The fanservice in this show was pretty jarring at first, but the impact is gone after a single episode since you'll be expecting them thereon after.
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As a precaution you could always just watch an episode of Ladies vs Butlers or Seikon no Qwaser before watching HSOD so the fanservice looks pale in comparison
Say that again after this:Quote:
Originally Posted by ark
gg - Episode 08
I accepts your challenge!
So.... someone tell me why they didn't crawl UNDER the wire?
Or between? Or over? Or any other way one can navigate their way through a few pieces of string? What's interesting is that those wires don't look improvised at all. The wall they attach to would even suggest they're built for that purpose. (but I see no reason why that should be the case).
Boobs needs to learn how to drive. Seriously.
And someone will have to tell me how a jeep can cross water like that. The water can't be less than 2m deep.
Loli-girl annoyed me plenty as well. The others are trying to make some noisy distraction, but cry your head off why don't you? (The fact that she's a girl and had her dad die makes this behaviour understandable, but no less annoying).
Looks like Komuro will get to spend some quality one-on-one with Saeko. HELL YEAH!!
There was something seriously wrong with the whole fight. I like the over the top fighting of the previous eps, but this one had major issues. Those that Bill already mentioned (although I guess those wires were barbed even if the studio had decided to draw few of the barbs) plus the general pacing. It felt like it took forever for being such a simple confrontation, and it wasn't just for artistic purposes.
I take back what I said earlier about boobie-nurse. I thought she was good for driving but apparently she manages to fail even at that, despite the streets being empty of all other traffic. Some trudging zombies she didn't even need to avoid considering the car they were using hardly should have mattered. She plainly sucks and that's it.
Oh, well, maybe the next episode will be better with plenty of Saeko service...
The fanservice pissed me off the most in this episode; it just killed every bit of suspense/entertainment that had built up.
Was the pantyshot necessary with the bullet, and the bullet passing through tits!??!? What the FUCK?! Was he trying to kill Saeko? >.<
Rofl....series needs to decide wheter its a comedy or something with more substance. -_-
Man her boobs must have been moving at such a high speed for the bullet to pass through them. She's not longer human!
okay, before reading anyone else´s comments:
This show has now officially been ruined by fan-service. I can no longer watch this as a zombie-anime. Now, it´s just some tits-anime. THE BULLET FLEW THROUGH BETWEEN HER JIGGLING TITS!!!
Aside from the fan-service, did Komuro try to kill Saeko when he aimed those bullets or what XD
And the whole battle-scene didnt feel right. In previous episodes, they overcame hundreds of zombies. And now they´re like the biggest dumbasses ever. Komuro says "at least we can die together", instead of getting another gun or a bat or doing whatever. Rei cannot stand up anymore for some reason. Takagi decides to leave the jeep, when she could have just shot through an open window or gone up to where Hirano was. And Saeko says "yes I know", when someone says there´s too many of them...well, Saeko never had a problem with that many zombies before.
That becomes even more ridiculous, when suddenly they start running through all of the zombies to get to the other side. Now that´s possible? wtf.And dont even get me started on sensei´s driving. Had she just stopped in a normal way, they could have turned and taken a different path....sigh...
And where´s Hirano super-fantasy-shotgun? He could have killed most of the zombies by himself...
sigh sigh sigh
Much of the gun related things in this episode probably can be explained by the sad fact that probably 0.1% of the Japanese citizens have ever held a gun in their hands, much less shot with one. And those rare who have, aren't even relatives of the ones responsible for composing this annoying travesty of a fight.
Haha. I was also thinking Komuro tried to kill Saeko on purpose. Not seeing shit would have been explained by having a scope but his rifle had iron sights so he should have seen perfectly where he was aiming. And apparently he was aiming at a partner. A nice fellow to have to guard your back. I wonder if Saeko will survive the next episode...
This was the worst episode so far. Why could they not just jump the wire barrier and bash the zombies as they came up? Why not drive through the barrier? It's like all the characters just went full retard this episode.
Bulle through jiggling boobs, i laughed my ass off. Einstein would look upon this anime's physics and weep like a baby.
Whatever, Saeko focused episode next week so who gives a fuck this one made no sense whatsoever?
PS: Wonderful news everyone, the anime is now officially going off on its own and changing events from the manga... prepare for awesome filler content...
Get it right! Good news everyone!~
The other part that got to me almost as bad was Komuro's line, "at least we'll die together" out of nowhere. Wtf......
Using boobs as sandbags to stabilize the gun after recoil......... this just got really ridiculous after the last couple of episodes.
Aside from the bullet passing through boobs... I really don't see a problem with the rest of the episode. I don't get the hate. Probably because I read this years ago.
Have you guys noticed, though, that the most ridiculous scenes feature Saeko? Next episode will be a pain to watch. They keep making up scenes for Saeko and they end up being ridiculous.
But she has so many awesome ones to balance it out. :o
That's an animation problem from the anime studio. The manga version had more realistic wire, the kind you'd see over fences all over town. Some of the zombie's even were ripped to shreds when the hummer (or whatever they are driving) bumped zombies into it.
I keep seeing her scenes as ridiculous. Last episodes scene in the manga, on top of the vehicle, had her crouching as they began to hit Zombies. She never staid standing. Nor she jumped down to fight. Her character was already broken on the manga and they broke her even more in the anime.
I'll stop the manga comparisons now. I just can't take Saeko seriously.
No problems with the fanservice at all, in fact, the more the better! :D
Next ep with even more Saeko awesomeness, fuck yeh!!