Looking at it internationally, Australian Post rocks! :D Insurance is for valuables and the paranoid. I don't think I've ever bothered.
Last is none other than Italy.
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Looking at it internationally, Australian Post rocks! :D Insurance is for valuables and the paranoid. I don't think I've ever bothered.
Last is none other than Italy.
I was woken up at 6 am this morning, by my mom shouting and flailing, pretending she was someone who would intend to murder me.
I forgot to lock the door before I went to bed last night. I still put on the burglar alarm, but that wasn't enough for my mom not to decide to teach me a lesson. I was more confused than scared, however.
Still couldn't get back to sleep after that...
That's one awesome mum. :)
So are you out in the real world yet Xan, or still in school?Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
I'm pissed. After spending 30 minutes pulling the Tuniq Tower HSF from my last PC and shipping it home, I found out as I tried to install it on my new system that I forgot to save the metal X backing plate that goes on the back side of the motherboard. So now this $60 HSF is useless, and I don't even have the stock cooler for my Q6600. Any ideas where to get replacement parts for this cooler? The Tuniq/Sunbeam site is useless.
I'm in the real world, but I'm back in Houston right now. Job hunting will probably be easier here than in Austin, but I think I'm gonna go back after a few months. It really is a much nicer city...Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
I certainly didn't think so this morning. Only time will tell if it was worth nearly giving me a heart attack.Quote:
That's one awesome mum.
I'll be moving to Austin in another month or so. I was readmitted and registered for courses today (not really the right thread for this news but oh well). Still looking for a house there. Any recommendations about areas would be appreciated.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
I was just reminded of why I don't send many emails at work...
People are idiots and like to forward emails to people that are not involved in what I'm emailing them about. If i wanted to CC people into my email, I would do do when I sent it.
If I send you an email asking you something, you should reply to me, not forward it on and ask the Vice President of the company, who then forwards the email to my supervisor, and CC's me... how retarded is that? I originate the email and wind up as a CC after it goes to 5 people, when it was meant to be and A B conversation, C D E and F had nothing to fucking do with it!
Sleep deprivation + exam stress = 3 x 750ml bowls of rice.
Now I feel like I'm pregnant :(
Try eating a greenish banana, a big handful of peanuts, and down it all with a beer.
Instant suffering.
Got caught in a traffic jam on a fairly light-traffic highway. Got to the end of it...and there was nothing. It was dead stop for about 20-30 minutes, so it wouldn't have been time to clean up completely whatever the hell the problem was. The DOT didn't even notify anyone, so it occurred fairly quickly as well. I wouldn't have been so irritated by it if it actually was something.
My only consolation is the huge stream of people who got off at the exit about a 1/4 mile (1/5 km) before the traffic jam ended around a curve in the highway. They probably took an extra hour to get home when it only took me that extra half hour.
the latest adventure in my series of "places I go to and then they rip me even more out of my hard earned cash and money: the tales of going out and the lessons learn from it: return to that crappy place" (working title, when I publish it, the title will be less mysterious and more forward to the point, so it wouldn't confuse the audience).
A friend of mine got a day off from the army today, so he called and said we should meet up, since he won't be around the weekend. it's a weekday, so we've decided to start early, and avoid drawing it into the late night hours (he needs to go back tomorrow, and I have to work). we went to a bar that we used to frequent a few months ago, before we deleted it from the routine due to crappy service.
we got there, it was still empty, and then the waitress said we can't sit wherever we want, because the tables are reserved (when we left, the place was still empty, god dammit). so, we ordered ourselves a drink, I chose a new drink, and asked for a half size. then she says that we deserve a chaser to go with that.
in this point I thought it was pretty nice, order a half size and get a chaser? it's a sweet deal, why not. and for the heck of it, we ordered a Nachos plate, which is actually a bag of doritos and some dip to go with it (the dish costs as much as five doritos bags, actually, but then again, you shouldn't be surprised if you get ass-raped if you go to turkey).
when my drink arrived, it turned out to be a 1/3 glass, not a half. it could have been nice to tell me that this specific drink comes only in that size, so that's one.
a bit later, we get the bill. those chasers we thought were with the drink? full charge on them. we should've known better than to come to that place, stinky pile of shit-waitresses, it was just like last time, when one of the guys had a birthday, and after we flashed an I.D (to prove it was his b-day), they brought us an ice-cream cake, and then put it on the tab.
if she would've said that we can take them chasers for half the price, we would've considered it and might have taken them anyways, and maybe not. but crap, when she says "you deserve a chaser with", it implies it free, right?
this was the last time go there, for real.
Edit: and I mean it this time.
When you decide it's the last time to go to some place, it's usually better to try to stick to it for real unless something really serious changed like a new owner, name, and complete remodeling. Things just don't change simply because a year or two went by.
I got pulled over for speeding today.
When the cop came to my window it made me realize there is something about a middle aged man with braces that I cannot take seriously.
all of these people that live in my apartments picked the area that is in front of the stairs that lead to my apartment to hang out and grill I guess for the entire summer... they've been out there daily since memorial day and it's just getting annoying to have a bunch of people hanging out, smoking and drinking beer in front of my steps when i come home and leave.
Make sure you shake your fist at them when they're not looking, that'll show 'em.Quote:
Originally Posted by itadakimasu
Stink-bombs or bird seed will make the area less appealing for them to hang out at.Quote:
Originally Posted by itadakimasu
You should go to the host of the party and ask them politely to reduce the amount of barbecues they have (like maybe three times a week).
That won't work, people are dicks. He'll start barbecuing twice a day if you ask him nice.Quote:
Originally Posted by enkoujin
Just put bird seed all over the area. The pigeons will come and leave shit everywhere, and it will be less appealing for the annoying barbecuers.
this won't work - one family haves barbecue every day and they give those damned tubes used at match to their(maybe 6-7 years old) children. very noisy.
stink bombs would be epic ^^
I'm moving soon so I won't have to put up with it much longer, but I just really hate walking through a crowd of people to go home or leave home, and then when I leave I worry that they're taking note that nobody is home and possibly thinking of robbing me.
If you're moving soon you have all the more reason to assault your neighbors with stench and bird feces.