The hair colour was probably just due to (shafted) lighting.
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The hair colour was probably just due to (shafted) lighting.
Hohoho, Araragi really made himself look like a pedophile when he started groping Mayoi and saying weird things. It's good to see her again, though, and need more Tsubasa Cat!
He really did grope her. His hands were all over those non-existent breasts. He could have been charged and convicted, if only the victim was not a ghost.
Being a webcast, how's the raw looking?
It's better than I expected. At least the one gg used. Sure the resolution is very low but the quality of the small picture isn't shit like you oft see with webrips.
Quite a funny episode. I liked it. I also liked how Araragi is now in full love mode with Senjougahara. Even if it's hard to see any changes in Senjougahara herself. Suitably Araragi's ahoge is gaining new modes as well.
Normally talking about voice actors and such in an anime would affect me negatively as it would deviate from the feeling of realism of the anime world but it worked well in this episode and series as it's so strongly based on witty conversations anyway.
Mayoi molestation scene surprised me. I thought Araragi would surely attack but I didn't expect it to be that manner of an attack. There's no denying he was checking her chest.
Interesting stuff in any case. Oshino seemed quite different in this episode. Normally he has been giving me an impression of a lazy guy but now he was quite aggressive and I don't mean knocking out Tsubasa.
Wow, gg's subs are total shit. They clearly didn't edit or QC this at all.
Originally Posted by Board of Command
They were serious?? I thought that they were just being trolling douches as usual...
Only issue this time was that instead of 3 mistakes in the script, there were about 30.
Finally got around to watch it and i damn this episode to hell for stopping at the best part... even if it was awesome
First impression, how the fuck did i not notice these before?
And lol, just how many uses for it can they come up with??
It seems fairly obvious ( even more after this ep ) that her one sided crush on Araragi is what causing this whole mess in the first place.
Here's hoping that this all ends in a confession, a declaration of rivalry towards Senjougahara and more yandere eye pocking scenes
For one, it's the first time she's in a button-up PJ.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
And to my knowledge, you don't wear a bra with those. ;)
Yeah, the nipple action told me that much Bill
episode just kinda reminded me why I didn't enjoy watching Bakemonogatari. talk of seiyuu, and conversations about some letters to a radio broadcast.. maybe I just don't understand the ingenious complexities of the series, but I yawned through this entire episode.
and the worse part of it is that the oddity focus (for the 10% of the episode that talks about that), is on a neko-mimi blatant fanservice chick...
(NSFW: sankaku domain)
Bestselling TV Anime BluRay Ever: Bakemonogatari
Jesus, it's like a whole new anime!
So many redone scenes, i might have to archive both the bluray and the TV versions...
Originally Posted by Archangel
My thougts too, I think changes might seem superficial, but since it changes the atmosphere, surrondings etc... It might have a very different impact. Add to this the fact that when watching that second edition, you already know the story for each ep, I wonder how each of us will react to that second version.
I would be wondering if Shinobu...woke up, so to speak. They mentioned she's little more than a fragment of her former self, but that doesn't mean she doesn't regenerate the same way Arararagi-san does. Maybe it just takes her a while longer. Since most of her vampire-ness went...wherever it went (can't say without seeing that arc), her powers and existence are slowly returning. Perhaps she's is coming back as more Shinobu than whatever her name was before.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
The cat itself certainly seemed to recognize what the problem was right from the start, though Araragi is probably too dense to notice, I'm certain any of the other girls would. In fact, two episodes ago, it seemed that Sengoku caught wind of something or another at the crosswalk without even knowing the details of their relationship. She bolted, and I'm not so sure it had anything to do with her being shy. She had no such problems with Kanbaru.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Seeing and hearing about him happily talk about Hitagi makes her get the worst headaches.
This isn't something that Oshino or Araragi can solve that easily. If she confesses, and he rejects her (as he well should with Hitagi), she may go full berserk.
most of those didn't seem like that big of deal.. i don't think i'll be rewatching for those scenes anyways.
huh, so the use of rl hands wasn't just them being artsy, they actually just didn't have time to animate a hand? interesting..
actually thought 13 was a pretty decent episode aside from the annoying cliffhanger. and i absolutely loved the scene with Hachikuji. all her scenes are excellent, and i like that she takes a completely different angle on the whole Senjougahara thing. ryll mentioned it, but i thought she picked up on Tsubasa's crush too. doesnt hurt that i am in love with the comedic musical track they often use in her scenes.
i actually watched a different fansub with 13 (pem) and while it was about the same as gg, i havent been terribly happy with the work either has been putting in on this series. i would be interested in the dvd to see what the official work produces.
the scene with Senjougahara's dad in episode 12 has to be one of the more memorable moments in this series for me. the part where Senjougahara tells him to go back to work and says goodbye to him, with a shot of the car lights simply turning off, was done very well, i thought. i noticed that gg didn't translate the kanji that appeared on the street. i could make out a few characters names, but they just totally skipped all that.