Thatīs what I said. Thereīs no danger.
This fight was not serious, because neither of them fought to kill. No matter who wins, the outcome has no immediate dangerous effect. Thatīs why Super feels "cheap" compared to DBZ.
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Thatīs what I said. Thereīs no danger.
This fight was not serious, because neither of them fought to kill. No matter who wins, the outcome has no immediate dangerous effect. Thatīs why Super feels "cheap" compared to DBZ.
No matter what happens in this tournament, you know nobody is going to die. Not that death is all that serious in the Dragonball world anyway.
I read the Dragonball Multiverse fan manga lately. Super feels like a cheap rip off.
LOL. So a fan work is better than canon?
DBM is pretty nice actually. Has more story than Super has so far. But yeah I know what you mean with it feeling cheap. DBZ ended with them beating the worst evil out there. Kid Buu. Something that was responsible for destroying entire solar systems if I recall correctly.
Beerus turned out to be too much of a nice guy essentially. Maybe eventually they will fight the other gods from different universes. Those that can actually destroy an entire universe.
Yup. It's a tournament with fighters (variations on the originals, mainly) from different universes... I wonder where Toriyama got the idea? Haha. He completely stole it and made it worse. DBM is full of interesting characters with tons of back story, everything Super is lacking. I recommend reading it.
I just hope at some point, Freiza's destruction of Planet Vegeta will be undone and we will have a planet of Saiyan warriors again to carry on the fighting tradition in the style of Goku. :p
IF this ever happens. There better be a million female saiyan sexy warriors who fight nude. :p
Huh...I really thought Super Saiyan just completely overwrote Kaioken. It makes no sense that Goku wouldn't have used it before now if that wasn't the case. I mean, yeah, they said it damages his body. But he's been in quite a few situations where Earth or the entire galaxy have been at stake should he lose. And he's always just scraped by, when he apparently could have just Kaiokenned instead.
That said, the episode was still awesome and Hit is the goddamn coolest.
Himself decades ago?
This is functionally the same as the Other World Tournament. Escalating it to "universes" is a meaningless distinction, because they're all still just aliens.
That accusation ignores the fact that it was the obvious choice in the first place. When your main character is the strongest character in the universe, the next logical step is other universes.
It's like a fanfic creating a Super Saiyan 5, and then accusing him of stealing the idea later if he adds a Super Saiyan 5.
I actually think SSJ 5 done by Young Jijii is done pretty good. Style is spot on as well. But that's besides the point.
Goku used Kaio-ken before in SSJ state when he fought against Pikkon. But yeah it in't that good for his body. It's like a multiplier upon a multiplier.
No, it's not the "obvious" direction of the story. If he had any creativity left in his body, there are literally an infinite number of other ways the story could progress. The first mention of another universe was in BoTG, and the Other World is not really the same thing here. Your argument is that he had this idea in his pocket for the past 20 years, and coincidentally a group of fans had the exact same idea, and then he decided to use his idea shortly after they released DBM because why not? Sure, it's possible, and has happened before (Calculus, electricity, etc...) but very unlikely in this scenario. It would be blatant plagiarism if not for copyright laws and what not.
I gotta say, it's the obvious direction of the story.
I mean, I agree. Dragon Ball was always following the principle of "fast, stronger, better". Majin Boo had been presented as the ultimate danger of the universe, and Goku beat Boo. What else is left there? The introduction of Beerus is nothing but a plot device for making a move to another universe. Because thatīs what needed to happen.
I honestly try to come up with a different direction, but Iīm drawing a blank here. I mean, there a some ideas, but theyīre either too elaborate for Dragon Ball or they donīt focus on Goku, which seems like a nogo. For example, Iīd love if the story focused on humans again. As I mentioned before, seeing how Kuririn is the strongest human being, it feels as if mankind is one of the weakest species in the universes, fighting power-wise. All those other species we met either have more base power or can transform. Humans? Nothing. Would be awesome to make it so that Kuririn could fight together with Goku again.
Another idea would be to focus on the realm of the dead. Back in DBZ, we learnt that when you did while being dead already, you completely vanish. Tbh that doesnīt make sense. It sounded more like they donīt know what happens if you die a second time. So thatīs something they could have followed. Have Goku die while being dead, and there you go. Would be full of real drama and seriousness, too, because all his friends would grieve for real again. But as I said, thatīs probably too elaborate for Dragon Ball.
Considering all that, DBSīs story, while not well executed, is the logical consequence of past developments.
I think a lot could have been done with the permanent death of Goku and Vegeta at some point to allow room for the other characters to develop. Or a longer time skip to when they are too elderly to effectively fight. Or still bring new universes in and permanently move them to one. At least with that there would be potential to see the developments in the new universe down the line. With two god-level main characters, there's LITERALLY nothing for the side-characters to do but sit and watch. It's kind of been that way for a while, but there were at least a few plausible developments such as SSJ3 Gotenks and Mystic Gohan that made them relevant again. I don't really see the point in watching Goku get new transformations over and over anymore (maybe that's what the majority wants?) There's a huge cast, and their potential is wasting away in Goku's and Vegeta's shadow.
Anyway, I struggle to see what could happen after this tournament. Goku is already the strongest mortal in two universes, assuming he beats Hit. Is he just going to hop from universe to universe defeating that universe's strongest enemies? DBM already did that with Vegetto, although he stayed in his own universe. Hopefully we will see at least one original idea before this is over. I think the only other option would be to start fighting the gods.
Even though it is called DB/DBZ/DBS it still pretty much about the main character/antagonist Goku. I don't think it will ever change. Other wise they would call it 'Vegeta' or something lol
But, that's exactly why it's the obvious direction, because it DOESN'T require creativity.
I'm sorry, but other universes is not a novel concept to anyone who's ever read a fucking superhero comic book before.
I mean, shit, other universes was literally the first thing I thought of when DBZ ended. And I'm not even trying to think up new arcs.
I'm sure this fan manga is well written and all, but if you think that concept was super unique and creative, you're fooling yourself.
The only other thing that immediately springs to mind is time travel, which the already did with Cell, but it's very limited, only a few decades.
I could see a story where they have to travel centuries or millennia into the future, and now lots of people are as strong as the main characters, because people have just gotten stronger over time.
I can't think of any other reason Toriyama would have there be exactly 12 universes if he didn't intend to do exactly that.
Hopefully, they at least come up with better REASONS for Goku to be fighting other universes, but I don't doubt that that's what he'll be doing.
Oh that reason is that Goku wants to fight them because he is curious.
i cant remember from where i read this, but the kaioken is a power up coming from a pure and calm soul while the SSJ is a powerup coming from rage.
SSJ is stronger than kaioken and because they are both opposites they could not be combined.
from what i understood the SSJB is essentially a calm saiyan going SSJ while controlling his ki perfectly, thus giving goku the option to actually combine 2 power ups that come from the same source
Kaio-ken is a technique. SSJ is a transformation. Both a multipliers. They can be used at the same time and that has already happened before. But it was in that movie with Janemba. Plus he could only use that because he was dead. Otherwise it would have killed him.
SSJB gives a perfect ki control which is necessity if he would want to use Kaio-ken because he could die if he can't control that surge of ki.
Question to you guys, because Iīve gotten into an argument with somebody: Do you really think, Dragon Ball Super is as good as DBZ?
It baffles my mind to think that, because just remember all those iconic, dramatic, tension-filled fights and situations. When C15 and C14 appeared and nobody knew what was going on. Then C16, C17 and C18 wrecking the shit out of our heroes. Finally Cell appearing, murdering entire cities by eating them. Tenshinhan giving his best to stop imperfect Cell. Vegeta shooting perfect Cell with his final flash attack. The permanent SSJ state of Goku and Gohan. Then the Boo-arc, where no matter what happened Boo would obliterate his enemy. Goku vs Vegeta.
Meanwhile, other than the Beerus-fight in the beginning (and even that one wasnīt a serious fight), Super has been childsplay so far. The worst being this tournament with its ever changing rules and neither Vegeta nor Goku taking their first fights seriously and losing, Piccolo betting everything on his stupid attack.
I guess I need a reality check here. Is THIS on paar with DBZ? 0_o
I mean...kinda? But that's mainly because I don't have a very high regard for DBZ anymore.
I mean, I liked it when it was new, but a combination of me being older and a bunch of shows that do what it did far better have combined to drastically lower my opinion of it over time.
The content in DBZ was far better, but I think Super has much better pacing. Now if we're talking Super vs. Kai, then its no contest.