meh i cant be bothered to edit it
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meh i cant be bothered to edit it
that's sick, 2d renders make me cringe though lol
Hehe Fooman. You could always check some tuts and you'd find tons of tricks. Btw nice sig, but I don't like Conan. I always think of him as Arnold
I love Conan, nice sig man.
hey i decided to make a new sig
its sorta a work in progress, however i decided that it was complete enough to replace my old sig, which really sucked
i wanted some suggestions on wat i could do to improve this sig, you may notice though that its really simple and thats for a rather obvious reason im a total newb at photoshop and sigmaking, so could any suggestions i dunno be simple please [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
thanks guys
its cool cos its simple ^^
I say slap your name on there and change the white to black. You could always have someone make a sig for you.
thanks guys, yea i could ask someone to make one for me, but i get more satisfaction from having something that i made rather than something which while looking awesome was made by someone else
edit:hmm hows that, also this might sound dumb but i cant figure out how to get the text to show lol
edit2: heh now that i look at both of them i seem to like the white better, but it does seem a bit too white. the black makes the sig look empty though
I'm still an amatur, but something along these lines might look good.
omg i love it, haha wat did u use to do that
Tried not typing with Black color? If you got the text on the black part of the sig, change the color to something else than black.
I used Photoshop's smudge tool and pulled the red into the black. Fireworks has it to.
Kinda liked the style basey so i just added text and border
UN#1 may i have that text? it looks wicked
EDIT: new sig with hiei from yu yu hakusho and heres the rnder kage [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
ps its a bit messed up my hands gone spaz today sorry ill make a better one tomorrow if you want
The Yu Yu Hakusho one is nice Itachi.
Here is a new work from me.
lol Itachi is that size that you have it cut out? Whatever I'll stop being lazy later since I took a mad ass nap.
PSJ, thats one of your best. Good work.
it waws cut outta the siggy [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] the wallpaper is too big for me to cut out sorry im to lazy
oh dont worry about it, I was just saying if you already had the whole thing cut out then you could just put that up. But nevermind, btw your Hiei sig is badass except for that tect on his shoulder.
Hehe. Had to zoom in to read it.
Here's the font