probably, but I'd rather hear the story before I start crackin' jokes about it.
So. Xan, is this shameful thing only known to you, or is everybody in the office gonna talk about it tomorrow?
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probably, but I'd rather hear the story before I start crackin' jokes about it.
So. Xan, is this shameful thing only known to you, or is everybody in the office gonna talk about it tomorrow?
Selfishness is an ingrained human behavior. Its what allows us to accomplish great things with our lives and become successful. Even most acts of selflessness have some sort of personal interest involved.
That's the way I see things, anyway.
My tv's lamp went out on friday, and the replacement I ordered arrived yesterday. So, I put it in and now the replace lamp light isn't on but the power light goes from green to red and flashes... spent an hour or so messing w\ it and then my wife was messing w\ it and over-torqued the screw that holds the lamp door on... so now you can't take the screw off even w\ pliers : (
haven't had tv since friday... thank god for HULU though, I got to watch 24 last night and it's good quality. They also have the complete arrested development series.
Nothing of value was lost - seriously. i mean the programs not the tv itself.
but if you are hardcore-tv-fan it was really bad for you
I was ready to buy a new tv ( cheap $400-450 max ) and spent a little more time on it when i got home today... IT WORKS! I think what it was was this little rubber piece that goes over this metal clip that gets pushed in so that it knows the lamp is covered...
Glad we didn't go out last night and buy a janky 32'' lcd.( or smaller )
Current Bitching :
I won this "as-is" alienware computer on ebay for $212, I was like... ah... cool. It has a phenom 9550, 2 4650's, 4gb ram, but then the seller invoiced me and added $50 for shipping when I thought it was free... went to look at their other items, they have 1327 items and 1320 of them are free shipping while the other 7 all say they will ship with whichever shipper you want..bastards!
also, I had one person who couldn't login this morning because they changed their password the other day and couldn't remember it. A person who works at home called them and they told them there was a problem and that nobody could login. I come in, reset user A's password, call user B and user B is fine and connects right away w\ nothing being done. Then User A is meeting w\ their manager and ask me what was wrong and I tell them the password was being entered incorrectly at which point they start to grill me as if there had to be something else wrong... a simple Ok, thanks would have done much better than to try to explain away stupidity.
I guess I'm the only person w\ anything to whine or bitch about. So be it!
So... the tollway here in Dallas sent my file to collections... ( LOL )
The letter from the collections service says I'm due to pay $110 for a $3 tollway "violation"
I didn't pay it because I had one last year from after I'd sold my car and I paid it.. This one is from 2007 and they billed me for it a few months ago so I just don't get the logic of billing me for something in 2007 after I've already paid for another incident in 2008.
Aside from that, it's from april, 2007 and my car was stolen in march, 2007 so in both cases I wasn't even in posession of my car. Plus I have a toll tag and use the tollway all the time so they could always have automatically billed my account.
$3 really isn't worth the trouble they've obviously put into this and I'm pretty sure in the end, the $3 they were trying to collect is going to turn into alot more money in wasted time and money trying to collect it.
Scraped the car on the way into the garage. Metal can be seen. Paint job will be $800.
Still don't know how it happened. I was sort of distracted though, so that's WHY anyway.
Math exam tomorrow. I am well prepared except for geometry, I hope those parts won't be hard.
I should be at the Opeth concert right now. My friend backed out at the last minute and I don't want to drive in Memphis by myself, I don't know the town very well and tickets have likely sold out.
My favorite band in the world is playing and I'm stuck at home. Fantastic.
You should go it alone. Could be the greatest adventure of your young life.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
I second that notion. Some of the wildest nights I've had have started with me heading into the city alone on a bus with my bike to go raving, not knowing how late I'll be out, how I'll get home, where I'll go after the rave, who I'll see there, or how many parties that night will hold.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Go man! Go! Ike! ike! If it sucks you'll have the drive home to regret it. But if y ou don't go you'll forever wonder how awesome it could have been.
and on to the bitching. Got a new frame. Had a Cannondale Six thirteen (carbon/Al) now have a Cannondale System 6. Both 60cm. Swapped over all the components. Now I can't get into my hardest gear in the rear. It's not a derailleur adjustment issue, nor a cable tension issue. Never before have I been faced with a drivetrain issue I couldn't resolve. Nothing can make it work. Got a brand spanking new bike. My fastest bike ever, and I can't access my fastest gear. After work I'm gonna pick up a 12 pack, head to my shop, bribe them with beer and hopefully we'll all be able to fix it.
Followup bitch: It didn't go very well. Reading various solution sheets now available on the net did not make me feel any better about it.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xrlderek
I took geometry in freshmen year of high school (some intro during middle school too). It was easy. I took geometry again in college as an elective. It was a great deal more difficult. It isn't going to make you feel better now, but it isn't a subset of mathematics to be underestimated.
I also notice now that you didn't call it "Maths." I thought only us language-butchering Americans left off the 's'.
(I would have had a math minor if I had not nearly failed Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations -_-)
I never heard maths - even from my English teacher(she speaks British English) - everyone always said math.
And man - go alone for the Opeth!
I nearly missed Iron Maiden concert here for same reason as yours - but it was worth going there alone.
Since math is just an abbreviation of mathematics, it would be correct to say maths. It's just that we've spent so long saying just math that the more appropriate version is weird to us. It's kind of like how we yanks say aluminum, when it should be aluminium.
My bitch today: water shortages. Second time in 3 days I get home from a day at work in the sweltering 110+F heat and I can't take a shower. So I'm sitting here at the computer in my grime and filth waiting for the community water tank to be replenished so I can take a shower. Happily this misery ends in about 1 week.
My bitch:
A week ago, this guy I knew back in high school agreed to buy one of my computers. I drove over to his home to show him the system, and he was mostly happy with it. He wanted to switch out the motherboard because the one in there right now doesn't have 6-channel audio output (which he needed). We then agreed that he'd have to buy his own motherboard, and in return I would drop the price by $50. We shook on that deal.
Fast forward one week and he still hasn't gotten a new motherboard. Today he told me he was looking at a bunch of other parts in addition to the motherboard. I told him I'm only willing to swap the motherboard; the rest of the system must be intact, otherwise I'm not selling the system.
He called off the deal.
I misstepped at a camping trip/bachelor party out at lake Sonoma Saturday night and broke my tibia at the ankle and shattered my fibula midway between the ankle an tibia. It took an hour and a half to get from the cam[p site to the Ambulance, another hour to get to the hospital. The messed up the first time putting in my catheter. took two people to get it in eventually. Then spent the next day or so kind of in a haze. And what really sucks, is that I'm going to lose al the fitness I've spent the last 4-8 months building up.... I was faster than I'd even been.
\and I may lose my job.
that sucks.... why was a catheter required?
Swelling would be my first guess.
Wow man that sucks, especially about losing the fitness gains. Hopefully you will heal up quickly and have the motivation to work hard and get back to the level you want to be at.Quote:
Originally Posted by Cal_kashi