seen two seasons of, he can't compare to the Knight of One. Bring a gun you moron! Knight of One pops out, does a little sword flourish....shoot him in the head. Just like Raiders of the Lost Ark, how hard is that?
I guess there is a reason a lot of this seems chopped together.
Not Quite as Planned [link found via RandomC]