That is not true. Again, refer to Ainz vs Shaltear. Cocytus can size up a vampire vs a mage. Neither of those fight the same way he does. He's not incapable of sizing up beings that aren't super warriors. He's not incapable of figuring out what they're good again, and what they're bad against.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
We saw no indication of him applying any this, but we know he's capable of it.
What are the chances of a lizard man taking on 2 skeletons? or 3?
And how did he come to that answer? We know he can evaluate:
-elemental weaknesses and strengths.
-weapon/equipment effective ranges and handling
-What about morale? Supposedly he underestimated this, but we've never seen him estimate anything during thsi fight.
Our portrayal of Cocytus has been from guy who others go to for a run-down of combat, to someone who says "charge". We know this guy can do better.
See my earlier post:
Originally Posted by Buff